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Iron Maiden

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Posts posted by Iron Maiden

  1. 21 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    I just saw they had 13 sacks so far. That’s scary. Don’t know where they are coming from though. 

    Jamie Collins has been on fire for them....seems like BB's plan to fix his habit to improvise down a notch by sending him to the Browns for a couple of seasons has worked...

  2. I feel it coming.....it never fails.....all week long I am convinced we get trampled by the Pats...then, as we get closer to kick off........my Bills fandom takes over.....all the what if this happens....or that.....and it adds up to ....damn, we're going to win that game....I'm probably setting myself up for another disappointment, but I'm starting to Billieve !!!!!!This win would be MASSIVE for our young club......and the worse case scenario is we're 3-1 by Sunday evening....let's go out and kick their butts !.....Yeah New England....you've been sitting on the Iron Throne for 20 years.....time for a new King !!

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  3. On 9/24/2019 at 6:10 PM, PlayoffsPlease said:

    Fortunately Josh Allen is a future HOF QB, and he provides the minimum building block to lead the teams to playoff wins and championships for the next dozen years.  Starting this year. 


    Ain't that a bit early to proclaim JA is a future HOF ?

    On 9/25/2019 at 1:22 AM, downunderbill said:


    They are definitely a symbiotic coupling. Belicheck is probably the best there has ever been, but without the best QB there has ever been, i doubt he has all 6 of those rings.

    Absolutely agree....I think BB was the driving force behind NEs 1st 3 SBs wins....Then Brady became Brady and did his thing for 10 years....now that he's getting older, the power shifts back to BB.......the fact that they have a top defense the year Belichick is the default DC is not coincidence...BB being hands on with their defense is not a good news for any NFL teams... 

  4. 51 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    All week I've had trouble getting a handle on Sunday's game.  I simply haven't known how to think about the matchup.   After watching last night, I got it.  Here's what I think about Sunday:


    I think the Bills and the Pats are built the same.  In his presser on Wednesday, Belichick described the Bills the way people describe the Patriots: solid in all aspects of the game, they don't make mistakes, they disguise what they're doing, they have good players at all positions, they have good coaches.  The Patriots have been at it longer than the Bills, so I think the Pats actually have an edge in overall effectiveness, but I think the Bills should be competitive. 


    However, watching the game last night, it was impossible not to recognize how great Rodgers is and, despite being very good himself, how Wentz's abilities simply don't approach the mastery Rodgers displayed.   Brady is like Rodgers, and Allen is like Wentz.  


    Brady and Rodgers have combined their talents with years and years of experience in the league.  They give the impression, and Brady actually said it about himself, that they understand everything he sees going on in the defense.   One thing they said the Packers new head coach did when he arrived was tell Rodgers and the offense that they should go back to doing whatever it was that worked so well for so many years.  Essentially, he said he wanted to take advantage of all the experience Rodgers had.   Time and again last night, Rodgers knew exactly where to go with the ball.  He had a really quick release occasionally, to take advantage of a window that he knew would be closing, he knew how to buy himself time in and outside of the pocket to get the receiver to the spot on the field where Rodgers could make a throw.   He drilled some balls, floated some balls, all with great accuracy.  You could SEE it on the field all night long. 


    Brady has that kind of mastery, too.   


    Wentz and Allen have great skills.   I think Allen is a better thrower and also a better scrambler, but Wentz is certainly no slouch.   And most of the time, they can match the big boys, throw for throw.   But every once in a while they don't know what to do with the ball, because the defense has crossed them up, or because the primary receiver didn't run the route right or something.   When one of those things happens, Wentz and Allen are improvising; Rodgers and Brady know what to do.  It's as though Rodgers and Brady are chefs, and no matter what collection of ingredients you give them, they can make you something to eat.  Allen and Wentz will give you plenty of tasty meals, but every once in a while they give you a plate of crap. 


    Those skills that Rodgers and Brady have are the result of having thousands of on-field, in-game repetitions, film study, coaching, thinking, practice.   They've learned to throw side-arm and over the top, to make quick releases, to make subtle moves in the pocket to buy time, when to bail, when to run, when to slide, when to do each of the little things that add up to their being truly excellent at what they do.  Wentz and Allen show some of those things, some of the time, but they're still figuring it out, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.  If their progress continues, and I expect it will for both of them, in another three years we'll see a couple of young QBs who are deadly weapons, like Rodgers and Brady are. 


    So what do I expect on Sunday?  I expect Brady will be the difference, because QB is such an important position and he's the best in the business.  That could mean the Bills get blown out, it could mean the Bills lose a close one.   Or it could mean the Bills find a way to play with the Pats despite Brady's obvious superiority over Allen, just like the Eagles did.   Keep it close, compete on every play, and then, when you're about to lose the game to the best QB in the game (who didn't think Rodgers was going to march the Pack down the field i=and tie the game?), catch a break in the end to win the game.  


    Oh, and one more thing.   Don't ask me how in heaven's name Mahomes is already able to play so much like a seasoned veteran.  I'd guess that the combination of Reid and a lot of talent around him minimizes the impact of the things that Mahomes doesn't understandyet.   Whatever it is, he's the only young QB who seems to demonstrate the kind of the breadth of skills that only the old masters have.   

    I agree....unlike some posters in other threads who are saying we will be able to confuse Brady, I simply don't see it.....Brady hasn't been confused in 10 years......he's seen it ALL.....we can out execute them....but confusing Brady ain't happening....Belichick's D vs Josh is another thing altogether....

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, Juice_32 said:


    The same thing happened to me yesterday and man it feels good. Take away the fact that they are the pats* and the path to victory becomes more clear.


