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Posts posted by teef

  1. Yeah whatever, same old BBMB posters blasting fans because their opinion is different then theres. Love ya teef but they don't need your help



    you know there's more of a history concerning this topic than that. i can't speak for everyone, but i'm willing to bet 98% of board members realized who taylor was...a decent stop gap qb who is well worth the money he's earning. he likely won't be here long term, but provides a good option while someone is brought along. correct?

  2. BBMB Tygod lovers being put down, can't say I'm not enjoying it. Difference is fans that know Tyrod is what he is but hope he can get better while Tygod lovers proclaiming him as HOF worthy just off of 2015,2016.

    Someone should show how great Tyrod was in that Pitt game, horrible. Some can see he is what he is while some see more like the Fitz days or even captain crackdown Trent days of saying he is all that while he is not all that, he is what he is.

    you have really gone off the deep end with this. it's beyond normal at this point.

  3. Speaking of facing it...which eye does Chef Jim look at when having nice dinner conversation with this prize?

    i'm guessing her left eye is the good one. i would just hope she's courteous enough to at least do a slight head lean so we know exactly where to look. i know one guy with a lazy eye, and that's how he hooks it up.

  4. oh thank god. it's taken a long time but better late than never. it would be nice just to go out to dinner, have a couple of drinks, and not have to worry about driving. if i get sexually harassed a couple of times along the way, so be it. it's the price i'm willing to pay.


    edit: i breezed through the article, so maybe i missed it, but wasn't uber being passed dependent on the budget getting passed on friday night...which didn't happen? so does the budget have to be passed to make this final? as the article mentioned, it could take at least 90 days to get uber running after being passed, so couldn't this just drag on for a while?




    So, in other words, you actually parent your child? :thumbsup:


    Seriously though, IMO, this is the correct approach. Give the kids a chance to develop table manners and to conduct themselves appropriately in public, while not being afraid to yank them outta there if it doesn't go well.

    we want to take her out to train her as well. kids need to know what appropriate or not, and going through the motions seems to be the best way. we even have a schedule that we all go out on thursday, stay in on friday, and get a baby sitter on saturday so i can go out a get a few drinks in my wife, only to do gross stuff to her later that night.

  6. As a parent of twin 4-year-olds, I have absolutely no problem with this...


    We are proud that our children behave well-enough and have good enough table manners that we feel comfortable taking them to any restaurant (including fine-dining establishments), but a business has the right to set the rules.

    i'm with you on this. we have a 22 month old, and i try to be super considerate of people eating around us. there's certain restaurants that we just won't bring her to because they are in no way kid friendly. we go out pretty early to avoid the big crowds so we can manage her, and finally, if she starts to fuss, her ass is out of there. nothing is worse than when parents let their kids freak out in public. we all know it happens, but if it does, someone should take the kid out while the other wraps it up.


    luckily our daughter is pretty good in public for now. probably because when she hasn't been, i beat her without mercy.

    How about banning cell phone users who are loud talkers?

    these people should be publicly murdered.


    Yes.... typically this happens. In the past, I believe the Bills have been careful to employ GMs and Coaches who are agreeable to leaving as much in place as possible. You want the coach with staff he is comfortable with and shares a vision. Mcdermott, whether he will succeed or not, has a grand vision for his career. If he succeeds, we all will benefit.

    exactly. if you're going to hand the reins over to a new coach, you have to let him establish the staff the way he wants. it's certainly no guarantee of success, but if mcd feels that certain people helped him grow into the position he's in now, and wants them brought along, i have zero problem with it.

  8. He's the nutritionalist and it takes like a 30 sec Google search to see he's well respected outside of football as well.


    Is an equipment manager changing going to help us win games as well? McDermott just wants to hire his boys.

    nothing about this is unusual though. we see it in any business when there's turnover in management. it's life.


    edit: never mind. it's already been said.

  9. I don't want to comment too much to derail this into a political discussion. As hated as social programs are they benefit the economy. This is why they exist. They don't exist because liberals are kind hearted ,and it's why conservatives have never eliminated them either. New football stadiums do little to benefit the economy. You're telling me you'll enjoy a game more at a new stadium?

    agreed. sorry to the op for doing so. i agree about the stadium too. on a personal level, i really don't "need" it as a fan. would it be nice? sure, but if it's to the point where it strains the economy, why bother?

