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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. My point is if it was “harmless” and “Just like children” we would see more lesbians wanting story hour but we don’t see that now do we? You know why? Because any smart sane person knows what’s up, only pedophiles and groomers defend this behavior. Let me guess you are one of those people who think children can make decisions for themselves aren’t you? It’s the pedophile rally cry.
  2. See there it is. The world is adapting, you need accept this behavior of a grown man wanting to hang around children. You never could answer the questions I asked. Why does a grown man who wants to dress as a woman want to be around children? Why is it only men not lesbians? Maybe someone should check your hard drive groomer.
  3. Because they want to normalize the behavior because everybody including you knows that isn’t normal. It’s suspicious behavior. Answer the question who really benefits? Why aren’t there women or lesbians dressing up as dudes wanting to read to children? You know why, they are pedophiles and they want children to start being comfortable with them. And it works. Because people like you know it’s wrong but still wave it off as harmless. You support pedophilia.
  4. Okay, it’s simple. Here is an example. Drag Queen Story hour is advertised, flyers and all. Now think of this…… Some dude wants to dress as a woman and read to children or dance for them. Why? What could be a motive for that? I don’t see any lesbians trying to involve activities with children….why is that?
  5. There is a difference, Men of the cloth aren’t advertising their intentions when it comes to pedophilia. It’s easier to show distain and do something about it when someone straight up tells you their intentions.
  6. You must also drink cheap wine while you post here as well
  7. Obviously the carefully chosen words and meaning of bear arms, but then again since you only use a dictionary to play scrabble and boggle I can see why you would be able to just read a word to see if it’s a word and not understand a definition
  8. Did you just suggest Jacrispy is racist?
  9. So your rational thought is that some person risked bringing a white powdery substance into the White House just so that person could embarrass the known addict than it being the actual addict and everybody in the White House just shrugs their shoulders and says guess we will never know who done it? You find that more logical?
  10. So a coke head who you believe has a pouch in his pants pocket right now wouldn’t lose it somewhere at the White House? That’s a moronic take? Explain how that is a moronic take, go ahead I’m going to enjoy this. The drug addict, who probably has drugs on him at this moment would most definitely not lose a bag of coke in the White House because……..
  11. Well the predatory loan companies can’t thank me for anything, you see I was a soldier not someone who’s branch main function is to give real soldiers like me a ride to the wars. And let’s not pretend the universities are innocent a good chunk of student loans is living arrangements and most have policies that students cannot live off campus during the first years or two.
  12. Biden made a promise that only stupid people believed, to the intelligent, it was to buy votes. The only people who needed that help was the people who weren’t smart enough to go college in the first place.
  13. let’s see a woman does the right thing by calling the police the moment one spark of violence arrives having the guy removed by the police and her kids get taken away. Yes I would say so this is why woman don’t bother calling the police when it happens
  14. If a woman calls the police because she was punched by husband or boyfriend and children were present in the house CPS comes takes the children away because of domestic abuse so let’s not pretend there won’t be overreaction because it already exists
  15. So the parody account is the “fn idiot”? Yeah, that makes sense
  16. Shear his balls off. See how easy that is?
  17. If my kid wanted to dress up as a women and read to children, your right I would accuse him of being a pedophile now if my daughter was a lesbian I wouldn’t have to accuse her because there isn’t a sponsored and advertised lesbian dresses as a man and reads to kids time. We look out for all pedophiles, you look for partisan ones.
  18. I don’t know about that, it’s much easier to stay away from those who are advertising their pedophilia. You post those who were caught, regular people one may not suspect, those are the tough ones. Like right now you are advertising your pedophilia.
  19. Well for one I won’t let my kids attend drag queen story hour. My kids won’t attend any pride parades, I am involved in my children’s lives and am very interested in what they are being taught at school, if there is questionable or hints of sexual literature I want those materials out of the schools. and finally I most certainly won’t them allow to be around someone who has to worry about a ten year old being pregnant like it’s a monthly event:
  20. I do look at the thread we all go, “Yup that person can get their nuts sheared off too” that’s what you don’t understand, and that’s what comes off a bit creepy from you, your hill to die on is making sure a ten year old has access to an abortion, its a very uncommon thing, a ten year old getting pregnant it would be more normal for a teenager but no you specifically bring up a ten year old. I can see how a pedophile would be in favor of that, because then it gets covered up.
  21. Well I saw you were very outraged and wanted to ensure it was genuine not partisan.
  22. So you think those documents hanging in a garage are secure?
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