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Posts posted by Crusher


    Crusher, you read what you want to read, plain and simple.


    You discount anything negative I've ever said about Taylor, and I've said negative things, including saying countless times over the last 4 or 5 months that I don't think Taylor is the Bills long term answer at QB anymore but is, instead, a good momentary placeholder until the team finds its long term answer.


    That's what I've been saying because that's what I feel.











    I feel it. I think it.


    But guess what, just because I feel and think that right now, I might change my mind in 2017 if Taylor plays really well. I have that right because there's more football to see with Taylor in a Bills uniform.


    You seem to view people who change their minds with derision. Frankly, it's a real character flaw if you're so stubborn you completely ignore reality and refuse to change your mind just because you held so steadfast to it for so long.


    There's no one with a clearer agenda than you and your horrid cult. You're aim is derision, plain and simple. It's a sad, sad agenda. You've publicly stated how excited you'd be to start slamming all pro-Tyrod posters.


    You diagnose away, but you're bad at it, so try keeping it to yourself, please.



    Read your post I responded to. Don't be a hypocrite. I know you have the mental capacity to compartmentalize arguments even if you're too stubborn and arrogant to actually do it.



    Well, that's what you guys are resembling.


    "Holy cow!" is right. You guys are pretty frightening in the way you're driven by your prejudiced mob mentality...

    I read what I wanna read? You don't read what you post. This isn't me reaching for a conclusion...you have a longstanding, established pattern. Not just here, but long before here. What was it...19 out of 22 threads started on Taylor on the now deceased BBMB? What was the overall tone in those threads? Has it changed here? Do you really want to claim that you aren't obsessed and clearly think much more of him than you try to pass off? You're fooling no one.


    You wanna accuse posters of agendas and a prejudiced mob? Are you exempt because you are on the other side of the discussion? I'm truly shocked you chose to respond in this fashion. Maybe I gave you too much credit?


    And all of this hostility and name calling coming from you? This definitely reeks of a poster who has come unraveled.


    This cements the end of a viable discussion on your part, so I'll kindly walk away knowing I was the one who handled this topic with common decency and stayed above the fray.


    Sorry you couldn't maintain. I truly didn't think you would come unglued over what was simple discussion.

  2. So I'm not the only one who thinks Rodgers is secretly gay... good to know. I just have a feeling.

    This explains so much...


    I can answer that for you. No most here don't watch other teams. There are a lot of posters that don't even watch every Bills game. It drives me mad reading "analysis" from guys that I know only watched Sports center and regurgitate thoughts. Shoot once a thread goes past 1 page most don't even read the entire thing to see if their point has been discussed yet.


    I am the op of this thread and was surprised to see it bumped today. Aaron finally moving on from his beard I see. (I keed) For BBMBers and new guys this thread was started to poke fun at the anti TT crusaders. There favorite stat before this post was TT had never won a game when trailing by 4. This thread is a perfect example of how you can pluck a stat about most players to make them seem worse than they are. You can make it more than that if you'd like but it wasn't my intention. I thought it was a funny stat and one that showed just how skewed some stat presentations can be.


    Rodgers is amazing and one of the best if not the best in the game (Brady until he retires for me :sick: ). I need to type that so Crusher can get over himself :nana: . I'm pro TT and can recognize that he falls somewhere around the 20th best in the league. Hopefully he can improve and I think he can. So if you need to be an asshat and continue the "CoT" ridiculousness feel free but I recognize who he is make no mistake. I hope for better because I've seen flashes (Seattle, Miami #2), because he has only started 29 games, and because he qbs the Bills. Will he get there? Who knows? Not me. What the anti-TT people need to realize is not them either...

    Another poster talking from both sides of his mouth.


    You recognize who TT is, but you think he can improve?


    Sorry...it's actually much more likely that he has maxed out his abilities.


    Wow Crusher, I realize that you have this innate desire to find a way to belittle people, but making stuff up and creating this alternate reality where everyone believes what you think they believe rather than what they actually tell you believe is just bizarre and pathetic.


    A couple pages ago people criticized me for being annoyed with people who post opinions as facts by stating that because it's a message board, the fact that it's an opinion is implicit. That may be true, but posters like you, who post stupid (*gasp*... yes, I'm using the word "stupid" here, because you telling me how I think or feel is stupid) posts like this and especially the one before it implying that you somehow know me and it gives you every right to belittle me based on what you think I think rather than what I've said is just ridiculous.


    You and anyone who uses the phrase "CoT" (which you so disturbingly and quickly embraced) are the worst form of cult on this message board... you might as well put on sheets, pointy white hats, and carry around ropes with a Neuss at the end.



