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Posts posted by Kmart128


    ....so in your view, he'd be a good signing, perhaps to the PS and promote Reilly kid who has certainly earned a shot.....

    Id say Etta Tawo to the actual roster. I had a 3rd or 4th round grade on him. The only things wrong with the kid is he may have just been a product of the system and he does drop a few. The thing is though he has always dropped balls during practice... even at Syracuse. But he has better hands in games. I remember a couple drops he had but not many. I remember one big drop in his 270 yards game. But 270 yards, you should be excused for one drop lol.


    Impressive highlights. Looks like he's got some speed to him as well.


    He must really have some unimpressive lowlights as well to not have been drafted.

    He doesnt have many. The guy was a flat out beast. He went undrafted only because he played in Dino Babers hurry up scheme. He runs what Art Briles ran at Baylor. Many scouts assumed that he was just a product of the scheme because he struggled to get on the field in Maryland. When he tranfered to Syracuse and went into Babers offense. Thats when he exploded.


    While that was a fantastic game for him, Pitt were 127th out of 128 teams in pass D last year. Worse than Texas Tech

    Remember when Obi Melanfawu lit up the combine... Etta Tawo destroyed him when they played UCONN. 12 catches 270 yards and 2 TDs against one of the best DBs in the country. He played great against anybody who lined up across him


    Nop, it was the same as the Sanders Catch / no Catch... he didn´t complete the catch as he felt down and lost the ball.


    For me it was a good no challenge.


    But what I like to see there is the referees call the TD so it would have to be reviewed. I think all controversial calls in the end zone should be given the proper review, not just scoring plays.

    I disagree. Tolbert made a football move towards the goalline before falling down so i think it would have been called a catch and TD. Or a catch, fumble and touchback for Broncos depending on when the ball came out.


    The difference between Sanders and Tolberts catches is that Tolbert made a football move before going to the ground while Sanders never made such move.

  4. I love Jimbo but the more he supports this child president,the more respect I lose for him...its like Damien running the oval.

    Really? Look who is being childish.... you lose respect for him due to his politcal views??? The guy beat cancer twice and deserves respect from everyone for his accomplishments both on the field and with his battle with cancer. Total hypocrit calling other childish when your entire post was childish

  5. Leonard Johnson recognized it in the formation. He audibled to the other guys then moved in. He didnt make the play but he was probably the sole reason we snuffed that out

    I still have no idea how the refs missed our guy calling timeout right in the middle of the field.

    It wasnt a timeout. Johnson was audibling

  6. McD once again clueless with clock management. Literally let 15 seconds run off the clock before calling the timeout before Denver kicker their FG. Don't tell me that extra time didn't impact the playbook availability on our last drive. It's great that we got the FG to tie, but it's been two consecutive weeks where McD's clock management is called into question. Good coaches just don't do that and it's a concern moving forward.

    Dont believe he planned on calling timeout... buts his defense had hands on their hips and were breathing heavy. Seemed they only called it cause they were tired out there

  7. Wish Shady would just keep his mouth shut on the issue... you may not like Trump but he is 100% right on this issue. Im all for free speech but the NFL is a business. Its a job. We dont go to our jobs and start a protest during work hours... if we did that we would get fired just like players in the NFL should.


    I dont agree with their position but they have right to believe what they want and express themselves but should do it on their own time. Not at work. Its very unprofessional.

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