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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Geez....why did I have to wade through all the fat Axl Rose pics to find this. ?
  2. Ok sure. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40930831 https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/photos-antifa-campus-violence/ (newly emboldened) https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/the-rise-of-the-violent-left/534192/ I lived in the Bay Area from 2009-2017. Trust me there was a marked increase of violent activity after 2016. Stop with the intellectual dishonesty.
  3. And you don't think there has been an uptick in their activity since Donald Trump was elected?
  4. So many many people state part of the reason for the Second Amendment is not for themselves but so people who live in high crime areas, such as Oakland, can protect themselves? That was a real concern when I lived there.
  5. Stats? Did you see my words “it seems”? That means I’m giving an opinion not stating facts. But would you agree that violence from groups such as Antifa have been on the rise since 2016? Now let’s try a mature well thought out response this time.
  6. Good job. I can see you’re not worth taking to. The reason we need to get back to work is so people like you will have something else to occupy their time.
  7. Really? It seems like since 2016 there has been an increase in violence coming from the left.
  8. Idiots and racists don’t need motivation. It comes naturally.
  9. Get it right man. It’s now “let them eat ice cream” Yeah that $1,200 is going to go a long way. Why do you think people across the country are protesting to get back work? Hoax? Did you not go on last night about the fact that I should be more concerned about my health than being attacked by an intruder? Is that a good thing?
  10. But, for some reason, you and Gene felt it necessary to go On about paranoia last night. And that is why, if you don’t feel foolish, you should. That is the problem with pointing fingers at people without knowing anything about their lives.
  11. So racism and idiots didn’t exist before Trump? God I long for those kumbaya days pre 2016.
  12. Well you should feel like a fool. Telling someone that they should be concerned about their health when you have no idea how healthy they actually are.
  13. It’s a peace of mind play. In certain neighborhoods (like Oakland) it’s a reality not paranoia. If I was paranoid I’d have the guns out regardless of where I lived. Now I have them locked up and leave windows and doors unlocked.
  14. Maybe but they love a guy with muscles AND hair who can cook even more.
  15. Because the original conversation was about the Second Amendment. Jesus. You want to talk about healthy lifestyle start a threat over on OTW Now I don’t frequent there much so I’ll tell you. I go (or went before corona) to the gym six days a week. Have a salad for dinner every night, lots of fruit, no alcohol and very little sugar. Oh and I since I moved my guns stay locked up. Feel like a fool now? And I chose to leave and move to a very safe neighborhood. Not everyone has that option. Do you have a problem with them protecting themselves? If so why?
  16. Dude. My burglar alarm went off at 2pm one day. They asked if I wanted the cops to show (I was at work). I said yes. They showed up 14 hours later. Saw them on my security cam and heard one say “nothing looks disheveled”. Never even knocked on the door. Now do you think every burglar I Oakland knows they have plenty of time to ransack before the police show? Here’s a hint. They do. What makes you think I’m not more animated about my diet?
  17. So a steak and cheesecake should be approached in the same manner as a meth head? I can control what I buy. I can’t control who breaks down my back door. So again. You want my wife to defend herself against a burglar with what exactly. A spatula?
  18. Job and affordability. Doubled the value and moved to a very safe part of OC and the guns stay locked up. But this is not all about me. How about others that still live in that neighborhood where they work and raise their families. In a city that has rampant crime? They are not protected by those that they pay so protect and serve so is it not in their best interest to protect themselves? And this is a neighborhood of $1m homes. It’s a shopping mall for burglars.
  19. So you’re not against protection but someone who protects themselves is paranoid? Got it. Because there are dangers greater than being attacked in my home means I’m not concerned about those dangers? Got it.
  20. So you are ok with my wife not being able to defend herself against an intruder? The firearms were her idea after we were burgled ya jackass When you live in a place like Oakland with an incredible crime rate and a PD that took 14 hours to resound to a bugler alarm you are wise to protect yourself. Why are you so against my wife and I protecting ourselves? Im here entertain myself. Why are you here?
  21. Of course wall doesn’t address visa over stays. I’m not talking about a wall. I’m talking about a complete open border that many advocate. Add to that universal healthcare (is that better) and throw in a pandemic here and there along the way and we will likely have MASSIVE inflows of people seeking care at no cost to them. Do you not see the challenge in that? So now how about a meaningful discussion?
  22. I have yet to have ANYONE on the left address my question of “do you still think open borders and “free” healthcare for all is a good idea?”
  23. You don’t like MY facts? I can’t tell you how many times we woke in the middle of the night to crazy things and had our weapons ready. So ***** you. Irrational fear? No it’s not in certain neighborhoods. Do you want me not to protect my wife?
  24. I never owned a gun until I bought a house in Oakland. The original owners were victims of a invasion robbery, tied up and beaten for six hours. We were broken in with a year of living there. I slept with them outside the safe every night With all due respect you had no clue what my reasoning was. You do now. Is it still absurd?
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