    What's in bold says it all.



    Yeah, you don't discount that... that's probably how he improved his game from when he was drafted so he could win the starting job in Buffalo.


    But has he been under the tutelage of a very good coaching staff or QB for the last 2 years?

    Let me start by addressing your remarks on me telling people what they believe. Anyone that reads posts by yourself and a handful of others knows that you are absolutely committed to defending Taylor. You have gone well beyond defending TBH, and have moved into the obsessed category. You have blamed coaches, players, injuries, and every other reason in the book for Taylor's play, but nearly always fall short in your criticism for the man himself. What I've done is read what you and others have posted and have diagnosed it for what it is...again, it's easy to see. Talking out of both sides of your mouth is what you have been doing. Maybe you don't realize it...maybe you do. I'm just calling out the behavior for what it appears to be.


    And as far as Taylor winning the competition...it was against two guys that were at a point where they had no business on the field, so proclaiming that as some kind of validation for Taylor is complete and utter foolishness.


    And there you go again finishing the post off with a criticism of the coaching staff the last two years. You have once again validated my original point, thanks.


    And did you really compare myself and others who use the CoT with the Klan?


    Holy cow!

  4. His former coaching staff, and especially his former Ravens' teammates, are some of his most vocal supporters.

    Sure they were...he is by all accounts a hard worker and likeable guy.


    The thing with that though is they often show support and speak highly of guys they were friends with and respected. What carries more weight is the team itself and the coaches who chose to let him walk after his four years were up. And you also have some Ravens joking about making him be a QB after they completely stymied him in last season's opener.

  5. I would submit that one season of decline is an insufficient sample size on which to draw a conclusion.

    It's all we have to go on at this point, unfortunately.


    I also think that you can't discount the fact that he was under the tutelage of a very good coaching staff and QB for four years prior.

  6. You make a good point,


    Tyrod Taylor will become the next Bills franchise QB IMO.


    Lord knows I'm not always right, but Taylors work ethic is whats going to take Tyrod and his football team to the next level in my humble opinion.


    I'm a Billiever...

    Good for you if you believe that. Who am I to tell you that you shouldn't?


    We should all believe what we want to. Some choose to look at facts and base their beliefs on that, and others believe blindly or out of pure emotion.


    Whatever the reason...believe in what you wish to.


    And contrary to some posters here, I would welcome a scenario like the one you envision. I just don't believe in it.

  7. The difference is Rodgers can make throws when the defense knows it's an obvious passing play.


    When teams sit back and drop back in coverage on Taylor, he is simply unable to beat that coverage. His lack of reading the field and anticipating receivers is the main culprit here. His inability to decipher coverage pre snap and check out of plays is another one.


    I don't think anyone that watches Rodgers late in games questions whether he can get the job done or not. Everyone should know this guy is a top level QB and can pass the football as good as anyone...no matter what part of the game it is.


    Another thread made by someone who believes Tyrod is much more than the low level starter/fringe backup that he truly is.


    These are CoT threads cloaked.

  8. This stikes me as a rather silly analysis, and more than a little hypocritical. Opinions that differ from yours are not automatically "horrid" (a ridiculous word to use in this context), any more than your opinions are gospel.


    Tyrod Taylor is what he is, and there were quite a few starting QBs in 2016 that he was better than. The truth is that TT is currently middle-of-the-road. But, there are as many reasons to believe he could improve in 2017 as there are reasons to believe he won't.


    No doubt, in your mind, that "horrid" opinion makes me "obsessed."

    What I was trying to say, and what you have failed to grasp, is that these posters keep telling us how good he was in 2015, how he didn't lose games like Oakland and Pittsburgh, and how injuries and other factors were all to blame instead of placing any blame on Taylor himslef. Then when other posters call them out on it, they try and tell you that they agree that he's a stopgap/bridge QB, and that they have no illusion to what type of player he is. To me, this doesn't add up. I believe they actually have a much higher opinion of Tyrod, and if you read the majority of their posts, it's fairly easy to see.


    As to you're statement that there are as many reasons to believe he'll improve as there are to believe he won't, I simply disagree.


    I have no problem with other's opinions, but when they constantly contradict themselves by excusing his play and blaming others while in the same breath saying they agree that he's not the guy moving forward...I have to call BS on it.

  9. The CoT pretends that they agree with the premise that Taylor is just a stopgab/bridge QB, but all the excuses they make, and the way they keep taking up for him tells me different.


    These posters absolutely believe he's something that he's never shown to be...they just can't flat out say it because it would instantly render their opinion horrid.


