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Houston's #1 Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Houston's #1 Bills Fan

  1. 15 hours ago, Virgil said:

    6 - Hill/Kelce - Tyreek was an absolute monster on the field and showed off why speed matters.  You had to tip your cap to him on the 70 yard slant route pass, where he juked out every single Bills player on the field.  Even when Tre was on him, Hill's speed was uncoverable and Mahomes had the time to wait for him to get open.  Kelce was more of a concern for me because we didn't seem to make any attempt to cover him in man.  By his seventh catch, I couldn't wrap my mind around why Milano or Poyer wasn't shadowing him or at least bumping him off the line.  To his credit, even Tre covered him a few times and couldn't slow him down.  When 70% of the offense runs through two players, you do have to question the defensive scheme a little. 


    To me, this had the biggest impact in the game. I kept screaming, "How do you let their BEST player be wide open?!?!?" Easily the most frustrating thing in the game. The other items you listed are extremely relevant, but this was the one that drove me the most crazy!!


    Even though Josh started out badly (the eyes: Deer in Headlights), I always felt that he still could pull it together. Late in the 4th, he finally started getting into a groove, but was that because the Chiefs were comfortably ahead or that Josh finally was feeling more at ease?? Either way, many factors went into this loss, but when you don't cover the best Tight End in the league, you're gonna loose. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Brennan Huff said:

    1. We need a running game


    2. We are severely lacking an elite pass rusher


    3. We couldn’t cover a TE to save our lives all season long


    Get it done Beane

    I'm not sure if the order is right, but you nailed it. All three of these NEEDS to be addressed in the offseason (ugh! I hate even saying "offseason"). Hopefully McBeane can solve this! I still believe that we have the makings of a dynasty, what ever that means these days. 

  3. I understand that Still was "new" and maybe didn't know the playbook as well, but dang, at least try something. And, I've been very strong on bringing up A. Williams at RB. I still don't understand why he wasn't at least given a shot. Perhaps it was because we played Miami and he really isn't that good, but how do you know. But, John Brown has not been the same. I believe he was a liability in the game. 


    Ultimately, it was more the Defense not stopping a damn thing and the O line not providing any protection that sealed our fate. 

    • Agree 2
  4. I got an email about the Super Bowl tickets from the NFL and I also looked at the cost. Those $5,950 seats are all nosebleeds! Augh!!


    I was in my very early 20's when they had the first Super Bowl run and I couldn't afford to go. I really wanted to go to at least one, but I just did not have the means to do that. 


    But, now that I could afford it, but I just CANNOT justify spending $14,000-$20,000 just to go to the Super Bowl. Listen, I LOVE my Bills, but the shear lunacy of spending that kind of coin on a game is just ridiculous. I guess if I was rich, then maybe??? But, what constitutes "rich" to the point where someone can drop $20K or more to go to a game????


    I mean, are all those that attend the SB rich F***ers???


    I guess that's the way it is today to attend any "cool" events. I haven't been to a concert in 15 years. I wanted to see U2 several years ago, but the cheapest "decent" seat was $500/ticket!! GTFOH!!! I really don't consider myself cheap, as I like going on vacations, have nice cars, cool stereo equipment, tools, etc. But, there's a common sense aspect when looking at paying too much for something you KNOW shouldn't be that expensive or is being inflated just because someone can!! 


    Now, get off my lawn!!

    3 minutes ago, spartan19 said:

    I know Covid plays a huge role in this, but does anyone know if the Bills will have a lottery this year.  I was hoping to hear from the Bills regarding this, face value is way more affordable than Stubhub.

    What is face value anyways??

  5. Wow, home playoff game in Buffalo and only a handful of fans show up! Some fanbase!! 









    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...before anyone jumps on me, of course I know it's COVID and limited capacity!! Just so weird to see from the in-stadium/fan perspective!!!


    To the OP, thanks for posting! That was awesome!! I think the entire Bills Mafia collectively said, "KNOCK IT DOWN!!!"

    • Eyeroll 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Florida Bills Fanatic said:

    McD may have to give up on his "Big Nickel" approach to defense.  People are apoplectic over the Bills run defense but we all need to remember that they play the vast majority of plays with five DB's on the field.  In many instances they stay in that defense even when they are facing two and three tight end sets. Taron Johnson plays tough but is over matched when taking on large run blockers.  I expect to see more of A.J. on the field for first and second downs.

    Which one? Espensa or Klein? I'll hang-up and listen...

  7. 1 hour ago, JohnNord said:


    At first, I was like, "Who?" Trust me, I was happier than a kid in a candy store that Rexy was gone, but then I was worried that we got a guy that nobody had heard of. But, I researched his previous coaching positions and college career and got more excited. Obviously, I think it's all worked out pretty good. The fact that in the very short time he's been here and is already 3rd for overall wins speaks volumes!!


    But, the one thing about that press conference from above always stuck with me was watching Doug Whaley "posing" in front of the cameras and holding that football like he's out there grinding it out on the field. To me, he just came across as a complete jackass!! So glad that we got Brandon Beane to replace this guy!!!


    GO BILLS!!

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