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Posts posted by beausox

  1. Just because our prices are lower than others does not mean we should feel guilty about it.  Every day on the radio I listen to snobs who feel the prices should be higher because "they" can afford it. It's bad enough that superbowls are not for fans, but, corporations who could care less about the game.


    What's next, a "caste" system? Tickets go first to the spenders and then to those who cannot afford it? I don't get it.



    If the border of snobdom begins at around 400 dollars/ year for what amounts to the one area of a buffalonians life that is at its epicenter.

    400. Hmmm. One prom dress. 1/2 a snow blower. What i use as my break point at a casino visit. Less than most spend on scratch tickets

    There is a caste system. It is seat licenses

    You are right no guilt but also when the next owner backs up the moving van to one bills drive who will you have left to blame?

  2. I must have missed the news conference.  When is moving day?


    New owners will not immediately share in " revenue sharing". So when Golisano et al fork over 600,000.000 or so( oh what an or so to billionaires you ask)they will in effect be paying, by dint of not receiving a fair share, an initiation fee to the "club of owners". If the Bills are worth 600 mil they are worth a lot more if relocated to LA wherer there resides more people per square inch of have a casual disregard for money. That is the memo you missed. The "new owners " of the Bills will have to have an inordinate sense of civic regard for Buffalo and environs and the fans need to realize that they too have a role to play in order to continue to enjoy the signature possession of Buffalo

  3. The options seem to be wait for a white knight in shining armor and cash to burn and he/she doesnt care how much is burnt. Consider you are a multibillionaire. You did not get there by investing 600 million to receive a 10 million return.

    Consider further that if you are a multibillionaire and have say 5 billion in the bank you are only taxed on the income derived. The 5 billion is yours even if it is under your mattress. Trust babies do not pay taxes on the principal of respective trust but only on the dividend derived.

    Consider further that while 5 billion is an awful lot of money your lifestyle requires some modest return otherwise other billionaires will leave you relatively behind.

    Would you if say a billionaire continue to invest in Buffalo given the present rules of operation or move your franchise to a place that will generate great year to year income and result in a measurable increase in the value of your team/franchise merely the result of a change of scenery

  4. We are a small market. We lack Fortune 500 companies to spend lavishly for football entertainment. The ticket prices are the lowest in the League. The next owner even IF a Wilson will have a huge nut and/or inheritance tax to crack.

    The conclusion is plain. Since we cant change population and wealth in the short run we must as fans compensate the next owner by being willing to pay more , much more, for tickets.

  5. It was pretty low for the USA Today, in front sports page article on struggling AFC East, to write "...J.P. Losman (pronounced "Loss-man")...".    Give the guy a break!  It's bad enough all the second guessing for a new QB, now they stoop to making cracks on his name :)


    Give em hell J.P. and make em all eat crow!  That is just pure BS.




    Stop whining and face the facts JP has been bad. the team as bad. this is the big time he and the team better improve. And the buffalonian " everybody picks on me" is old and tiresome. Do something!

  6. That said, might have to re-define a couple of 100 year flood plains, eh?


    And who will insure a 100 year plan that has disasters every score of years?We do not whine and moan over our bitter winters. It is a given in this neck of the woods. Should the government insure us that winter will be mild in Buffalo?Add up our expenses 4x4, snow blower, high heat bills, ice storms. No one else but the chief beneficiary should pay. You want to live on the San Andreas fault line or hillsides of San Fernando Valley then you take a real risk for which I should not pay.

  7. The disaster in NO and Florida is heart wrenching. It is sad . We should do all we can- this time- but we should make it plain that personal risk is involved and the risk taker bears the responsibility in the future. There is a good reason why private insurers are refusing to write insurance in certain areas. FEMA does great work but the government should stop bailing out people in risky areas that are absolved from risk.

    A friend owns a home in Grand Cayman . When the hurricane hit a year or so ago it destroyed his home. He did not have insurance because the premium was nearly 1/3 the value of the home( in the Caymans most of the value is in the land). He is rebuilding, things do not proceed quickly in Grand Cayman- manana- with the hope tha it will be 4 years before the next one. Granted the world need not worry about foreign owners of luxury homes but it does illustrate the point about taking responsibility.

  8. That doesn't mean he isn't intelligent.

    It could be he just doesn't know how to work a pencil.


