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Posts posted by beausox

  1. I'm not sure who (if anyone) watches those multimedia segments on Buffalobills.com, but in the most recent Marv Levy show (after the Raven's game) Jim Overdorf was on explaining where the Bills stand with the cap. He explained that the league has changed from a Cap League to a Cash League and fans should consider that in regards to the Bills' upcoming FA aquisitions.


    I know this was a huge topic when the new CBA was approved, but I am still a bit in the dark about the difference. I've heard some people say that teams in larger markets will be able to offer more in the way of signing bonuses than the small market clubs -- but doesn't that still count against the cap? If not, moreso?


    For instance, the Bills have 40+ under the cap this season, second most in the league (I think?) -- why is it assumed that teams with lesser cap room will be bigger players in the FA market if, as Overdorf said on the show, The Bills aim to opperate right at the cap limit each year. To me that means the Bills are going to be spenders.


    So, what am I missing here? Any cap guru's out there want to explain the difference between a Cash and Cap league?



    I believe it works like this: The signing bonus is up front money. Say the contract is 50 mil for 10 years. Say 15 mill is paid immediately - that is the up front signing bonus. The player gets that whatever. The remainder - 35 mil- is paid in more or less equal measure over life of contract IF the player is not cut. The 10 mil is amortized over length of contract. I do not believe any NFL player has a "guaranteed" contract

    So "rich" teams NYG Dal, Wash et al can outbid small market teams- Cinci, Buff, GB- for available talent. But fear not the grave yard of sports owners is littered with multi-millionaires who squandered resources.

    You would think that Ralph would be more con

  2. 1) Clements is gone even if we matched the offer. It was a fait accompli at least a year ago.

    2) NC says this is a business. He has to look after his family. Laudable and I have no reason to judge his sincerity.

    3) The business works both ways. The Bills have choices. Can they afford 20 mil signing bonus. Probably. The question is: is NC's value 20 mil up front as an individual and then how might 20 mill upfront money , if not to NC,be distributed throughout, say, five quality players. Consider: some argue Pats would have been playing still had they paid Deion. Ok would they also have been able to retain Seymour; and had they not would they have been in position to contend? I do not know which but keeping both would ravage their budget. Further consider that Pats won three SB's in 4 years and the only HOFamers will be Brady and Vinateri with Seymour an odds on favcorite. Bruschi, Vrable, Harrison and excellent draft choices coupled with disciplined salary cap management are the source of greatness.

    4) Salary cap increases do not change an iota of choices. Consider you bought your house in 1970 for 50,000. It is now worth 400,000. If you believe you have made 350,000 do not bother reading on. Because the price of housing goes up more or less uniformally. As a matter of fact the cost of football talent is mandated!! to increase uniformally.

    5) Thus we are left with the unassailable truth that in a market as described it is better to have four superstars and 49 good players because the marginal cost of adding one, two or certainly three other highly compensated superstars is a prescription for mediocrity. Exhibit A; Redskins. Exhibit B: Patriots So the draft is everything. It is the cheapest most effective way to manage a team.

  3. as many a draftnik suspected ,, at the weigh in for the senior bowl many players real height weight are known.. AMOBI OKOYE did his weigh in..

    now ,,checking in at 6'1/4" and weighed in at 274lbs. ,, this isnt a anchor we need for the middle.. his draft position just went from high first to late first at best



    If height and weight determined matters Thurman, London Fletcher, Charley Tolar, dare i say Zach Thomas, Doug Flutie, Roscoe, Lee Evans, Nick Buonoconti and so on versus Mike Williams, Tony Mandarich, Walt Patulski, Gabe Northern and many other cant miss guys.............Can they play?

  4. His son plays High School Basketball at Nichols School here in Buffalo.


    He was sitting/standing with........ well actually surprise, surprise.... he was by himself.


    As you might know I'm not Donahoe's biggest fan......but even I won't stoop to the level of describing his kids skills/attributes.


    (though I would put up a for sale sign on their property if I knew their street address in Snyder)LOL



    He lives in Eggertsville anyway

  5. I still think this is too judgemental. There are a lot of people who would like to go, but cannot for whatever reasons - not my business.


    By the way (not directed at you, beau) you all do realize that since Ralph cannot fill a gazillion personal luxury boxes, he IS counting on as many fans as possible being AT THE GAMES. He has to share the gate but all concessions and parking are his alone.


    Since many want big $$ signed to keep current players and sign more from other teams, he does depend more on attendance than most other teams.


