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Posts posted by row_33

  1. I don't see one already here, we had a decent 1 on the BBMB, so here goes.


    World Cup 2018 Qualifying round this weekend... things to look out for.. and a WAKE UP!!! for those who kinda care about this but weren't aware it was coming this weekend...


    Group A... Holland heads to Bulgaria for maybe another one of those "what went wrong" fiascos that the Dutch have given the world a lot to laugh over recently


    Group D... Serbia holds 2nd place after 4 games, the closest they are coming to getting a draw easy enough to qualify for a span of 100 years, if they can't beat Georgia they don't deserve it anyway...


    Group E... cushy group as shown that the top two teams Poland and Montenegro square off for first place... and one group holds France/Sweden/Holland, and another holds Switzerland/Hungary/Portugal, another has Spain and Italy...


    Group F... us English fans await the first shoe of doom to drop against Lithuania...


    Group G... Spain host sometimes kingmaker Israel, Italy and Albania square off... the kind of game Italy plays into a draw and then has to panic because of needless points wished away...


    Group H... Croatia/Ukraine square off for first place with upstart Iceland probably beating Kosovo by double digits.


    We have come so far... I now have the option of watching Andorra/Faroe Islands play live on my TV...






    Would you think it fair to say that the reason Reagan was able to withstand it (as opposed to the Nixon couldn't) was because of his amicable demeanor toward the press?


    Our current president might learn a lesson from that.


    Reagan knew how to play the game. His work as governor showed the majority of voters were with him during the campus unrest hassles.


    Nixon cared too much about the media falling in love with him, one of his many painfully obvious quirks, too bad.


    Trump has been a central part of the NYC media charade for 4 decades now, washes of him like water off a duck's back.


    Now "serious" journalists are taking sarcastic lines out of Spy Magazine articles to use as attacks on Trump, it's beyond insanity now, nobody cares any more.

  3. http://www.businessinsider.com/sociology-alternative-facts-2017-2


    "...To study this, Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler (2010) conducted a series of experiments. They had groups of participants read newspaper articles that included statements from politicians that supported some widespread piece of misinformation. Some of the participants read articles that included corrective information that immediately followed the inaccurate statement from the political figure, while others did not read articles containing corrective information at all.


    Afterward, they were asked a series of questions about the article and their personal opinions about the issue. Nyhan and Reifler found that how people responded to the factual corrections in the articles they read varied systematically by how ideologically committed they already were to the beliefs that such facts supported. Among those who believed the popular misinformation in the first place, more information and actual facts challenging those beliefs did not cause a change of opinion-in fact, it often had the effect of strengthening those ideologically grounded beliefs.


    It's a sociological issue we ought to care about a great deal right now. How are we to correct misinformation if the very act of informing some people causes them to redouble their dedication to believing things that are not true?"


    People aren't geared to play along as the mad scientist demands.


    You could give intelligent people the scores to 15 hockey games and if they really aren't into it they won't bother to get it at all or comment afterwards.

    that's all it is and the media will not let trump win round 2


    Reagan did it with a far worse media attack. Then they all kissed his behind when he died, it was a good lesson to absorb about never trusting these people.

  4. i am not a big fan of looking at last year's schedule to determine what's going to happen this year. i get that it's a fun exercise, but too much can change year to year...other than for NE. i just expect to get spanked by them year to year.


    I try to not do needless things that will only make me depressed, like looking at next year's schedule and thinking about it....



    Anyhoo based off how I feel looking at the schedule I really think anymore then 7 wins would actually be a decent season by coach and team given the current roster and schedule as of today (Schedule could end up easier and roster will look different after draft).


    7 wins is never a "decent" season. The Bills have had "decent" seasons for the last 4 years. :wallbash:



    I look back on the last 17 years as an endless parade of 7 win seasons, I realize there were some really bad pockets (especially for one coach) but I like thinking it was just mediocrity, smooth mediocrity.

