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Posts posted by Cherrybone

  1. Kyle is so overrated. His play against the run is downright shameful. Go watch the two Miami games from last year. They were running right at him. He should be used in third and long situations ONLY. It is time for Marcel to take ownership of this front four. Worthy should be playing next to Dareus on first and second down. I don't know who is more overrated Kyle or Eric Wood

    First time I've heard that. Your opinion though. Just not used to hearing Kyle and overrated in the same sentence.

  2. Going over the Eagles game and I'm paying close attention to the d-line and that guy attacks the o-line as soon as the ball is moved by the center. He's still very quick off the ball. The entire d-line seem to be a little behind him when the play starts. It's like it's him and then you see the rest of the guys attack right after him.


    I don't know if he's just that good at watching the ball, anticipation, or just really that fast or maybe all of the above. Whatever it is its just a shame that this is possibly his last year. To bad the Buffalo Bills didn't give him as much as he gave them outside of money.

  3. I'm from the BBMB and I only check this site once or twice a day compared to 15 or 20 times there.. Since the 1st preseason game I've only seen 1 thread about Peterman on the main page, so this was refreshing.. Also for people to name their favorite plays was nice as we all have different opinions.. Its cool to hear about the ones you might not have noticed live, either subtle or veteran like decisions made by Peterman.. Good thread and thx..

    Exactly. It was very interesting.

  4. Can't we all just get along. Now all of you go to your rooms and think about what you have done. When you're ready to play nice you may come out and apologize.

    I try to be respectful as possible. There are some that act as if they own this board. I've been insulted by name calling and I still remain respectful. I don't do the name calling over the Internet. If there is a need to get that personal I would rather do it face to face. I thought the one thing we all had in common was our love or admiration for the Buffalo Bills. Just to smooth things over I will gladly apologize to a fellow Bills fan if any of them feel offended by anything I've posted

  5. I'm not whining, but I'm aware of your pattern. Are YOU aware of your pattern? The new-guy-free-pass is gone.

    Wow the other guy told me to know my place and now you're telling me the new guy pass is gone. Smh. You guys really take this board to serious for real. You know there's a life outside of this board. Anyway we can agree to disagree and never respond to each other again. Sorry I lost my new guy pass. Lol

  6. I've seen all those previous threads....and wondered why they existed. I'm the guy who was trying to be polite. I PM'd you trying to seek something rational. You may benefit from seeing a mental health professional. I tried to do this privately....

    And you came to this conclusion over this board. So I should seek mental help over a football message board? Ok thanks. The real deal is that you're one of them that whine over this board

  7. Really? You have to beg for confrontation? My PM's were intended to help, but clearly "this" is your thing. Best of luck. Pretending to be new and innocent goes only so far.

    Please look at one of my threads and see the constant harassment I endured even after turning the other cheek. Not trying to be confrontational at all. Some people do take this board a little to serious

  8. Tis is the first real benefit of having Peterman succeed, and not just WR. How about the best LT in the draft, a D line stud and a 2nd round QB.


    now you know what to wish for. Peterman success means way more than just a franchise QB.

    For real. This is why they should get him 1st team reps now. If he pans out address the o-line, a #1 receiver, and a qb in the second or third round and this team could be on the right path

  9. Oh, i agree as well. I get sick of the BBMB references (like we are a bunch of idiots that know squat about football) but I guess we have to take the good with the bad.



    The Baltimore game will be put-up or shut-up time for TT. If Tyrod doesn't look good again against B-more we just might have to take a look at Peterman with the first string. So far the closer to the regular season we get the worse TT looks and the better Peterman looks. I already expect, and look forward to seeing Peterman starting for the Bills before the season is over.

    Go Bills!!!!!

    And this is why the Watkins trade was premature. Sammy could have easily made the learning process much easier for Peterman. I do like what I see from this kid so far

  10. every board has it's own resonance. however, this boards resonance has been in a state of flux since BBMB shut down. you're right, i know that offends some and to be honest, if my applecart was upset, i'm not too sure i would like it. we are after all creatures of habit.


    sometimes change is good though. breaking out of that rut is sometimes a needed change of pace.

    Well I'm still learning how to use this board. The constant whining and crying over threads is ridiculous. Maybe it's me but I have more important issues then to be bent out of shape over a board having to many threads

  11. alright, i'll bite.


    what's the big freaking deal if there are 20 Peterman threads or 20 Tyrod threads?


    the OP chose a sub of a set and wanted to talk about it, i don't see why it is such a big deal.


    all i ever see is waaa waaa waaa, we already have a thread, waaa waa waa.


    You must realize for some on this board it's their life. So be very careful about your subject matter, your grammar, and your opinion of the Bills. You have to meet their criteria if not they come swarming

  12. your like a little kid. You just have to keep replying to everything. If your so intent on letting it go then just stop replying. If your so worried about my married life then maybe you should find a girlfriend instead of painting a face of Sammy Watkins on your left hand just to give you the feeling like someone else is doing it for once. Maybe I should be the one looking for the restraining order. If your so worried about me being on here so much, what are you doing all this time? You replied late last night and then early this morning before I even woke up. Do you work? What do you do? I'd be glad to know what job allows you to just sit around all day and post mindless crap and start threads for the fun of it that you should already know are out there.


