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Posts posted by bilzfancy

  1. 34 minutes ago, Tiberius said:




    Taking a knee 


    Speaking before the Giants exhibition game against the Oakland Athletics on Tuesday night, Kapler says that peaceful protests that show support for racial and social justice are patriotic gestures and should not be viewed as disrespectful to the flag as President Trump insists.

    From USA Today:


    “My response is I don’t see it as disrespect at all,’’ he said. “I see nothing more American than standing up for what you believe in. I see nothing more patriotic than peaceful protests when things are frustrating and upsetting.

    “And finally, there’s nobody that should make us stop doing the right thing. It doesn’t matter what leader says that they’re not going to be following a game. What matters the most is that we’re unwavering in trying to do what’s right.”

    “What guides our decision is standing up for people who need us to stand up for them.’’


    Giants players Mike YastrzemskiAustin SlaterJaylin Davis and Antoan Richardson joined Kapler in kneeling before Monday’s game in Oakland. The protest caught the eye of President Trump, who tweeted Tuesday morning that he will stop watching sports if kneeling during the national anthem doesn’t stop.

    It may not be their intention but it's still disrespectful to all the men and women who sacrificed to give them the freedom to do that.

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  2. 26 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    You’re no Patriot.


    Do you blame Bush for 911?


    Do you blame Trump for the 109 American soldiers experiencing traumatic brain injuries from Iran’s missile attack in February?


    What was your reaction to all the news and intelligence about Putin putting bounties on American soldiers? Fake News!!! 

    Look at what you’re focused on and NOT focused on. How many dead Americans here on US soil are dead because of Trumps incompetence and purposeful delay In sharing his intelligence?


    You’re no PATRIOT. 

    A Patriot doesn’t call a former US President Ayatollah. 

    And then - no Patriot sits idly by as the current occupant of the White House sees true American patriots as enemies as Trump is completely submissive to dictators.

    Youre no Patriot - you are in a sick deranged CULT.





    Wrong on all counts, but that's part for the course, and calling Obama the Ayatollah is mild compared to what Trump and his supporters are called

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    No one wants to see death to American troops but when your party admits all those Benghazi investigations was all politically motivated for the reasons they went after her - you can just stfu.


    oh and one more thing 







    Yes, I'm in a cult, the cult is called American Patriot, comrade. Hillary lied about it, but Ayatollah Obama did nothing to stop it, he watched it in its entirety and could have sent troops to stop it but he didn't, because he didn't want to upset his Muslim rulers

    • Like (+1) 3
    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Magox said:





    I think they are more helpful than not but their effectiveness is overstated.   


    I wear them out of respect for other people that I'm going to be in contact with.

    Agreed, unless they're the M-95 mask, pieces of cloth that most people wear are fairly useless, better then nothing but barely.

  5. 48 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Can you imagine if Obama did half the schitt this POS gets away with?


    Trump’s Request of an Ambassador: Get the British Open for Me

    Can you imagine if Trump watched an American embassy being attacked and did nothing, or Russia invade Crimea and did nothing, or when Iran detained American sailors, embarrassed them, then the POS apologized, then sent Iran a couple billion on unmarked plane, or run arms to Mexican drug cartels, I could go on but you get the point

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Protesting is not physically attacking the police, looting, violence and arson. There's a consequence for ones actions. 

    You don't understand, he's fine with all that, he's not once condemned rioting, looting or violence, not once

  7. 1 minute ago, B-Man said:

    Breaking: Missouri AG Files To Dismiss Charges Against McCloskeys: ‘I Won’t Stand By While Missouri Law Is Being Ignored’

    by Hank Berrien


    Original Article


    On Monday, following the news that St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city’s top prosecutor, announced that Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the couple who pointed guns at a crowd in front of their home, would be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a brief that would dismiss the charges.


    The brief stated that Schmitt “respectfully requests that the Court dismiss this case at the earlier possible opportunity.” “The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to Missourians

    Is it any surprise that Gardner is a Soros backed attorney?

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Please stop this stupidity- your state has more deaths per capita then Sweden who never shut down. You are the coach who gets his ass kicked by 35 in the first quarter and then brags the other three quarters they "won" by 3. You are still the example of what not to do and how to be incompetent.

    His dad was ok as governor, not great but ok, this douche is nothing like his dad. He just might end up being democratic nominee for president.

  9. 3 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    has nothing to do with CNN or any media, has to do with Trump and words that come directly out of his mouth..crimminy even in the interview yesterday he was caught telling a falsehood about Biden..



    No he didn't, Biden's own words are that he would redirect money from the police to other places...that's is defunding

  10. 8 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

    So.  That’ll put us anywhere from 100 to 170k when all is said and done who would still be alive without this virus and that’s with all these shutdown and mitigation efforts.  Keep brushing it off as an overblown hoax though @bilzfancy

    Where the track the did I say it was an overblown hoax??? Jesus Christ learn to friggin read. I did post the death numbers are overblown, big difference. I never used the term hoax

  11. 19 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Better idea - since Trump only represents his people - you can have the red states and the rest of us w brains and common sense can have the blue states.


    Trump can run your world and destroy/bankrupt it like he is doing to the USA. You won’t survive a year without blue state federal bailouts like you get now.


    Maybe you should move to Russia? 

    Nope, I love America, even with it's worts. I am a law and order, military loving American. You've been proven wrong so often that you should just give up, no one is buying your bullcrap, no one.

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