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Posts posted by beausox

  1. All the talk of this Bell kid is unreal. He's in the first round of cuts guys, c'mon now. From this trail of posts, this guy has the flexibility and talent to rush the passer, take over right tackle (a la Peters at left tackle), block punts, and catch TD's as a pass-catching tight end...are we being serious here, or is this all sarcastic?


    The poor kid didn't have the Mailman around to be a father, and he's limited in comparison to NFL talent...he wasn't a project pick, he was a shot in the dark...if he doesn't come in and light it up from the get-go, he's a goner; and fast.

    In all likelyhood you are right. ...but this is May, a wistful month in footballdom. I disagree with you that he is in first round of cuts. His athleticism is too intriguing. Will he be a tight end? Who knows but his background, pedigree and raw ability screams project which requires patience. He would not be the first kid who woke and realized that playing for pay demanded he change his wasteful ways

  2. Well as profound as that is, I'd rather get back to discussing the merits of a 300+ pound 6'5" former college hoop player, who can also leap and catch a ball with one hand, lining up inside the 5-yard line along with 6'6" 220 pound James Hardy, Marshawn Lynch, Mike Viti, and Lee Evans, and hear the arguments for and against such an offensive scoring threat. :thumbsup:




  3. Not really. The Bills currently gross $6M per home game. That's all revenue from tickets, concessions, parking, etc. But they have to pay stadium costs, employees, police, etc, all the expenses of hosting game from that. The Bills get $9.75M from each Toronto game WITH NO ADDED COSTS! So playing one game in Toronto is like playing two games at RWS. No brainer.





    Quite right...and only further illustration that Bills will play many more than 2 per year in TO. The new owner will have paid a price that reflects the 78 mil reality and the realization that he/she/they can make more than twice as much in To...In less than 10 years hence we will be lucky to have 4 regular season games at the Ralph!

  4. if poz/crowell/mitchell are healthy ellison and bowen won't see the field save for special teams


    Agreed... but are there not situations , 3rd and very long , or extreme prevent situations where more pass defense oriented LB's like Ellison would be essentially playing as a DB?

  5. Note that this is a guy who decided to go to West Point in 2004 when the army was well-engaged in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The chances of him knowing that both (1) he would be good enough to play professional football and (2) that the Army would develop this program are virtually nil. I really doubt that he is just looking for a way to avoid his service commitment based on these facts. He simply wants to play pro football.

    Completely agree. This program was not instituted by Cadets. It was an Armed Forces idea designed to increase enlistment in general ( as a recruiter) and admission to Academy's. Otto Graham, Bobby Wanzer, Glenn Miller and a host of others served in WWII in various athletic, musical and general entertainment roles.

  6. Since you have to almost consider that teams often use 3 WR's the first three CB's are starters. The nickel package means one more semi-regular. Ellison and Bowen are LB,s that are in on passing downs. And a 'tweener like Wendling may appear in some usage. All 3 may impact on whether we keep 5 or 6 DB's. I seem to note a predisposition to select hybrids.

  7. and Peters did it so well that the Bills cut him outright after not even drafting him



    The beauty of "projects" is that even if cut, which has to occur to be called back to taxi squad, it is extremely rare that another team picks them up if only because the team choosing has to include the choice on 53 man roster. UDFA's are safe at least for a year.

  8. Demitrius Bell as Tight End: HE has basketball genes and proven hoop talent. He is a project anyway why not at tight end? We do not seem, seem to be certain we have a complete TE. Granted Tight end blocking is different than right tackle he still would profit from work outs. He was a seventh round pick so what is to lose. I hope I am wrong and he becomes the second coming of Jason Peters. Even JP spent time on PT, did he not. In poker large reward for small cost.

  9. Free Shmee. Just which D1 football starter pays? Oh you say this is on taxpayer dime. So too is every public and/or land grant institution. So that leaves only private colleges in which case the bill is directed to parents and/or student loans. Some body pays.

    The Academy's introduced the policy. It certainly was not a vote of the plebes who neither vote nor demand. The likes of Blanchard, Staubach and Bellino no longer apply. War is conducted with the fore knowledge that Rangers at Normandy would die at a greater rate than others. C'est la vie, c'est le guerre.

    Would Viti better serve his country in Iraq or recruiting? Now that we know who Viti is I suspect the former.

  10. Have the Bills ever gotten a player fromthe June cuts that has played even a minor role over the past ten years? Milloy is the only one I can even think of the Bills signing and he didn't come in until September.


    For some reason fans think that there are good players available after the June 1st cuts. Must be part of the "I heard of them, so they must be an upgrade over who we have..." crowd.