    HIS revenue disparity comes from relative shortfall of luxury box income coupled with his contention that revenue sharing favors large market franchises.

    I argue that Wilson should consider reducing " inexpensive" seats and raising per ticket price to offset loss. Problem is big markets do not share luxury revenue. Thus Bills have to share % of lower price tix

  6. Perhaps it is my indulgence in the finer fruits of life but I can't go to a game and spend less than $200.



    My wife believes the cost of golf is yearly dues. God bless her. Of course she has me believing all sorts of lies about Mother of the Bride dresses and so on. So we have a pact not to delineate closely the cost of certain things. One does not have to spend as much on golf or Bills games as I do (and you do too) but it is our choice. We could do it more inexpensively but we choose not to. Yet such ancillary costs are common to much entertainment. It is not outrageous to say that dinner and show, concert rock-and-not equal if not exceed Bills games. If U2 does not sell out in Buffalo it will go to Cleveland.

  7. So all you babies and invalids out there...Look out!



    Ah! The I am only concerned about the "Pirates of Penzance" criterion! The last refuge of free rider Bills fans is to remind those of us with a conscience of the plight of orphans.


    Au contraire. Only a season ticket holder could be held blameless about the tv deprivation of widows and orphans. People who buy tickets increase the chance of Tiny Tims to view the Bills while devouring the Christmas goose. Faux watercooler Scrooges who whine about blackout rules and do not concern selves with fate of deserving poor actually ratchet the pain of the Cratchit family as they consume their chestnuts without benefit of a Bills game. O Tempora! O Mores.

  8. I live 80 miles away, no big deal. I usually need at least 12 hours to get there early, see my friends, have some food, drink some suds, wait for the traffic to thin, and then drive home. I do not like to rush. I go to two or three games a year and like you, have been a true fan for many years.


    For me, it is not the money as much as the TIME I cannot afford.


    True fans vs faux fans? Puh-leeeze!


    I am happy you have season tickets.

    You are out of line judging others by their GAME ATTENDANCE only.  :(



    You do live within and you do go to games. you do not have to hold season tix to be a true fan. HOWEVER, anyone living in reasonably close proximity to Buffalo AND does not pay to go to any games AND carps about a blackout is a faux, watercooler-hero fan.

  9. blackout means:

    1) If you live within the proscribed territory and you never buy a ticket for the team you will cleave WHEN THEY WIN and wax enthusiastic at the watercooler and lie you were there then you deserve the blackout.

    2) The people who actually purchased a ticket for the game, that is true fans, receive vicarious pleasure by dint that you, you cheapskate, did not see the game free.

    3) I need not list a litany of things that cost $50, especially to the faux fans because it is they who have calculated each and every expenditure of their precious disposal income.

    4) Please do not let the" fair weather caddies" to quote the late great Caddie Master John O'Brien of CCB fame have their cake and eat it too.

    5) What is this poor little ole Buffalo crap anyway?! How many teachers (and add to that retired teachers- me- who are actually better off than working teachers) have season tickets/ or go to a number of games?Nurses? Technicians? Bankers and Financial Related? Professors? Construction and trades? I imagine many do because they make up the labor force of Buffalo. What of the rest? For a half a grand? Puhleze!

    6) A Miami columnist remarked re: failure to sell out Dolphins game " just what else is there to do in Buffalo" Insensitive and rude and untrue? Yes. But it is true that without the Bills there would be an unfillable gaping chasm in the soul of Buffalo

    7) Be sure to note that some of the posts below on this subject are frivolous. They mask the fact they have nothing to add. Some of the posts will be wortwhile. You will be able to tell the weak responses by their reliance on vulgarity. If any of those miscreants actually attend a game in semi-concious condition they would do us all a favor to stay home and let the rest of us pay for their birthright to see Bills from the safety of home.

  10. The Colts win over the Bengals was huge and gives Buffalo about a 50-50 chance of getting into the playoffs if they win their final 2 games.


    Not including the Bills games, there are 8 remaining games left that will impact the Bills' chances (the DEN, CIN, NYJ, JAX, and KC games). There are 256 possible combinations of results in those games, excluding ties.




    Of the 256 possible outcomes, 104 would put the Bills in the playoffs while 152 would leave them out.


