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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. That is how they want to build the team, I don’t agree with it, but different schools of thought I guess.
  2. Well yes he would have and no teams would have traded out, but your situation is fantasy, the plain fact is at the time of the draft KC wanted a player, found a trade partner and spent quite a bit of draft capital. You think they did that on whim?
  3. There would be no way to tell the exact numbers but due to the draft capital the chiefs spent they had to have an idea and they didn’t even need a QB that year.
  4. Not sure I like the message of not going out of your way to win, If your not actively trying to win then you are indeed planning to lose. I don’t care about high draft picks, if you have the right front office then you never need worry about what position your picking because they can find talent no matter what position.
  5. This has nothing to do with the question on whether clappers should keep his job next year, but that’s okay it leads to another question. With what you posted above, do you really believe the Bills are losing on purpose for draft position?
  6. Perhaps you can tell me what Rex Ryan learned from his HC job with the Jets to apply to his stint when he was the Bills head coach. Some people learn, some people don’t. Some have an arrogance that inhibits them from learning we can see this right here, with you as a fine example.
  7. Of all the flavors there are in the world you choose to be salty. You mentioned people would want BB fired for his mistakes, I counter with his wins, playoff appearances, super bowl appearances and rings give him a pass, you then try to smart off by saying he had losing seasons when he started Hea coaching, which I countered with he was after all fired. Now you brought up a point BB had losing seasons, not I, and now then tell me he learned through his time in Cleveland? Well if he learned during his time in Cleveland, he wouldn’t have had losing seasons and wouldn’t have been fired. No, it was after Cleveland when he took a step back, he learned, that’s why he had that one bad season in NE and the rest is history.
  8. I said he did learn, AFTER he was fired from Cleveland and took a step back, he absolutely should have been fired at that time period, you get to look back in hindsight, not considering the question of would he have been the coach he is had he never been fired.
  9. He did learn but it wasn’t with Cleveland now was it? Do You think Cleveland (if Cleveland never moved )should have waited and see for several year if he was going to be the right coach?
  10. Im pretty sure all those playoffs appearances, Super Bowl appearances and Super Bowl rings give BB a bit of leway.
  11. So McD should keep his job next year if he produces the same results next year?
  12. I am. It is possible the bills finish 6-10 for the season, with better coaching decisions it could have been an 8-8 season, which could be commended, however the coaching decisions are currently suspect, so there should be an expectation of 1-3 games lost on coaching decisions on those games next season.
  13. I would start getting comfortable with that range if I were you because that is what your going to see
  14. If Bills picked up Hunt now, it would be a PR nightmare......this year. By next year it will be forgotten. If the bills pick up Hunt now, that is one draft pick you don’t have to use, he is a proven commodity, he can help you win. If there is another incident just cut him, I don’t see the downside, maybe a few upset fans but by next year they won’t care.
  15. Are you suggesting second chances do not happen in this league and further more the bills haven’t participated in giving second chances ?
  16. Somebody will give him a second chance, these players aren’t all choir boys, and the bills have had their fair share of problematic players.
  17. Just imagine the atmosphere if you could be present at the game, must be very exciting, even for chief fans
  18. He is 29, he could possibly play for another ten years, who knows where they go, say the colts start winning superbowls in those ten years then yes you might have to have that conversation.
  19. The bills could be 7-9 this season. Regardless, it’s not where you pick, it is who you pick.
  20. Tyree catch.....offense beat offense. That’s how you beat them Was it eagles offense or defense that won the Super Bowl last year? Oh offense again. Denver’s defense was good WITH manning, the next year they failed to make the playoffs when he retired, and that D was dismantled within a season.Seattle had Russell Wilson, and Baltimore was 18 years ago. You keep asking why several of these Offense Players and coaches haven’t won more superbowls, and that’s answered by the better offenses like the Patriots have in the playoffs. But they have won superbowls. While you only have a few defenses for examples all but one had above average QB on them and you had to go 18 years back to find one that didn’t have an above average starter, because the one year with Baltimore that your thinking of Flacco was on fire for the playoffs.
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