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Posts posted by Cherrybone

  1. And miss out on your next epiphany, subsequent bludgeoning by the board, followed by your passionate defense of your stillborn baby??? Never.

    I knew you wouldn't that's why I dared you. I can tell that I give you life. You're lonely, and the only time that you feel you're functioning amongst society is through this board, that's why you're so hell bent over this board. Imagine if they shut it down.

  2. Yet you come here and start a new thread to discuss any fleeting interaction you had with another fan or anytime the synapses start firing and you have a partial thought.

    Do I need a restraining order for you and Auggie? If you don't like what I post why respond. I don't respond to anything you post and if I do its about what you post. I don't care who don't like me I know you, Aug goes, and there's another 26 something you guys love me. I really have three fans on this board. I'll be in Buffalo for the Denver game. Maybe I'll give you three a autograph. As a matter of fact I dare you to put me on your ignore list.

  3. No where has anybody said this, OP. 5 Pro Biowls? Your imagination felt this was worth starting a topic over??

    We've fallen so far..

    This board nor the attention from the board is that important for me to have to make something up. I went back and forth with the guy and questioned why he said it. He said that the city of Buffalo has the tendency to overrated a few players. He said on another team Kyle would be just an average player. Anyway, I do understand that this board is a lot of your lives. Not mine. I could've just raved about how good he was yesterday. I just brought up the overrated part because I myself couldn't believe it was said. It's not that serious. You guys love this board for real.

  4. No where has anybody said this, OP. 5 Pro Biowls? Your imagination felt this was worth starting a topic over?? This board isn't that important for me to have to make something up. I went back and forth with the guy that stated he was overrated and how the city of Buffalo overrate players due to the constant losing. This board isn't that serious to me. I understand this is a lot of your lives. But not mine.


    We've fallen so far..

  5. When had anyone said Williams was overrated? He's about the only guy that doesn't get crapped on here

    On one of my posts someone said he's overrated. They even went on to say that he's just admired here because it's Buffalo and on another team he would be a average player. Trust me it's been said. Some even went on to say that he's a part of the same d-line that was gashed constantly for huge chunks of rushing yards the past couple of seasons.

  6. A few times I've noticed some say that Kyle is overrated. I was shocked and even wondered why people even think that. After yesterday's game and considering his age I still can't understand why would anyone say that about Kyle. At 34yrs old the guy is attacking the backfield and on the same play getting back to make a play on a receiver. One thing I will say is I didn't see a younger Dareus make that kind of effort. Kyle was very disruptive yesterday. He's still quick off the line and his timing is crazy. He's always the first d-linemen to attack the moment the offense snap the ball.


    I wish Kyle could be here for years to come but looking at his play in this first game I can see him going for a few more seasons. I know that's probably not the reality but it would be cool. I just Dareus would get encouraged and step up his play. Kyle is a great example to follow. Overrated should never be a word to describe him ever again.

  7. He just loves the attention of starting new threads....

    Even if what you said were true, why do you think I want your attention? Hmmmm. I have a lovely family so attention is something I definitely don't need to seek on a message board. Also I must annoy you but how bad is it when you basically stalk me and respond with something negative. Never respond to the topic at hand you just respond with your negativity towards me. So it's obvious you're the one seeking attention. Anyway all I can say is God bless you and enjoy the season.

  8. I'm asking because I do believe this is a bold way to go. Eventually this will be a very young inexperienced team with a few veterans here and there.


    The questions I have are, will the fanbase be patient enough after a 17 to 18yr drought?


    Can you attract veterans with such a young team that's inexperienced?


    The one that really worries me is what if these picks don't pan out? How do you recover?


    I really want to understand and believe in the process. I just feel like it's like gambling your last bit of money away.


    If you really think that these guys don't play for the money, than you can't possibly be of sound mind.


    "Yes - I'm Kyle Williams and I love the fact that I've been on a team that has gone from a senile owner to an arrogant douchebag who thought it would be great to hire Rex Ryan. I'm going to take this paycheck because I LOVE THIS PLACE ... not because it's more than I'd get anywhere else."


    Okay. That sounds logical.

    No it don't. This is most likely Kyle's last year. However you don't think Kyle could've gotten more elsewhere? Including going to the playoffs?

  10. Misled about what, exactly? He's on his second owner, 6th head coach, 5th GM and like his 8th DC... he knows what happens with regime changes. He's not some star crossed rookie...


    Maybe he decided to give these guys a chance and continue playing a game for a living.

    Well when you look at this team before all of the trades the roster wasn't that bad. Now there's a bunch of receivers who can't seem to get open. Also before all of the movement the run scheme worked just fine and that changed. Add Sammy and Zay with a good te ala Charles Clay, this team looked as if they could sustain drives and keep the defense off the field and allow them to get some rest. I'm sure Kyle didn't anticipate this much movement at all. Regardless of how things looked in the past sometimes you feel you can win with the guys you grow with especially if you're put in the right situation.


    This is just plain stupid!!!!


    They only let one possibly good player go in Sammy and we all know his health is a crapshoot. I believe they figured they wouldn't resign him so they got something for him while they could. The WR they brought in has been more productive than Sammy to boot...


    Kyle has played in a 4-3 so not a big deal.


    Yeah now this team is loaded with a bunch of slot receivers that barely get separation which will make things harder on Tyrod being as though he only like to throw the deep ball. Also a good back up running back that spelled McCoy pretty well and a scheme that don't fit our qb/rb. Yeah we're headed for the playoffs.

  12. Who said he was motivated by money? Or a me first player lol

    He's paid to come to work just like everyone else. He could retire if he didn't want to since money isn't important to him right?

    Just like Boldin did. If he was upset or felt duped by the coaching staff or whatever he could just hang it up.

    I mean you wanna start threads that are 100% speculation and opinion and then debate everyone who doesn't agree more power to you. But I sure don't feel bad for some guy making millions of dollars who doesn't have to if he doesn't want to right?


    Not debating at all. But I find it quite strange to use Boldin of all people. Yeah Boldin did retire once he felt duped but Boldin is also trying to come back and to the Patriots at that. Kyle isn't that kind of player. More then likely he'll play the season out and then retire.

  13. Sure sure.. Love of the game and city lol..

    Did you just become a fan last year? Kyle clearly isn't that type of player. Never heard of him crying about contract issues, never heard of him complaining about constantly switching schemes, personnel,or anything for that matter. As good as he is he could've been asked for a trade or demanded one. Just look how Dareus is carrying himself. He's clearly showing he don't want to be here. Never heard of Kyle being late. But yeah his motivation is clearly money. Kyle really is a me first player.

  14. What a terrible situation for him. I mean that poor guy has to play another season and collect all those game checks..

    Could easily go on IR anytime after/if they're eliminated from the playoffs and nobody would care.

    I feel horrible for him. I can't believe they had the nerve to ask him to come to work this year and get paid. Gotta suck to be a millionaire

    Such a horrible try at sarcasm. For one Kyle didn't come back for money. He came back for the love of the city of Buffalo, the love of the game, and under the false pretenses that the Bills are trying to win now. Kyle could've easily turned down whatever the Bills offered him as far as money so I highly doubt that money was his motivating factor for coming back. Also the way the season is headed it wouldn't even be worth it for a guy like Kyle. Nice try though.

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