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Posts posted by Cherrybone

  1. You should just make that your Sig. it would save you time typing this every single post. It should also tell you something about the quality of threads you have started.

    I never mentioned anything about interest gangstas because I don't do the back and forth over the Internet that's to easy. Also if you have a problem with the quality of my threads you know you don't have to respond.

  2. Boldin is one of my favorite wrs. He is a respected vet in the NFL. He is a leader of men. He has been apart of a winning franchise. If you were a young bills player, you have to have this mentality of you ever want to accomplish anything.


    Go troll elsewhere.

    I agree about Boldin and that's why I can't believe he said he came to Buffalo to win a championship. Not trolling at all. I swear its a lot of Internet gangstas on this board. Lol

  3. I just would love to know in what? I'm wondering if he thought those ping pong tables was still around. He must be great at ping pong. This team is nowhere near championship level at all. Watching this preseason game says a lot. Still undisciplined, receivers can't get separation (thanks a lot Beane) and Tyrod, oh boy. Where are the ones that's always advertising his QBR?

  4. Just to give you a heads up Cherrybone, this place is not like BBMB. It is frowned upon to continue starting random new threads. There is already a Tyrod thread ongoing. This should have just been posted there. It's how this place works.

    For example, I have just over 700 posts now and I have started maybe 2 new threads total out of those 700 posts.


    Before you start a new thread, they want you to use the search function for the topic you are thinking about starting. In this case the topic would be "Tyrod Taylor". So you use that search function on the top of the page to search for Tyrod Taylor, then post this there instead of starting a new thread (or you can just look and see there is a Tyrod thread on the front page).


    Anyway, just letting you know since you're relatively new here.


    Thank definitely appreciate the heads up. Finally somebody reasonable enough to explain things without assuming that a person just want to start threads just for the sake of starting them. Thanks again

  5. BB already told us this during his press conference. He said he didn't want McD's focus to be on anything but the game.

    I kind of understand his explanation. However when you trade someone of Sammy's stature, wouldn't it only be right to discuss it with the head coach before you pull the trigger. Sammy was a huge part of this offense. I'm not trying to draw conclusions but it make no sense.


    :lol: at an OP's thread getting locked and having the related thread being referenced from two days earlier. That's a first AFAIK.

    Some of you guys take this board to serious. Grammar police, irritated by threads that don't meet your standards, and constantly bashing people whose opinions differ from yours. This board must be some of your lives. I'll continue to post and if you don't like it don't respond. It won't hurt my feelings. There are plenty of threads I feel just don't warrant a response. Nothing on this board will irritate me enough that I have to rant and let some stranger know that they had a huge affect on my day. Lol. Oh and I forgot the thread counters. Lol
  7. You seem to be under the impression that every time a synapse fires and you have a half-baked thought that it should be memorialized in its own thread. Why is that?

    You seem to have some sort of obsession with my threads why is that? I asked about Jones progress because I thought I may have missed something. The last I heard he was slated as the #1 receiver. And to see that I thought he must of had some good days. Also if my threads bothers you, you do know you're not obligated to respond?? Just a thought.

  8. When the season starts and Tyrod is struggling through 3 to 4 games I'd pull him and insert Peterman.


    Here's my reasoning. To start Tyrod is a veteran and if you're 3 to 4 games down and there's no improvement on Tyrod's part then just accept the fact that he is what he is and that's below average for his experience.


    Now to Peterman. See what you have in him for the remainder of the season. He may be the future and he may not. At the worst he's a back up. However if he end up showing promise then it allows the Bills to use those draft picks on a wr, and some o-line help. Bottom line is those picks could be better used getting a quality vet at a position of need or draft a future star. At the end of the day knowing what you have in Peterman helps tremendously.

    There are still holes to fill.


    1. He started all 16 games as a rookie


    2. In the only stretch of his career during which he was targeted more than 5 times per game (the final 9 games of the 2015 season), he was the most productive WR in the NFL.


    3. The statement about far less at QB is highly debatable.

    Exaaactly. I'll get into the far less qb. To start the qb or qb's are considered lesser then Tyrod because of looking at numbers blindly, especially turnovers. They may throw more int's then Tyrod, but the most important thing is they're getting the ball out of their hands and giving receivers chances. And even throughout that they're receivers will still be more productive then Sammy and thats because Sammy is playing with a qb that wont throw the ball at all. But in some people eyes that make him slightly above average because he dont throw that many int's. Do that make a average receiver better then Sammy? Matthews is nowhere near Sammys level. Later for the numbers. Hes getting more opportunities then Sammy is. If it werent for some of the chances other qb's take that result in int's these guys would be light years ahead of Tyrod.


    Ask any receiver would they rather play with a qb thats not scared to allow them to make a play on the ball or would they rather play with a qb like Tyrod who dont turn the ball over because hes scared to take chances and has happy feet and will run at the first sight of a different jersey. Remember receivers are divas. Ill take a qb thats not scared to throw the ball over Tyrod any day

  10. He has a career high 69 catches. That's a joke. He should approach closer to twice that number. He's open virtually every play because there isn't a DB alive who can cover him but the Bills never have the QB who can throw it on time and play pitch n catch all day long


    And there were plenty of open receivers last season not named Watkins who just did not get the ball because the QB can't see the field and distribute the rock consistently.


    I don't want to argue with y'all about Tyrod endlessly. If You think he's good then good for you, I'm just stating my perspective

    Thaaaaaaaaaank you. The Steelers game was a prime example of how bad Tyrod is. If a receiver isnt WIDE OPEN Tyrod wont get them the ball bottom line. Not only that if Tyrod is really that good why was he forced to take a huge pay cut and years off of his deal? That dont happen to even good qb's. Tyrod hurt Sammys play bottom line.

    I'm going to repeat this, part of the Patriots model is signing players away from the Bills. Furthermore when you have the greatest player in he game, possibly of all time, you can get away with some mediocre players. Let me know when the Bills have a player that is in the same class as Brady, because it is unlikely that will ever happen if you trade or let good players walk.

    With this regime if they ever get a player of Bradys caliber they will most likely trade him away for draft picks.

  11. I believe he can be a good one. I hope for the Bills sake he do. The only problem is the moment he reach elite status some expert in the front office will sit around brainstorming how many picks they can turn him into. So Ill just continue to support my team and try to control my emotions and expectations. Ill just realize and recognize why we havent been to the playoffs in 17yrs and counting.


    We will build a great team eventually and then we will bring in a head coach that will want to change a successful scheme to something that dont fit the current roster. Then the front office will start getting him some of his players. Then he will get fired and they will bring in a coach to bring the old scheme back and by then its to late because you now need more players that will fit this current coach scheme. Sound familiar?

  12. So the Rams worst corner( Gaines is a thrown in let's be honest) and a 2nd round pick (that this team has shown consistently is far from a sure thing )is worth more to this team than a healthy WR of Watkins skill set? And you lose nothing by finding out? Mr Beane does not appear to be very smart. And I have one agenda : winning. That means retaining top talent.

    I thought thats what you are supposed to do retain top talent. I guess the new way is get rid of definite talent and gamble on picks that are basically possibles? Forgot to mention top young talent. And they dont fit into the new regimes plans? They obviously dont have plans

  13. and so does every single team in the league.

    And the other teams thats done it do it strategically ala the Patriots. They allow talent to walk because theyre getting prepared to address a different issue, The Bills let players walk because egos, scheme fit, or always determining this player isnt worh it or that player isnt worth it. Nothing strategic at all. Buffalo is starting to be the place where you finish out your rookie contract and you get out asap.

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