    I'm convinced that several posters will always believe Tyrod is something more, even when he's off this roster, and possibly even after he's out of the league. What these posters feel for this guy is strange to say the least. I'll likely never truly understand where the infatuation comes from, but it's undeniable that it exists within them.


    The future is going to hurt much more for these folks than myself. I suggest slowly preparing to emotionally detach yourselves from this awful obsession of a guy who is a RB impersonating a QB, and who is not doing a very good job of it at that.

  10. And yet, the restructure sounds like a coach who needs to save $10M or he's gonna cut him loose.

    Transplant doesn't know what coach speak is, apparently.


    Actions speak louder than words, however, so yes...that restructure says a whole lot more than a coach endorsing the guy who will be their QB this upcoming season.


    Yes, but it's not like there's an exact formula to it and it's not like those are the only 2 things to consider.


    But yes, I 100% would take 32 TDs and 11 INTs over 16 TDs and 4 INTs.


    But really we should be talking total TDs and total turnovers considering much of Taylor's production (whether you like it or not... and many don't) is on the ground.



    Actually, it worked with Vick. His personal life and injuries ultimately derailed his career.

    Vick is a better player and was more dynamic when he ran.


    Tyrod can be successful to a degree, but what they are talking about doing with him is because he's just not a good passer.


    It may work ok for a time, but I don't believe it's sustainable.


    seems coach sees something in TT that the adamant anti TT fans don't. but wait, this nearly 40 pages of back and forths says different?




    whose word should I trust...?




    "It really fits Tyrod getting him on the perimeter with the run game and ball-faking and bootlegs and so forth," McDermott said. "I believe in that system. Ive gone against it and know how hard to defend in run and pass game. It's a great asset for us to have a guy of Tyrods skill-set under center for us."





    I'll go with the coach...

    The same things were said fir Vick and Tebow. Just let them move around, run, and occasionally pass the football.


    It's a gimmick offense designed to cover up a limited passer, and it's proven to not work.

  13. A more complex passing offense allows you to make more plays and put pressure on the defense into making tough decisions when it comes to coverage. Yes...it will sometimes lead you to more riskier throws that may be INT'S, but it also should allow you to get the ball into playmakers hands more, and you should be much better getting pass production...especially late in games where we seem to struggle mightily passing.


    That's where I stand on that. It's a fine line to walk between taking chances and running a more elaborate passing attack, but I think we have been too simple and have hurt ourselves late in games due to this approach.


    Is that approach due to Taylor and his limitations. From what I have seen and heard...I believe so.

  14. Again, I'll defer to the actual professionals that believe tyrod is a great fit. Your logic makes no sense.



    kubiak and dennison praised tyrod in Baltimore.then wanted to bring him in Denver to run their offense. If he was a disaster waiting to happen in this offense then Kubiak wants nothing to do with tyrod. And don't think that Dennison did not pull for tyrod to stay in buffalo as he and tyrod have remained close. His mobility and ability to throw on the run make him a very good fit.look how well jeff garcia did in the wco.

    The only thing Jeff Garcia and Tyrod have in common is the ability to make throws on the run. Besides that...nothing. Garcia was smart and made quick decisions. He also had a good feel for the pocket and adjusted to what the defense was giving him. Tyrod is the complete opposite of that.


    Once again...if this staff thought so highly of Tyrod, they wouldn't have left him in the dark about what the planned on doing with him, and they certainly wouldn't have asked him to take a whole lot less guaranteed money with no assurances that he's on the roster beyond next season.


    Tyrod is endorsed by this staff because he was the best choice for stability at the position next season at the price they liked. Stability is one thing...liking him as the guy to take them to the promised land is another.


    You're arguing oranges and my argument is vegetable juice... sure they're almost sorta connected, but they aren't.


    I was arguing about his per-game stats, Crusher. You get that, right? Yeah, you can call it a stretch to average out what he did on a per game basis in 14 games into 16. That's fine. If it were stretching out 7 games into 16, I could see your argument, but it's 2 games he was missing numbers for. If he played in those 2 games, he obviously would have put stats up. The argument was about Taylor's level of production in 2015, which was much better than you or many give him credit for. Some of you want to argue about how he got those numbers... except he still got them.


    I said, all along, that what he did in 2015 was incredibly underappreciated by posters like you and that it would be almost ridiculous to actually expect him to improve his production. I said, all along, that I expected a dip in production, myself, but that if Taylor could somehow maintain his level of production, he would undoubtedly be our Franchise QB and if he maintained that level throughout his career, those are HOF numbers he's putting up.