    I think we see less and less quality players cut in June in part because the quality ones are auctioned off pre draft at a discount( Moss, Stroud at al) . Also teams and players are restructuring more

  11. Of course we can. It's that simple. "With their 3rd round pick, Buffalo selects Pro Bowl defensive tackle Marcus Stroud."


    Just because they didn't announce it at the podium in NY didn't make it any less true. Choosing Stroud was EXCACTLY what we did in the 3rd round of the draft this year.


    Talk about value!


    GO BILLS!!!



    >And Stroud answered a need- dire i'd say- to the bills. Would any team choose free agents on the basis of Best Player Available? This whole business about value v need is so ridiculous. Fact is it is always an accomodation of the two. i suppose it was most evident to the Bills in rd 3 when there were a variety of needs. We chose DE over TE. One can normally expect to have a productive player iby year 2 or 3 out of a 3rd rd pick

  12. The draft is not a two day exercise

    1) What was value of pre draft losses ?- mindful that sometimes it is addition by subtraction- Bungles could do with a lot of subtraction IMHO. Or consider the loss of Favre vs Spikes. Was cause of loss injury or age? What is the difficulty of replacing that/those position(s). It has taken Bills forever to replace Jim Kelly.


    2) Who was added via free agency ( should not K Mitchell, William James and Spencer Johnson be accounted for)? Who was added via draft trade? ( Surely there is likely high value in Stroud acquisition vs a 3rd and 5th- and surely Bills should be able to count Stroud as a draft pick)


    3) After assessing #1 and #2 : What needs are there remaining? Every team drafts on basis of need. Some teams have more needs than picks of course. IMHO the choice of BPA over need is espoused most strongly by those who have a particular need. Past draft went as most everyone predicted picks 1 thru 7 and then the runs on position set in. No wides til 31 and then boom they all started to fall.


    4) A much more difficult assessment is the UDFA signings. Not too long ago the draft was 12 rounds. So while difficult to assess this part of the "draft" is revealing of need and/ vs development .

  13. New rule for pro athletes...The can, if they have a pro contact, a recruiter. I don't remember the specifics but if they stay for more than, I think, three years in a league they can go reserve.


    And they must make team for two consecutive years.. I believe this means practice squad too

  14. This being your last chance to prove yourself as an NFL head coach, here's what you need to do:


    The offensive team you currently have is not of the "three yards and a cloud of dust, grind it out" mold. You currently do NOT have the offensive line to do this. Only teams that have the top notch run blockers up front can get away with this plan of attack. This team doesn't have that. What this team WILL excel at is being a "pass first to set up the run" type of offense. You need to trust in your offensive playmakers...Edwards, Evans, Hardy, Parrish, Lynch, Jackson and Royal. Give Turk enough leash to throw the ball around to everyone early in games, get them all involved, score touchdowns. Keep defenses off balance, be unpredictable, throw the damn ball to Marshawn. Once you establish the passing game, Lynch will no doubt become the pro bowl runningback we all know he can be once the defenses stop stacking the line. Our offensive line will have a chance blocking seven, not eight guys in the box.


    The defensive team you currently have is now ready to take that big step into the top ten of the league. I have faith that with you being a defense coach, you'll be able to make it happen barring injuries. That was a legit excuse last year. If all stay healthy, your Bills should be a top ten defensive unit. I trust that you can accomplish this.


    The special teams have been one of the best in the league. I expect this trend to continue.



    So there you have it, now go and get er done Dick or step aside. Time for this team to finally get back into the playoffs where they belong. This team has been an embarrassment for the last time, for a long time. We Bills fans are expecting the next great era of the Buffalo Bills to begin in 2008, and we can't wait for the fun ride to begin.




    Well said

  15. I've heard some draftniks say that Ellis will be a good player when he understands he's not as good as he thinks he is.


    Plus his motivation isn't necessarily on "playing a game that he loves" (which may just be a cliche anyway for these millionaires-to-be.)


    Virginia paper


    Here are some interesting comments from a local newspaper article:


    Even as a senior, a football paycheck was never far from his mind. He sometimes wore a T-shirt depicting an X-ray of a man's head with dollar bills floating around inside it -- a visual representation of the phrase "money on my mind."


    Ellis was surprised the Bills picked him because they didn't seem to show much more interest than the 20 or so other teams he met with at the combine. When the Bills called his cell phone yesterday to tell him they wanted to select him, it marked his official transition from a college career in which Tech's coaches sometimes hoped he would change his attitude, something the unapologetic Ellis resisted.


    "It's not that I don't want to change, because I plan on changing," he said in the fall. "I plan on changing my bank account." :w00t:


    He is now a pro and the chief motivation is money. His self interest will serve us well- if he can play!

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