    I just gave you all the chances in the world to stop replying but I'm positive you'll continue. Im quite positive you will spew some useless crap from your mouth about having an obsession with you. Me and Jauronimo (who I've never felt closer to)..... Quick, Jauronimo, what's your favorite dinosaur, who's the one guy you'd sleep with? If you said Velociraptor and John Stamos we just became best friends.


    Anyway, back to you Sammysboner, just stop.

    Have a blessed day and enjoy your weekend

  13. you posits in this thread calling us internet gangsters. I already told you that I've seen it before. Maybe not in the exact same way but very similar.


    Look, if you can't even start a thread and remember which threads you started, start a thread without looking to see if there's another thread already On the subject, or for that matter start a thread without understanding you can Just comment on the subject in one of the other crap spewing threads already out there about Sammy, Darby, Tyrod, Boldin, or Jones then I really don't know what to tell you.


    By the way, as a marriage counselor, I'd say I owe you some money for our appointment. It you are a terrible counselor and did not help me today. You get nothing.

    Dude this is a different day let it go. And you say you're happily married? Do I need to get a restraining order? You win. Let it go. Geesh

  14. Yes I did. And all 90 minutes of it were glorious. Finding post after post of things you serious just posted about saying you never said. I enjoy calling people out in their bullchit.


    And yes, I know it probabaly disappoints you but I do have a wife. Happily married actually. Probabaly because my wife wouldnt be ridiculous enough to knowingly say things multiple times over and over again and then have the idiocy to deny she did it. I don't know, I guess I'm just attracted to intelligence.


    Enjoy the next thread you start that's already being talked about. Hey, maybe you should start a thread on how we should've started Flutie over Johnson in the Music City Miracle game. I'm sure it hasn't been talked about before.

    Again none of those threads had anything about me saying I post when I want and anything about Internet gangstas. And I'm sure if you're happily married a message board member wouldn't get this much of your attention. Maybe you're happily married. However that's your personal business but something is definitely wrong. Anyway God bless you and your wife have a good one

  15. Ya know. When I saw you post this I was so excited for the challlenge. I have to say that after spending about an hour and a half looking up your posts I was only able to get through about half of them. But I found some winners that I posted the links to each page below.


    Overall I noticed:


    at least 6 "your are not obligated to respond" posts.


    1 "you guys are a bunch of internet gangsters here" post. But I know there's more somewhere in there because I've seen it at least twice.


    I didn't make note of all the threads you started on your own that were already topics being talked about somewhere else on the message board. But I do know there were at least 2 that were shut down because you don't know how to read and see for ourself they were already being discussed. Even the mods made note to tell you to read before posting new threads.


    On top of that, there were at least 3-4 threads that you started, made your comments, asked questions, then were no where To be found again. It's like you started so many different topics you couldn't keep track of them all and which ones you started yourself.















    Honestly, the only thing funnier to me than finding these gems were how many posts that 26cornerblitz Had that were one word, one sentence, or just copy and pasted posts from twitter. No wonder he's got like 50,000+ posts. I think In the 70 page Tyrod thread alone he has like 40 plus posts like that.



    As you would say. Good night.

    Dude you gave me a hour and a half of your precious time just to try to humiliate me on a message board? I think you should try looking in the mirror first. I don't know if I should be flattered or worried. Just off of the fact that I don't know you is enough for me to not even think of giving you that much attention. Do you have a wife or a girlfriend? If not maybe you should get one. And if you do that time could've been better spent with her. Good night. Have a blessed one

  16. oh, I'm going to like you.


    So, your entire thread is essentially a feet of a thought then musted up with how you should be able to stink up the place because your feelings are hurt? You have folks who have been here a while showing you that your behavior is poor. And that your responding is poor. And you're getting bent out of shape like a self conscious teen girl. That's excusable if you are a teenage girl. But if you're over 12 and have cajones then, no. Man up and listen to what members are telling you.


    These are my nice guy kid gloves, too.

    What are you talking about? You guys take this board to serious. This board or anything anybody say here don't mean anything to me. I have a life outside of this board. Go look at another thread my name is being brought in something I didn't even post in. Juaronimo have a freaky obsession with me. Have a good night.

  17. thats too long for a Sig. but I've seen you post similar before as well.



    Your next post will be something along the lines of how you cannot be bullied and you will continue to do what you want. Start threads when you want. Yada yada yada.

    Show me where you've ever saw me post something like that on this board. That's not even how I would post up here. Never ever spoke that way. Don't feel the need to. Like I said that's to easy. All I ever say is you can ignore me. Nothing further

  18. Cut him open and test his brain for advanced CTE. He clearly thinks it's 1991.

    And see you get it. Some people want to chime in and spin it like I'm taking a shot at Boldin. I like the signing I'm just wondering what made him say he's here to win a championship. What do he see? I mentioned what Boldin said and I also pointed out obvious issues within this team. What's wrong with that?

  19. that should be your second Sig. would also save it a bunch of time typing it over and over

    For my threads to be of such low quality you're sure obsessed with them. I feel like you're following me. If I felt that you don't have anything interesting to say and that's how it is for the most part, you wouldn't see me responding to your threads. You're stalking me just to tell me my threads aren't worthy of this boards approval or yours. See you next time I post something

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