    Why if a guy scores a 41 do we rave about his intellect but a 9 is not important? The wonderlic is not overly taxing but it does require the mind to 'hold" two or more concepts while making a conclusion. Left tackle is a one trick pony position. Though help is largely restricted to chip blocks by your back it does not require thought as would tight end for example. Thus left tackle.

    His specialness on special teams may relegate Peters to part-time duty as a tackle. He is so good it is scary

  9. We need to keep Nate Clements in Buffalo for another 5 years. The guy is a playmaker and probably the best CB in the NFL today.


    Here's my feelings on how to keep him here.


    Cut Eric Moulds or London Fletcher next year and give that money to Nate. Eric and London are both getting up there in age and both are replacable if you ask me. London Fletcher can be replaced buy one of our LB's already on the roster. We can move Lee Evans to our #1 guy and find a free agent WR to fill the #2 spot. Eric Moulds is past his prime, time to move on.


    We need to get Nate signed to a long term deal before the season starts this year!


    He maybe one of the best but it is no longer difficult to entice hot shot high school qb's and rb's to switch to corner or safety...thus the talent pool flows unabated and as a result there is no need to overspend to a position that has a plethora of able candidates- quick how many more good corners than qb's? many more to be sure. As long as the cap is in place no team can afford more than six highly compensated people. do the arithmetic surely after seven at say 6 mil each you are approaching 42 mil or nearly half the cap .remainder is roughly a mil each for other 46 players...and that is if you go injury and dead money free


    No enjoy Nate for this year and keep an eye on Eric King. It is ALL about cap

  10. Your friend is right and you are obviously a maroon who doesn't know how to use the return key (you know - the BIG one on the right-hand side of your keyboard thingy). The Bills are doomed. They're a complete write-off on every opponent's calendar this year. Each team is circling every occurence of the word "BUFFALO" in thick red marker and putting a huge "W" next to it. The very lucky teams in the AFC East get to do that TWICE each!  :D


    Oh what a wonderful time to be an opponent of the Bills. Comfortable with Losman? A Rookie Quarterback! Hah! Who's comfortable with a rookie quarterback? We're not going to win a friggin game!  :w00t:


    I have to stop now. I'm getting chest pains.




    A maroon or a macaroon?

  11. 2) there is still speculation that a suicide bomber was on the bus.



    One report, and I admit there is understandably a lot of conflicting reports amidst confusion and rage and sorrow, that the bus was not the intended target. Small consolation to the mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers of the innocents who died but important info to we remaining

  12. His comments were taken completely out of context and disgracefully blown out of all proportion by the media... Particularly the camps reference...


    I also object to the inference that Europe is increasingly anti-semitic...  I don't think ANYONE can be whiter than white on Israel right now... The US especially.




  13. Observations:


    1)Cell phones not used as in Spain where the nitwit s phone ID was left available to authorities- thank God for stupidity, though masterminds are still at large. Timers were used in London.


    2) No evidence "at all"that suicide bombers were employed.


    3) Anti-Semites rejoice: Netanyahou was warned by Israeli authorities minutes before bombings and he changed plans. Paranthetically, the "World's Mayor" was only yards away from one of the explosions.


    4)Fear remains of booby traps in tunnels. Reminds one of London fire-bombings in WWII intended to exhaust fire fighters round the clock. Ironically the "tube" was a safe haven for WWII Londoners.


    Edit: 5) From Mona Charen (7/8) column: " By committing such atrocities, the Islamists manage to stiffen whatever small residue of resolve remains in flaccid Western civilization"

  14. I wouldn't advise him to hold his breath.  I'll stand by what I said.


    Livingstone has gone the anti-semitic route numerous times and has sub-sequently had to "clarify" what he really meant to say.  If he was as harsh to blacks or homosexuals, I imagine his reputation would suffer but anti-semitism is pretty hip in Europe these days (isn't Israel the "real" cause to all the problems in the Middle East?) so he gets a pass.


    Google it if you want.


    And, yeah Ken, those pesky Jew reporters *are* just like concentration camp guards...... :lol:



    Livingstone's anti-Semitic utterances are despicable. His words , from the heart and from the mind, after this nefarious event are not diminished by his past mal mots.

  15. From MP George Galloway (of Oil for Food scandal fame) notes:


    "We urge the government to remove people in this country from harms way, as the Spanish government... {did}... by ending occupation of Iraq and by turning its full attention to the development of a real solution to the wider conflicts in the Middle East"

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