    However, 2 of the 8 games involve the hapless Oakland Raiders in games that the Bills want Oakland to lose (if the Jets beat Miami, the Jets MUST beat Oakland for the Bills to stay alive). Assuming that the Raiders will lose both of those games, the Bills would make the playoffs in 33 of the remaining scenarios while only 31 would leave the Bills out of the picture.




    MIA vs NYJ: This game is incredibly important for the Bills chances. If Miami wins, the Bills would make the playoffs in 92 of 128 scenarios. A Dolphins win here plus a Pats win over the Jags would put the Bills in the playoffs in 58 of 64 scenarios.


    If the Jets win, however, the Bills would only make the playoffs in 12 of 128 possible scenarios. We want the Bengals to beat Denver next week because that would make it more likely that the Bills could still get in even if NYJ beats MIA.


    Jags 2 games: As a group, the Jags games against NE and KC are quite important. If the Jags win both games, the Bills can only get into the playoffs in 4 of 64 scenarios. If the Jags lose to KC in Week 17, however, the Bills would make the playoffs in 70 of 128 scenarios and miss in only 58.


    DEN vs. CIN: As of now, the Bills would make the playoffs in 52 of 128 scenarios regardless of who wins this game. However, a Cincy win would improve the Bills slight chance to get in if the Jets beat Miami, while a Denver win would improve the Bills' already great chances if Miami wins.


    The remaining games don't have as much bearing on the overall picture as of now.


    The bottom line is that the playoffs are a very real possibility for the Bills if they win their final 2 games.





    Had I only known the relevance of ststistics to my life I would have embraced standard deviation for the right reason to have been devaiate! Thanks to all you upon whom my laziness relies

  11. I haven't posted in a while but hey - I can't let this one go by :angry: Is holcombs_arm still calling for Nall to start??


    Once and for all this reminds me of 1987. Kelly was a "drunken bum" according to all the pontificators - but then we went to the AFC championship in 1998. My uncle hooked my brother and I up with his tickets at the JAX game this year - afterwards I met Jim for the first time in that little bar on Abbot road - outside and then upstairs(for the usual suspects who bust balls) - I met Lee Evans too - he is tiny!!! I can't imagine how small Parrish is now. For five minutes it was small talk but I asked about JP(couldn't help it) in relation to his first couple of seasons.


    He laughed and said he wouldn't talk about it - but - the answer was in his eyes. Well, (disclaimer) from what I could tell being 13 drinks into it :angry: I have to say that my call is Jim thinks he's very good. That half a second was quite something - or I was just smashed. Either way, he didn't laugh at all. In fact, I got the impression that he was almost jealous in the sense that he wished he was still out there. You don't get jealous of a tool. :bag: Jim is a great guy - and now I get to bust my Dad's balls for ever talking smack about him:0



    I have no idea if this means anything at all. And maybe it doesn't. But, I am pretty sure that Jim's reaction speaks volumes. I think that most of us who have supported JP since May have been vindicated. We have already improved on last year's record. This is a real team, with a real set of goals, leadership they can finally believe in, and perhaps most importantly a set of coaches who know how to use their players' strengths - finally. Now, if we can finally, finally, finally, do what BillNYC - and JAthur and his group - have been asking for and draft solid OL and DL we are gonna get back to being good.


    Merry Christmas(or Insert holiday here) and Happy New Year.  :(




    Was it as good for Jim as it was for you?

  12. If the Bills are going to resign London Fletcher then they cannot bring back the same defensive tackles.


    For the scheme the Bills are running on defense, you need a bigger middle linebacker like Jeremiah Trotter rather than a small, but quick MLB like Fletcher. Hell, Zach Thomas who is built much like Fletcher has always had Big Bodies in front of him like Tim Bowens, Darryl Gardener or Keith "tractor"Traylor to protect him from being smothered by Guards or Centers.


    They also need to resign Clemens, and get a more productive and bigger possession receiver. I am amazed that JP is showing progress despite throwing to four munchkins at wideout.

    His windows to throw the ball into are so small cuz he lacks big targets to throw at, and he also needs an upgrade from Royal at tight end, and a scheme that establishes the tight end as a consistent threat in the middle of the field.


    A legitimate threat at tight end, will loosen up coverage on the wide receivers and make Losman's success even greater.



    Have you really been watching lately?


    I assume you are excluding Lee Evans. I agree DL or OL ( I'll let drafters decide that) is a priority. I like London because he is so quick and is excellent in pass defense too. The world is replete with trade offs. Size usually sacrifices speed and so on. I do not know if you would upgrade Middle Backer by offloading LF.

