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Posts posted by bilzfancy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Capco said:

    In the absence of coronavirus, Cain would still be alive this morning. He didn’t contract some other illness that would have ended his immune compromised life. He contracted the coronavirus.


    You’re making yourself look like a fool.

    Stage 4 colon cancer. So you know for a fact that cancer didn't kill him. Curious, what medical school did you attend?

  2. 2 minutes ago, westside2 said:

    Why don't you hold the left and MSM to the same standards? Your always biitching about Trump lieing but never once have I heard you call out the left and MSM.

    Are you a hypocrite?

    I've been asking for weeks for someone on the left to denounce the rioting, looting and violence, so far, not one has, that tells me they're fine with it

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 3 hours ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

    Michael Goodwin: Barr eats Nadler's lunch during testimony

    Another congressional hearing, another Dem disaster


    He came, he saw, he ate their lunch. Bill Barr, denied a meal break, feasted instead on a gaggle of Democratic amateurs.

    Another congressional hearing, another Dem disaster. They planned a public hanging of the attorney general and spent weeks constructing their scaffold. He is corrupt, a liar, a toady, they and their media handmaidens assured us, and the House Judiciary Committee will reveal all.

    Two obstacles quickly became apparent. The first is that the Dems were led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, whose rabidness is exceeded only by his haplessness.


    The start was delayed because Nadler was in a minor car accident. That was obviously an omen, but Nadler doesn’t take hints, so he plowed forward into a head-on crash with a heavyweight opponent superior in ­every way.





    It really wasn't a good day for the "penguin" and the other Dems, they looked like school kids arguing at recess

    • Like (+1) 3
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  4. 9 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Did you watch the press conference? Probably not. I did. I thought it was hilarious. You really need to get a sense of humor. Fauchi is a court jester at best. A typical government hack who does nothing all day long while other people do all the hard work. He’s exactly the kind of guy that the Left loves. Act super empathetic while other people are actually getting things done. Obama was the poster child for this sort of approach.

    The left doesn't have a sense of humor unless it's LE getting injured or killed during "peaceful protests"

  5. 10 minutes ago, Paulus said:

    I think the love of, and acceptance of, Communism if far more deplorable. I mean, the Bolshevik's killed a lot of Christians. They were worse than the Nazis, I'd argue. This is the world we live in...

    How about what the Japanese did to the Chinese before and during the war, as well as their treatment of POWs

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, IDBillzFan said:


    And then one of their followers posts it, leading me to believe  the left is correct in their assumption.


    I've said it before, I could never be a Democrat simply because I could never admit to being that stupid.

    I'll admit I was a lifelong democrat, but I didn't leave the party, it left me. I became a registered independent about 15 years ago.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    So, wasting $2B in "covid aid" is okay as long as it is pushed by Pelosi and supports her agenda...but Trump actually doing something smart is not.


    Please describe the financial impacts on Trump hotel receipts should this new FBI be built downtown, where the current one actually exists and will for at least the next 4 years?



    Pelosi's daughter works for JFK center for the arts

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