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rm -rf /*

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Everything posted by rm -rf /*

  1. Started what? You are doing what you always do. I am just not going away. You like to bully, demean, get people to go away ignore you. You like an echo chamber. Carry on.
  2. Brought what on? You do this to everyone that questions or differs from your rather limited thought patterns. I am contemplating writing a bot to reply to you. It would only need about 3 lines of code.
  3. Well, what is there to debate? You always descend into whatever you call this. I find it amusing. Carry on.
  4. How can I claim victory? You can't even sustain the most elementary of debates. Memes and Tweets. Other people's creations, that's all you have.
  5. Debating an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.” Lolz
  6. No substance. Just more personal attacks. I would love nothing more than for you to rub those last two brain cells together and formulate an intelligent response to something I have said. Not sure a 12 year old can do it, maybe you can ask your parents for help. Your 21,000+ spam posts really tells the story. That search function works both ways. You have put your ignorance on display for anyone to see. You bring zero value to the discussion. You only wish to be divisive. I imagine the only reason SDS keeps this section alive is so he does not have to deal with pigeon sh*t in the mainboard.
  7. Not sure who DR is. I am pragmatic, independent, and enjoy intelligent debate. When all you get in return is personal attacks -- well this our country gentleman. Benjamin Franklin was the prophetic one.
  8. Again, pigeon. Your ignorance is stunning. Try reading him. I am not a fan. I agree with many of his premises. Stupidity is worse than Evil. Seems pretty straightforward... But again I am not a pigeon.
  9. You don't need 21,700 posts of spam to prove a point. Unless you are a pigeon.
  10. I can repeat myself too Ace: Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity: “Debating an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.” Ask the mods how many accounts I have. 1. I have been dormant for a number of years because... Kids.
  11. I am sorry you have such comprehension issues. Anyone who has been reading my posts has an excellent idea of who I am by now. You on the other hand... We all know you. You exemplify Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity: “Debating an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.”
  12. Decades. Not just about Trump. At this point, with number of parrots calling themselves Americans these days -- not sure how it will ever change. Convention of the States is a good place to start though. If you are not familiar with Dwight Eisenhowers farewell speech, I encourage you to look it up. Then read the Devils Chessboard by David Talbot and get back to me.
  13. Same thing, same news. You treat me like a fool That you can use. Let me tell you, I wont be kind: "you can put it right there Where the sun don't shine"
  14. You obviously don't know history or are a fan of being kept in the dark. I am not sure how any thinking American could trust the CIA, FBI, NSA at this point.
  15. It's funny, they could have shot it down easily over the Aleutians. They made a political decision not to do so. Now that its over the continental US, it's a safety issue. Again, typical for Washington--it smells like sh*t.
  16. As someone that does not like Biden or Trump, been an independent all my life--my problem with the Ukraine is the same problem I generally have with Washington. It f'ing stinks. Literally. Like sh*t. If someone would please put some light on what went down in Ukraine in 2014-15 it would greatly help my ability to understand why we are sending them billions of dollars in aid while our country is falling into disrepair. Call Trump what you will (most probably accurate). His foreign policy was spot on as was his focus on us first.
  17. I can smell that whisky in your hair and sen-sen on your breath If you ever tried to tell the truth you'd choke yourself to death I don't want your nasty kisses and don't tell me no more lies Get your tongue out of my mouth I'm kissing you goodbye
  18. Don't let them try to upsell you There's a reason they make chocolate and vanilla, too If there's any doubt, then there is no doubt The gut don't never lie And the only word you'll ever need to know in life is, why Keep your head out of the clouds And remember to be kind And just stay in school Stay off the drugs And keep between the lines
  19. As if I give two craps about your opinion! That is good stuff Nancy. We are done here, I will leave you to being the conduit between bad twitter accounts and this board. You add so much to these discussions I would hate to keep you from whatever the hell it is you are trying to do. Best of luck.
  20. You would have to get to know me. I can tell you, I believe religion and politics are very personal topics. You don't go around telling other people their beliefs are wrong or falsely believing your views are superior to that of your neighbor. And I certainly am not one to trumpet my beliefs for all to hear This is the way my wife and I have raised our three kids, and to be honest--i really wish someone would have told your daddy this. Why? Because I am unaware of anyone EVER changing their beliefs on either topic because of some loudmouth who does do these things.
  21. A large white man that does not spam tweets across a football message board.
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