    Re: TE I agree but it appears that the relative invisibility of our TE is testament to work of others- oline improved ergo running game must be repected which in turn makes passing possible which in turn.....and so on. This is beginning to look like a team.

  13. I don't listen to him often, but he clearly has an eternal bone to pick with Marv.

    This morning on the way in listening to him on WGR he said, Jason Peters is better fit to play Guard or RT....and that the Bills should go out and trade down to get Wisconsin LT Joe Thomas.


    Then he went on to say that the Bills Defensive Line isn't stout enough.  I hear him say this all the time.  I understand that they don't have big guys like Ted Washington or Pat Williams....but can't he just accept the fact that he has a different defensive philosophy than this staff?



    Fact is that JP could play a lot of positions offense and defense. If I had a line consisting of JP clones I would whip your choice of clones other than JP. It would also hold true on defense line.


    The "Coach" is a pathetic, bitter man. He will never rise above his petulance. I do not listen anymore to him because the refrain is old and tired. Like Louis XVI who was described by his tutor " he never learned anything and never forgot anything"

  14. Up front disclaimer:  YES I know the Bills need to beat the Titans or none of this matters.  Now shaddup!  Having said that, in case you were wondering what other games impact the Bills playoff chances, well here's a list.  The discussion threads for this list are here and here.


    For the "importance" rankings, anything ranked 5 or higher would be a devastating blow to lose.  The only 10 or absolute must-win is Bills beating Titans.  Dolphins beating Jets is a 9, though.  Everything below a 5 is a nice-to-have but not necessary.


    HOME team in CAPS



    COLTS beat Bengals (Importance = 8):

    a) Bills chasing Bengals for a wild-card spot.  Really need this game for chance to win tiebreaker with Bengals.  Bengals loss opens up more options to make the playoffs.

    b) this is 1st of 5 outcomes that must occur for Ravens-Bills game to mean nothing to Ravens.



    Chiefs beat RAIDERS (Importance = 5)

    a) need Chiefs to win out because that will eliminate Broncos during multiple-team tiebreakers, sending Bills to the playoffs.  Bills lose tiebreaker to Broncos otherwise.


    Sunday 1:00

    BILLS beat Titans (Importance = 10)

    a) Duh!


    Sunday 1:00

    Patriots beat JAGUARS (Importance = ???)

    a) Bills chasing Jaguars for a wild-card spot


    JAGUARS beat Patriots (Importance = ???)

    a) this is 2nd of 5 outcomes that must occur for Ravens-Bills game to mean nothing to Ravens.  Whether you root for NE or Jax depends on your confidence in KC beating Jax at Arrowhead Week 17 and your confidence in Bills beating a motivated Ravens team.  Keep in mind we probably need KC to beat Jax to eliminate Denver anyway so having NE also beat Jax is probably extraneous.  I personally will be rooting for the Jaguars here.


    Sunday 1:00

    Colts beat TEXANS (Importance = 3)

    a) this is 3rd of 5 outcomes that must occur for Ravens-Bills game to mean nothing to Ravens.


    Sunday 1:00

    STEELERS beat Ravens (Importance = 3)

    a) this is 4th of 5 outcomes that must occur for Ravens-Bills game to mean nothing to Ravens.


    Sunday 4:00

    49ERS beat Cardinals (Importance = 1)

    a) want 49ers to stay in NFC division and wild-card chase so they are motivated to beat Denver Week 17 (unlikely anyway, I know)


    Sunday 4:00

    Bengals beat BRONCOS (Importance = 9 or 1)

    a) importance of this game depends on Colts-Bengals outcome.  If Bengals win that game, root hard for Bengals against Broncos because Bengals basically a lock for playoffs at that point.  If Bengals lose to Colts, this game becomes essentially meaningless.


    Sunday 4:00

    Chargers beat SEAHAWKS (Importance = 3)

    a) this is 5th of 5 outcomes that must occur for Ravens-Bills game to mean nothing to Ravens.

    b) keeps 49ers in the division race in case we need them to beat Denver Week 17 (unlikely anyway, I know)



    DOLPHINS beat Jets (Importance = 9)

    a) Bills chasing Jets in wild-card race.  Need Jets to lose this one so Bills can win tiebreaker with them.  Bills can not pass Jets if they win here.  A Jets loss opens up WAY more options to make playoffs.



    Thank you you saved me hours of of work. Is Cinci win out , KC win out and Jets lose two going to do it?

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