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Posts posted by beausox

  1. I'm really tired of this payroll thingy guys.





    Yes. Yes. Its helped. But its not the ultimate. Please go away, you !@#$ing idiots.........

    A sixty million advantage equals ARod, MO, and Posada and then dollar for dollar with your payroll. As a Red Sox fan we can hardly cry poor mouth but the financial advantage NYYY will enjoy in years after new stadium will bestaggering. Only Boston, Mets, Phillies, Dodgers, LAA and maybe either or both Chicago teams will be competitive. That's it

  2. What's to lose. If your team consists of 52 good characters would not the one become better. If the apples rotten throw it out. These guys are pro's after all the paycheck is the chief motivator.

    Moss changed because he had run out of chances. A changs of scenery for miscreants is a tonic.

  3. I think many people complain because this team is thin at several positions. If you take an objective look, there are multiple positions that have absolutely no depth and an injury would mean catastrophy. As important as the draft is, you cannot fill your team with drafting. It's common knowledge that RB, LB, DT, CB, S depth, a #2 WR, and TE could use upgrades. That's more than most teams have. Reasonable free agent acquisitions at LB or CB would have gone a long way to providing more security. The front office for their own reasons decided against this.


    The perceived impatience with a lack of free agent/trade acquisitions should not be confused by fans who understand just how short we are on talent at certain positions. Knowing the draft will provide 2-3 players maximum per year is a big part of that as well.


    Buffalo did acquire 4 players in free agency, which is more than some teams did, but we certainly have more needs.



    I disagree. LB, RB and CB are our areas of need and those positions are the easist to fill immediately through the draft. The o-line signings were wise in that o-line is the most difficult UNIT to fill via draft

  4. So some guy's nephew who goes to Ole Miss thinks Willis is a great player and person?


    Willis's talent is not questionable. He is a very good linebacker irrespective of casual diners estimation. What the poster relays is that his character is not a question which casual diners can estimate from what is on the local rumor mill. I taught and coached 35 years and no ones character was a secret in the locker room or in town.

    I do not know Willis' character but the girl at the diner or guy at the gas station does and if bad it gets around quickly

  5. All because we got at best a 4th rounder? we need impact LB, good cover corner and running back. That is three impact players, 3 round three and under player-picks. Do we not have them already at hand if we add a 4th rounder and "save" our picks? What do we have to give to get the other 1st rnd impact player and do we have anything left for third player?

  6. Dockery, Walker and to lesser extent Wittle are free agents. Offensive line for Bills was offensive. In addition o-line is hardest to fill QUICKLY ( save QB) via draft. Thus Marv filled them through free agency.

    . Linebacker and corner are reaction positions perfectly suited for high draft choices. The easiest of all positions to fill via draft is running back.

    My favorite choice is Brian Leonard of Rutgers. He is a "3 fer". Runner, blocker, receiver- on any down!

  7. On local sports radio they speculated about a four teamer with Spikes going to the Colts to replace June, Sorgi going to Chicago, Briggs to Dallas and TO and Tank to the Bills. The Colts send a 3rd and the Bills a 5th rounder to Chicago.


    I know TO can be a headache at times but he would be a great #2 compliment for Evans.


    Tank is a total roll of the dice. We could roll a one and he stays in jail. We could roll a 6 and our D would be huge. If we roll a 3.5 like we should, we are a winner in this deal.


    The guy who was running with this tends to wildly speculate but is really psyched about Spikes. He has been right before and has a lot of detail here. He talked about it for an hour. For him to talk about anything other than ND today, it must be at least somewhat real.

    What about this trade is believable given Marv's standards?

  8. He's a fullback. Even Mike Mayock said he looked extremely awkward carrying the football.



    He was a tailback- the featured back at Rutgers his first two-three years. Moved to fullback to better utilize Rice a "true" scatback. I have watched Leonard since he was in the ninth grade. He is a great athlete, an outstanding person of impeccable character.

    He can block- is intelligent so he will pick up blitzers, can catch (was outstanding basketball player) and he can run. He is a multi-tool FB. Do not pretend to know how much we valuue a "FB". He is certainly not worth our 1st choice but others yes

  9. A coach once told me to stop forcing things and let the game come to me. Marv will not panic and jump without calculation. He has 4 picks on first day. While others reach he will be patient. TD always had to make a splash. Bledesoe. Mc Gahee. And thankfully JP.

    Some say that at most, in the best of drafts, there are 10 "sure bets" after this the next 35 to forty players are "equal" , that is, need and position are the significant differentiation. We all know sure bets are not always so sure viz: Mirer, Mandarich, Patulski, Mast Penn state halfbacks and so on. Nor does best athlete available have a proven track record.

    Points. Schmoints. I think a sixth round pick values an eight. Tom Brady was an eight? Jason Peters was an undrafted free agent who may become the best left tackle in near future. so it all reduces to judgment and Marv has good judgment.

  10. The question is why watch? It is pure fluff intended for the swells who just discovered the game of football and need the mindless drivel of experts who take weeks to dissect every nuance which if you just wait will all be decided for you. By the way I collected huge marriage merits by going shopping with my non-football-conscious wife. Thus I was spared the pregame foreplay got home at 6:00 and settled in to watch the game. It was wonderful.

  11. Everything is cyclical. In the 80s you couldn;t get a seat for a Celtics game, now they can't give them away. I used to go to Boston every year in the mid 90s for Sox games and get seats no problem, no forget it. Winning makes a team popular and produces sellouts. Other areas, with lots of corporations and businesses do well because of those sales.


    Right now we're bleeding people and businesses and the team sucks, it all adds up to no sellouts.


    Sorry but I'm not supporting a team that loses and loses and loses. It's simple economics. Entertain me for forget it.



    Boston is first a baseball town the other three major sports are tied for fourth. Even during Super Bowl years Schilling, Damon, Manny, A Rod, Pedro and others, others!!!dominated days hours before the game!

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