  10. Medicaid and government waste have nothing to do with building football stadiums. All governments and states waste tons of money. NY is a leader in wasteful. Although in a state now devoid of industry it creates millions of jobs. That's another conversation, and one that too many people don't understand. I laugh when I hear health care workers complain about Medicaid waste, or welfare workers complain about welfare. Half of these people wouldn't have careers if the government wasn't throwing money around. I will digress no longer though, and get to the point. No one wants to donate money to billionaires to build something that is completing unnecessary. It's as simple as that. Why doesn't the government write me a check to build a house? It's no different, and in fact are homes are more important than unnecessary new football stadiums.

    that's not true at all. the only way people would be out of a job is if the need for treatment suddenly disappeared. that will never happen. the thing that would change is the way the work is funded.





    Every state has abuse of Medicaid. Medicare is at least as bad. Any provider who accepts Medicaid reimbursement is providing nearly free care--that's how it works. You don't want to provide "free work", you don't accept Medicaid. Pretty simple. NYS, like others, require a "spend down" of certain assets before Medicaid benefits kick in. Those assets do not include home, furnishings and a car.


    Also, Obamacare succeeded in covering more Americans not by getting them more affordable private insurance, but instead by just putting millions more on Medicaid. Single payer (government) insurer models will always be ripe for abuse because of the massive amounts of money and the fact that they are state or federal bureaucracies.


    i don't quite get the bolded. why should a clinician expect to provide "free care" if they accept medicaid? i personally don't accept medicaid because it's a complete train wreck. the reimbursement is low and the turn around for payment is awful. the patients get the free care so there's little value tied to an appointment. most of the time offices have to triple book appointments because people just don't show up.


    those that have private practices that accept medicaid bill out per procedure which factors into yearly production. in no way is it "free work". it may be free to the patient, but hospitals and offices expect payment. (i may have misunderstood what you said, so i apologize if i did).


    i'm sure abuse of it happens in every state, but ny seems to by more off the norm than other states. on top of that, services offered in ny are so above and beyond what should be offered it's not funny. it's a joke that someone can get work done on that level for "free" when it's pretty evident that they can afford at least a co-pay.

  12. Been there many times. I see and hear fans bitching about ticket prices, elected officials saying they have given enough to pro sports etc. Maybe they can, I just hope the average fan in WNY can afford the additional taxes levied on them, PSL's, and higher parking, concession and ticket prices. If they can, kick ass!


    Personally I say put more money into the current stadium and tell the NFL and their money making machine to go pound sand. Or if the NFL wants it so bad, then let them fund the damn thing. But that is just me.

    if the bills just wanted to upgrade the existing stadium, i'd be more than fine with that. that being said, i've never seen fans complain about ticket prices...ever. they may complain that since the bills are bad it's not worth the money, but the tickets are so wildly inexpensive, i think more than enough of the population could afford a hike.


    Or as my wife says "go join a gym!"

    no doubt. i work out 3-4 days a week, but it's inside a building. i've never really had a problem with runners, but like others in the thread, i just can't stand the attitude of some bikers. the last thing i want to do is get in the way of someone riding and make a dangerous situation, yet those !@#$ers are so cavalier on the road that more often than not, they put themselves in danger, only to be but hurt towards the driver that's trying to avoid them in the first place.


    nothing drives me more nuts when there's a solid sidewalk and some sassy on a bike hogs the road.

  14. Maybe so, again I apologize. I like the Pegulas, but unfortunately money talks, and I don't see Buffalo / WNY being able to afford a new stadium and the prices / Taxes that go with it.

    i think a big part of the problems across two boards now concerning this topic is that you keep insisting the people of wny just can't afford the new stadium. there's no basis for this, as far as i know, you've never been to this area, yet even when evidence against what you state is shown, you keep pushing the idea. it's ok to have opinions, but you least have to have some info to at least back them up.

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