    You guys are blinding yourselves in your anti-Tyrod sentiments that you can't even acknowledge that if anyone's way off in this, it's not me. Maybe I'm off in the idea that Taylor would be a sure-fire HOFer, but when 808 calls it "ridiculous" to think that when you actually do all the thinking about it goes off the deep end in the opposite direction.


    You're focusing on "how" he got the production, my argument alone was the production itself, which many over at BBMB actually claimed they needed more of.


    So, regardless of HOW he got there, if Taylor had a Passer Rating of 99.4 for his entire career, he would be 3rd in career Passer rating ahead of many, many HOF QBs and (again I firmly believe) would be in the HOF.





    Don't come at me with his stats being propped up because of a system. That has absolutely nothing to do with the argument we had last year. It was about production and production alone.


    In terms of his production in 2015, if he would have maintained his production throughout his career on a game by game basis, that would be a HOF-worthy QB.

    The fact is you can't give him production he didn't give you. You wanna extrapolate numbers, and I do not believe in such methods.



    You are also jumping to another conclusion by saying if he maintained those numbers that you extrapolated that it would make him a HOF'er. Maybe, but if he never achieves anything in terms of winning, and if he doesn't sustain that production for a very long period (let's say at least eight seasons), then he certainly wouldn't be a lock IMO.


    Anyways...the argument was silly in the first place. Who even thinks along the lines of this guy producing at a level he never achieved to start with(injured and less production since).


    The point here is that you keep going above and beyond to try and make Tyrod sound better than he is. You have converted rush yards to pass in an attempt to bolster his numbers, you have extrapolated numbers, and have insinuated that he would be hall of fame material if he stayed on the path that even he didn't stay on because he missed games due to injury.


    At some point...you have to be realistic about what this guy has done and who he is.

  16. You don't think it's a bit much to genuinely hate someone based on their communication on a message board?

    He has always been that type of poster. Nearly every post has a word edited due to language. Only certain individuals cannot control themselves to not use that language, and they are not regarded as intelligent or well mannered.


    Just calling it like I see it.

  17. Lol what? I offered you a bet that said Tyrod would be starting on some team on Week 1 of the 2017 season and you declined to take it. Now you're just making crap up.

    I challenged you and Larry to the same bet.


    We couldn't agree on the bet you wanted to make, this is true.

  18. Really? Do you remember the entire context of the argument, yet? You haven't bothered trying to prove it wrong in any way.


    Try. Please. This would be the epitome of thinking objectively.


    Tell me how it's a ridiculous thing to say a QB who, over a 16 game season (for the ones he's healthy) would consistently put up 4150 yards, 28 TDs, 7 INTs with the 2nd highest career passer Rating in NFL history would be in the HOF? And if you're one of those "wins are on the QB" guys then also a guy who wins more games than he loses and, therefore, likely ends up in the playoffs multiple times.



    Tell me how that's a ridiculous thing to say? Now you're not actually arguing against my point, you're just saying something dumb because to go so far as to call that "ridiculous" is ludicrous.

    What's ridiculous is trying to make an argument based off stats he didn't even achieve one year, let alone more than one.


    It's just further proof and goes to show the incredible lengths you and other CoT members go to for a guy that just isn't very good.


    And please leave the passer rating nonsense alone. We all know he ran a simplified offense with low risk, high percentage throws to pump up that rating. Ask him to do more (2016) and you see what happens.



    you aren't worth betting with...you're a nobody. just too bad you had to crawl over to this board and taint it with your bull ****.

    A nobody that has you responding with anger...par for the course with you.


    It's posters like you who have brought the same garbage with you. I have always kept discussions here on topic and haven't let my emotions affect my behavior and posting here.


    You have obviously failed here in that aspect, along with others who can't deal with an opinion contrary to your own.

  20. Of course the Bills are not haters. They are willing to pay him $30m plus incentives over the next 2 seasons. Sounds like they kinda like him or otherwise they could have found another veteran out there to play for $5m per season.


    Again, if you think Tyrod is bad then you must not be optimistic about our HC. McDermott hired an OC who really likes Tyrod and there has been a complete analysis of Tyrod done by this coaching staff. They believe they can win with him and i am siding with the professionals on this one.

    They also gave themselves the option to get out from under him at little to no cost.


    And you have no idea what they think of Tyrod. It could be that he was seen as the best option for next season due to the weak crop of QB'S available in free agency and the draft. He's familiar with the players and he doesn't turn the ball over. He makes sense in that regard...to suggest they believe they can win with him is debatable.


    Everything that has transpired leads me to believe that there just wasn't much else out there at a better price, and that they could do worse than keep a guy who's got a familiarity with the team at a discounted price.


    If they truly felt strongly about him, I don't think he would have had to settle for less money and less years on a reworked deal. JMO

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