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Posts posted by row_33

  1. The solution?


    Get these kids jobs or at least the chance to obtain one.


    Bring back the factory jobs, they are vital to the economy.


    Looks like this admin is going to try to do it, can't see the current POTUS smirk and tell his audience "I can't just wave a magic wand and brings the jobs back."


    Not going to be pretty with a second and third generation of immigrants (all legal and decent folk are most welcome) with absolutely no hope of getting gainful employment...

  2. One of the more interesting aspects of confirmation bias is how often people who understand the concept are unable to recognize it in themselves.


    Elites in a clinical lab do not have a clue about the experience of normal human beings.


    Then the elites can't figure out why the normal people don't behave as the elite have "logically" reasoned they should.


    I figure they have decided what the study will find before they begin the 'testing' and then bend their findings to meet their initial client demand.


    Wheel turning, round and round.

  3. If we were importing tens of thousands of people from a place where Nazi style white supremacy was the dominant culture would you be cool with it?



    the rich and the usefully talented are always welcome in the Free World

    Remember when they painted Dylan Roof as a lone wolf?


    Me neither.


    They always want it to be a white person.


    Then they want it to be someone not tied to a religion that they go out of their way to defend


    Then they say it was a lone wolf.

  4. And history tends to show that. It is a lifetime bench appointment. Again... I like Gorsuch. Conservative, but there is a liberal streak in him. He believes in living conservatively... I like that.


    His mother was appointed to EPA by Reagan, I think he will keep enviro issues safe. He's an outdoor lover from CO. Maybe he will bring common sense to those issues.



    I wouldn't expect him to overturn any established law of the land in dramatic fashion, and would not be disappointed by this, despite some personal views that hope he would...


    the powers that be in the GOP, outside of face of the Goldwater and Reagan years, aren't big C Conservatives and never have been.


    Not the same at all. In Quebec it was a group of people, it wasn't lone inspired terrorists.


    CNN has trumpted the "lone wolf" excuse to try to downplay everything, it's a "yeah....but" argument...


    The US was plagued with almost daily bombings by protest groups during the Vietnam Era, sometimes lone wolves, sometimes 3 or 4 people, sometimes ALLEGEDLY aided and abetted by intelligence infiltrators.

  6. Sure, thanks for the warning. I don't have any fear of that happening to me in America. Might as well ban all public contact while we're at it.


    It's the risk we take daily.


    The question is when it becomes a matter such that privacy and "happy time" rights are to be curtailed, which have occurred a few times in North American history.


    Practically Martial Law was declared in Quebec in the early 1970s due to cells kidnapping and bombing frequently.


    No. It happened in the UK so they're quick to call it terrorism.


    If it happened here, we'd be reading about how the suspect had LBGT apps on his phone, and was clearly not a terrorist but a confused homosexual who liked to shout "Allahu Akbar!" whenever he swiped left.


    We'd get along so much better if we stopped screening anyone entering our countries, firing the police and putting fiddlers on every street corner, and LSD in the water supply...

  8. try sleeping when they are crawling all over the bed.


    That's not good, 1 or 2 that you happen upon isn't a panic-time though.


    Depends on what you mean by ants, in residence they had large carpenters on a lower floor that they couldn't get rid of all year.

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