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Posts posted by Cherrybone

  1. I don't have any reason not to believe you, OP. I do think you might get less slack from the masses if you just posted it in one of the several TT threads already discussing the topic. DJ talks about this pretty regularly on the radio so it's cool that you met him, but it's not news what he thinks. Jmo.

    That's b.s. because if you look at his response his total focus is my history and I'm lying because I didn't post pictures. I don't care about the hostility though, it's cool.


    to me?



    you created the thread. I just chimed in to say "pics or it didn't happen" with technology today you should of already posted a couple. but, if you don't want to do that, then I'm entitled to call it bs, right?

    And you do. But you question my character talking about my history. I never came on this board to make anything up. Like I said Donald is a regular in Plainfield and I'm sorry you find that hard to believe. However I don't need a story involving him to come to the conclusion that Tyrod is a bad qb. All I have to do is watch a game. So yeah I started the thread and if you don't believe me say that but don't make up stuff about me to push your own agenda.


    pics or it didn't happen.



    shouldn't take long for you to come up with a few pics, now should it?





    I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, just post some pics

    Please understand I don't care about your benefit of the doubt. Out here Donald Jones isn't some huge celebrity. You're the one making the situation more then what it is. When you tell me what do I gain by proving myself to you, I'll gladly oblige.

    Your son plays on the same Pop Warner team as Donald Jones?

    Lol. Typo I meant his son. They all play for the Plainfield Cardinals but his son is on the bigger team and my son is on the smaller team. We talked again. He also told me that Marcel and Cordy are definitely out of here and he said that's facts. I know for Marcel it's pretty obvious. I was kind of surprised about Glen.



    I call it bs. I don't believe you met him and given your history, it's easy to see you made this up just to add yet another TT bashing thread to the board.




    And please show me in my history where i make things up? Also I don't need Donald Jones to confirm how I feel about Tyrod. Bottom line is he's not a good qb. See how easy that was? My son play for the same highschool Donald Jones graduated from. My youngest son play on the same pop Warner team Donald Jones plays for. My wife work for the same board of education that Donald Jones mother is a supervisor for. His family is very active in the Plainfield NJ community. He once owned a hat store right on Watchung ave in Plainfield NJ, with his dad. So it's not like he's someone that's impossible to meet. But if you don't believe me just ignore me. But you're just waiting for others to chime in and join your ignorance towards me. But I'll be waiting so bring it on.


    I call it bs. I don't believe you met him and given your history, it's easy to see you made this up just to add yet another TT bashing thread.




    Ok. However I could've named any player or former player for that matter. I'm actually still with him now. We're both at a park in Rahway New Jersey. His mom his newborn baby and his son's game is going on now. As a matter of fact I'll send you a picture if you want.

  6. Not much news there.


    I'm just disapointed they didn't go down to the supermarket and pick up a few good ones in QB aisle...

    It's not the easy but it's also not impossible. Also we may have one if they pull their heads out of their you know what and give Peterman a shot. It's already clear what you have in Tyrod. Nothing is going to change with him and who he is isn't enough to win anything in this league so why is he still starting.

  7. His son and my son play pop Warner together in Plainfield NJ. Someone told him I'm a Bills fan. He came to me and spoke. I asked him what do he think is the big problem with the Bills and without hesitation he replied "The Bills need a qb." He said with the way the defense is playing this season they can beat any team on the schedule. The problem is the offense and mainly Tyrod. I know most won't agree but I asked his opinion. He did mention that Sammy shouldn't have been traded either.

  8. Bills fans are awesome in general.


    This place and BBMB are like fraternity's. You gotta earn trust and allegiance.


    I haven't met too many douches here... show respect and you will be respected.... that's pretty much life my friend

    That's so far from the truth. There are plenty that hide behind their keys. Its cool though.

    Oh the imagined crocodile tears of victimhood. :cry: You have been unjustly aggrieved. If you stopped the inane stream of consciousness and sometimes LAMP threads your perceived troubles would disappear.

    I don't have troubles. A message board is the least of my worries. I'm just stating the difference that's all. You're another one I knew was coming. Now there's one more. I know he's definitely coming.

  9. I only did for fun to see how long it would take you to jump. ONE minute! You sure are eager to see who will jump on your bait. Duh...

    Well have fun. You and the rest of the crew don't bother me at all. If you get a kick out of it enjoy yourself. One thing you'll never get an insult out of me. Like I said that's to easy and cowardly. If I have to get that personal I'd rather do it face to face. Enjoy the rest of season

  10. I just find it quite amusing when I meet fans in person and they're the total opposite of what this board represent. BBM wasn't that much different from this board and my first time bringing my family to a Bills game my first initial thought was we would be surrounded by a bunch of snobby fans that were most likely unapproachable.


    However it was the total opposite. I was treated as if I was family. My family and I left the game with a great impression and not what I run into on these boards and what some of the media says. I know these boards are also represented by people from all over but I know there are some right from the area that gives a bad perception of who Bills fans are. I just wonder why such a big difference?


    That's one of the reason a lot of them can't get under my skin. I know that my experience amongst Bills fans up close and personal is a heck of a experience. And this board couldn't change that. 4yrs straight and my family and I never had a bad experience and we always run into great people

  11. Sometimes he sounds like a harsh critic out of concern and then there's times when it sounds as if he's just not to big of a fan of the Bills. A lot of his articles on yesterday's game is nothing but a lot of negatives and a bunch of nick picking.


    I won't read that much into the win but a lot of the changes from years past was noticeable. To start when games are that close the Bills find a way to get in their own way. That could be a start. However if you read Sullivan's articles without Watching the game you would've thought the Bills lost a game they should've won.


    Why do he even cover the Bills? Why are they now charging to read his articles? And I would love to know is it possible for him to cover a team that he wouldn't mind supporting?

  12. I'm just trying to give you options to LAMP somewhere else. But I do enjoy this board a great deal, and you seem to like posting things like "I do understand that this board is a lot of your lives." I'm sure I've read it multiple times. Maybe not as much as KW is overrated ( :rolleyes:), but many, many times.

    But I didn't ask you for your options. Have a good day. I don't need your attention

  13. If this place were to be shutdown, god forbid, I would band together with the lowest common denominator of TBD and we would go find another Bills site and spam them to high hell with as many terrible new threads as we could muster. And when everybody inevitably calls us on our idiocy, I would be all like "whatever, dude. You should get a life or something cause I don't care about nothing man!" until I was banned. And then rinse, wash, repeat as necessary.


    Uhh ok. Keep your day job. In fact this is my last time ever responding to you. Hate to break your heart. Have a blessed day and a blessed life

  14. If you don't like the company, you could consider another Bills board.





    I'm happy to admit that this board is a big enough part of my life that I hate seeing it cluttered by garbage or LAMP threads.

    And I needed to know that because? That's your life your prerogative

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