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Posts posted by FreddieJizzle22

  1. "To promote the general wellfare..."


    I believe heathcare should be a right in this country. All I can do is vote for candidates who share this vision who will then gather necessary support to enact this into law. I don't support anyone who trys to slip anything past anybody.


    Clean air and water is also a right that takes a tremendous amount of labor and tax money to execute.



    Speaking of water, has Trump been able to solve Flint Michigan's water crisis?

  2. I love this issue so much because this is where every uneducated liberal gets to call people 'ignorant racists.'


    I do not hate Muslims.


    I hate Islam.


    There's a difference.


    Think of it like this.... if somebody said 'Americans are violent, war mongerers' they have a point. We're always at war. But then you could say 'well less than 1% of Americans are the fighters' and thatd be true too.


    With Islam it's complicated. I'd peg the "bad Muslims" at abound 25% of the population. Now does that mean that 25% of Muslims are suicide bombers or ISIS fighters? No. But what it means is that they're the ones that promote Muhammads ideology. They're the ones that do the funding.


    Look, at the end of the day it's not really ISIS that's perverting Muhammad's message, its Malala that's perverting the message.


    Look into the Hadith. This 'Sharia law' thingy that's talked about all the time comes from the Hadith.


    There are parts of the Hadith where Muslims go to Muhammad and they say 'look, Muhammad, we're all good guys and we'd never cheat on our harems, but raping slaves isn't cheating because they're our property, we just want to know where we should "finish," inside, or not inside?' That is Islam. Islam is rape, murder, and conquer, even amongst itself.


    This crap Malala blabs about isn't Islam.


    What really makes me laugh are all the bleeding heart liberals that defend Islam. I mean the college militant feminists out there protesting to get Muslim refugees all up in here....oh my god....there is no greater enemy to women's rights than Islam, and these are people that can't not rape....


    :( I don't know where to begin with this...


    posting a video that exposes their intentions means you hate muslims?


    Liberal thinking at it's finest.. go back to your gender studies


    I'll rephrase my question- do you want the Muslims that are currently living in the US to go back to where parents came from?


    Also, if you think that's every Muslim's intention...then you're incredibly ignorant.

  4. What's everyones thoughts on Trumpcare? My spring break is next week so hopefully by then I can at least go thru some of this bill and try to understand it.

    I'm happily surprised that Trump and the House GOP are actually trying to push this incredibly stupid bill. Are they insane? What's the end game here? If they actually some how make this monstrostity a law the Republcans are seriously shooting themselves in the foot. It's a death spiral on steroids.

    The Republicans in control of everything is like two really drunk people f:cking


    Oh no...it's that bad?

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