  5. Thing is all the Nazis were Jews -Klink. Schultz, Hochstetter (he was from Tennessee and a great banjo player), Burkhalter . Even LeBeau is a Jew. Robert Clary was in a concentration camp as a teen. he is the only major actor still alive (he's 91). Werner Klemperer said that if they wrote a script where Klink prevailed over hogan, he would quit on the spot.


    Do Americans have a tendency to lump the German Army, Air Force, Waffen SS and Gestapo into the same category?


    Schultz and Klink were nothing close to being Nazis.


    "I miss those days when the RB was a main feature of the game, ended around 1982 or so..."


    THAT was the original statement which is patently false... you don't break Jim Brown's record for yards from scrimmage in consecutive seasons WITHOUT being a main feature of the game!!!!


    I'm sure you would blame Marshawn Lynch for Seattle losing the Super Bowl to the Cheatriots too... ludicrous.


    whoa there...


    nobody gives a darn about some "combined yardage" bullpucky, never even heard about this, trash stat


    you break Jim Brown's RUSHING yards, or you come close to it and you have something to talk about


    and football has ditched the running game since about 1982, if you want to win that is... she's a PASSING GAME since then... it you want to win that is...


    Calling Ernie Davis a bad pick is beyond my comprehension. That was also during the AFL-NFL draft wars, so you can't put anyone on the list who happened to go to the NFL.


    I am not sure it was mentioned but there was a running back from Penn State that could never play due to health reasons. I still wouldn't call him a bust.



    I assume if they know anything about ED then it's a really bad attempt at humor.


    But the new generation is stats driven, they tell me Namath and Bradshaw were lousy QBs because of their stats, so who knows...

  8. Guderian was a good subject for a University paper decades ago.


    Led Panzer invasions of Poland and France, twice retired for directly refusing to carry out orders from his boss (didn't know that was something that was allowed especially a second time), surrendered to the US and deemed not to be charged with war crimes, visited Britain later in life to discuss the battles with his opponents.


    Another German tank man gets all the glory for some reason, as much as we feel we are allowed to hand out from the winning side...

  9. Hate: Patriots, Cowboys, Jets, Giants, Raiders, Steelers

    -a lot of this hate is due to their respective fans

    Dislike: Seahawks (recent addition because of Sherman and the game this past year), Redskins, Lions, Chiefs


    How can the Raiders and Cowboys be on the same hate list?


    I guess you had to be there in the 70s to understand that they are polar opposites to fans this old.


    And it took THIS LONG to hate Sherman?

  10. Jags. Bortles has 51 interceptions and announcers gush over him


    There's been a strong groundswell of people talking up the Jags the last few years, the BBMB had a few that trumpeted the team.


    I just shrug and say I'll see it when I see it...

  11. I'd enjoy getting to have an emotion like hate again watching sports.


    WIthout gambling or something to get bodily liquids all hot and piping as a fan of Toronto/Buffalo teams it's tumbleweeds for decades.


    And Duke went out way too soon.

  12. Rick Atkinson's WW2 series on US involvement have been good for this unlettered reader who reads 100 pages a day a minimum.


    For a perfect study on how Congress and the US Gov't work/doesn't work, read Caro's installment on LBJ's years in the Senate, things never change but he was able to perfect jobbing it and take a lot of that ability to the White House.


    You're going to let these guys get to you? Not important enough for me to worry about.


    I'm just here for kicks and giggles, still awaiting the day when (like the Kelly Era) i can wake up on Sunday and KNOW the Bills were going to win at home today with a 95% certainty it would be a curb stomping of the visitors, especially for the playoffs...


    and to encourage people to unclench and be amazed how long that stick is that falls out...

  14. You mean eaten in New Guinea by cannibals?


    That was Michael in 1961.


    I think Tom, above, made a reference to him.


    Thanks Tom, I didn't thoroughly read it all, and I still didn't find Michael in a search except for our mentions.


    Are funds set aside to this day for his return, I understand it hasn't been totally proven he's a goner, but it was a good guess even at the time.


    I would have been that member of the rich family....

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