    - brady has struggled, for his standards, against McD's defense for 2 years

    - their OL is beat to hell and will be playing scrubs

    - no gronk no devlin (both huge assets to the pats* run game last year, which is really what hurt us)

    - although not a finished product, our offense is much better than last year

    - rowdy home crowd will be crazy loud 

    - heavy lies the crown, no one expects anything out of the Bills all the pressure is on the pats*, our guys can play loose.


    The only reason I can come up with that this game will not be close is because they are the pats* and they always kick our butts.

    Yet, the combine score of those 4 losses  is 109-37.....48-9 in the 2 games in WNY....imagine if Brady played well.....that took the crowd effect away in a hurry.....our biggest problem is not our D vs their O....it's our O vs their D......it will take almost a perfect game from our young QB to keep up.....Belichick is cooking up some schemes in is lab....and it's usually bad news for the opponent.....

  6. 1 hour ago, LSHMEAB said:

    Yeah. It's unrealistic at this point. I think it's VERY, VERY likely that the Bills will need to score 30 plus to win this game. 

    No doubt, but Josh isn't a rookie anymore. I think it's fair to expect a solid outing.

    Belichick's team is something like 17-0 when playing 1st or 2nd year QBs....Josh ain't a rookie ...and I'm not saying he won't play well...but history shows he'll see things and looks he's never seen before....

  7. 7 hours ago, Success said:

    It’s a quality D.  No weaknesses, but their secondary is the only unit I would call elite.


    They are sound and well coached, as always. They’re not scary, or the ‘85 Bears.  They shut down Falk.

    I would add their linebackers to the elite category.....as a group... Collins, Hightower and Van Noy is top 3 in the NFL ! But I really think our problem is not necessarily ours vs theirs....it's Belichick and his success rate vs young QBs......he usually toys with them....Josh better bring his lunch pail !! 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 14 hours ago, MtlBillsFan said:

    Blitz the hell out of #12. Hit him, take the 15 yards (you are going to get flagged anyway) and do it again all day. We might get lucky and hurt him. If not, see you week 16 Tom.


    I've been reading this for years.....if a team would actually do that..take the 15 yards penalty play after play until he's out.....what stops them to send their goons and get JA injured as well?...my guess is they wouldn't just hang around and say..." gosh darnit!...that's too bad....'


    BTW...Go Habs Go !!

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. I think NE wins...something like 27-6......I don't think there's that much of a gap in talent per say ( although their D is staked ).....it's more, IMO having Belichick getting a plan together to get to... and confuse Josh.....I see him digging in the archives and use a Defensive approach similar to what he used to do when playing a young Big Ben....I think he's going to try to bring the hammer down on our 2nd year QB...they already have 13 sacks and 6 picks.....McD better use some max protection early and often....we might catch them by surprise.... 

  10. It's been against bad teams, but NE's D is insane...those numbers, no matter who they played,  are impressive.....when's the last time a D hasn't given up a TD after 3 games ?...4 games if you include the SB.....having said all that, I'm going to fully enjoy being unbeaten this week and worry about NE next Weekend.....we are 3 and 0 !!!....Let's basque in it a little !!

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, DC Tom said:

    Bills are good, but not great.  Pats are going to steamroll this team.

    I think NE wins....but it will be a fairly close game......I just heard Edelman has a chest injury.....that is something to keep an eye on this week....I am more worried about their D.....they had another goose egg today...granted, it was the Jest...lol

  12. On 9/17/2019 at 4:00 PM, njbuff said:


    Those teams weren’t bad for 20 years like these 3 teams have been for most of this timeframe.


    Thats my point.

    The AFCE has been weak...for sure...but A) NE has been beating all NFL teams at the same rate as AFCE teams...( about 75% )......with the exception of Denver ( in Denver ) no team can compete with them over a 16 games season.....there's a good chance they would dominate any division.....and B) The AFCE would have fare much better without them in the division..... 

  13. 44 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:


    Nailed it. Pats have flaws. But everyone ignores that because they are the Pats.

    The fact they've won roughly 77% of their games in the last 19 years is the reason fans are hesitant to claim their demise.....how many times have we heard that because player X and Y are gone or injured, NE will falter....so far, these fans look like fools........they have flaws, but are still one of.... if not the best team in the NFL....and they keep proving their detractors wrong....year after year...game after game....the ONLY thing that matters is Brady and BB...if those 2 are there, NE will a tough out.....

  14. On 9/17/2019 at 2:07 PM, Success said:

    A lot of the Pats success this year is tied to 2 superstar receivers whose ability to play every week is questionable, and a 42 year old QB whose o line is patchwork at the moment.


    Let’s see how things play out.

    You and I have been talking about Bills football for years ( old board )....I don't always agree with you, but I respect your fandom....and your ability to keep positive for all those wasted years....I unfortunately think NE beats us twice and goes on to do what they do in the playoffs....their D is top 5 and their offense is potentially lethal......but I will say this....the Bills are truly getting closer....in previous seasons, it was more wishful thinking...but now, with McD and JA, the improvements are tangible....and are real.......we all know there's no such thing as a moral victory....but if we can keep it close this seasons in our 2 games vs them....IMO, it will be a real sign of progression....as oppose to " oh well...we got lucky and almost beat them ".....

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  15. 1 hour ago, mjt328 said:


    The NFL's job should be to preserve the integrity of the league and the sport.

    Tom Brady's opinion should hold no more significance than an undrafted long-snapper on the practice squad.


    Players come and go.  In 20-30 years, other guys will have stepped up and the next generation will know little/nothing of Brady.  

    Does the NFL want to damage its credibility over one guy (who most fans outside of Boston already despise)?  Or do they want to make sure the rules are fair and balanced for all teams and all players?


    I highly doubt that........how can fans know little about him when he holds records that no one will touch ?....Unless another QB goes to 9 SBs and wins 6...I can't imagine anyone coming close....

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