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sweet baboo

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Posts posted by sweet baboo

  1. The enlarged text represents where we fundamentally disagree, and in my opinion, it's a lousy answer to my question. Give it to someone else? You mean give a 25k/month lifestyle to someone else? Surely you can't.


    I am 100% in agreement about the government's inability to manage money. But that's nothing new, and it's certainly not a an ineptitude that Obama, or any other politician in 2009 can be credited for inventing or in even reigniting. You must have been livid with how big the government grew to be between 2000-2008.


    But to address the enlarged text, and the nexus of your answer to my original question, having people PAY less does not equal GIVING out money. I am not RECEIVING any more benefits than I was six months ago, I'm simply paying less. Dare I say I represent the majority of Americans? I'm still light years away from a 25k/month lifestyle, and I don't believe it was ever anyone's intention to raise me to that status.


    But if I have a few extra bucks for groceries, while a wealthier person as a few less bucks for things in his life he could live without, it seems to me that the positive repercussions far out weigh the negative ones. Note: I didn't suggest there WEREN'T negative repercussions, nor did I suggest that wealthier people for whatever reason are now receiving the economic comeuppance they deserve, so please don't put those words into my mouth.


    The bottom line being--I understand why people would be pissy about having to pay higher taxes. But they're not historically high taxes, nor do they even cross a threshold that hasn't already been breached within the past decade. But if it was me who had a ton of money, while a far greater portion of folks are struggling to make ends meet, and after 8 years of being ball washed because of my bank account, I wouldn't show even a fraction of the spite some of the folks here are putting forth, especially considering the highly unlikely circumstances under which the tax increases would bring my financial life to a sudden halt.

    How old are you? I'm just curious as I've waded through this thread and have pretty much found that only your responses are incredibly naive. I'm not out of my 20's yet, but I certainly don't think like you.

  2. Next up: Rahm Emanuel?


    Say it ain't, so, Rahm. "Gimme a free roof over my head worth $100,000 and I'll give you half a million in contracts."


    Sounds fair to me. :lol:




    Jesus. What a mess.

    bah, don't worry about it. The only news outlet that will cover it will be Fox news and after a few weeks, everyone will have forgotten anyway.


    I'm not sure what counts as a scandal for this administration these days.

  3. When I had a Japanese girlfriend I admired the fact that you (she) could walk around the streets of Tokyo at any time of the day or night and not fear being harmed. People there are so adverse to guns that there was a block in the Omotosando district where people would not go because someone had been killed by gunfire about twenty years before.

    Did you also only stay in areas where Americans roamed? You walk into the wrong area of Tokyo and you face the wrath of assorted knives and meat cleavers. If it's not one thing, it's another.

  4. C'mon man, if you're in the industry then you know that the ancillary knowledge gained in any basic research is usually the most beneficial.

    Yes, I agree with you there. At the same time, I still stand by my point that dumping extra funding in will not stimulate the economy because any benefits will take many many years to see. If we want to really "stimulate" the economy NOW as the president and politicians claim, then any money being put into that stimulus bill needs to have immediate impact. Extra funding for research is another fight for another time.


    Now let's say that this extra funding would somehow stimulate the economy through creation of new jobs...how long would it really take? How long is it going to for the money to get divvied up to each funding agency? How long will it then take for PI's to then apply for those grants? They can't hire any more post-docs or take on extra students until that funding is guaranteed. Seems like it's at least a minimum of 2-3 years to fully process. Also, don't forget that when a PI gets funding from something like an RO1, the school takes a huge chunk. I guess some of that money could go towards hiring new faculty but I would not say that is money well spent to boost the economy quickly.

  5. I have cheated on my taxes, yes. I am not proud of it.


    You have, too.


    In fact, you're precisely the kind of person I was referring to.

    I think I missed something along the way as I was spending way too many years in school studying science and engineering, but I was always under the impression that if I didn't pay my taxes perfectly, I would get audited and the IRS would hound me to my death (see IRS demons in Spellsinger 6).


    so no, I've never cheated on my taxes. However, since government officials seem to be able to get away with it without even a slap on the wrist, I might as well do it too.


    note to big brother: I was just kidding. I don't do my own taxes, so please don't hound me like you did Couvier Coulb.

  6. Believe it or not, funding scientific research can stimulate the economy.

    eh? more graduate students making 22k a year that don't contribute to product development in industry which is really what spurs the economy? more pipet tips and eppendorf tubes sold by VWR? I'm a PhD product of Biomedical/Chemical engineering research also and I'm not seeing it.


    I suppose if there are any major discoveries, some pharmaceutical company could run with it and make tons of money, however no immediate cash infusion is going to result in a drug that is going to boost the economy within 4 years. On top of that, what STD needs to be cured so badly that it's going to be a huge cash cow? HIV?

  7. As I don't live in WNY, I don't contribute much, financially, to the Bills as it is, these days. i try to make a game or two a year (couldn't this year) and will continue to do so. That is about the only direct contribution I make.


    Just as an FYI, deciding to stop buying Bills merchandise (of which I own little) hurts the Bills VERY little, as the revenue is shared with the other NFL teams (except Dallas). Discontinuing the DTV Direct Ticket doesn't really hurt the Bills much as, again, that is shared money.


    So, make all the symbolic gestures you want, but don't fool yourself into thinking that your actions are making a financial statement at OBD. The only way to stop supporting the Bills financially, is to stop buying tickets, spending money at the stadium, etc.

    bah, symbolic gestures are everything! just look at what all the peace protests, hunger strikes and online petitions have accomplished! :lol:

  8. I have an 880 that I'd be willing to part with for the same price as an Amazon refurb. I've only had it for roughly 6 months but after I got my Onkyo receiver, I found out that I don't really need it. The main reason why I bought the remote was to be able to rapidly switch from one video input to another (takes forever to cycle in order on my SXRT). The receiver remote makes it more simple with direct buttons for each input (i.e. Cable, Game, DVD, AUX). PM me if interested.



  9. Look, I am not going to defend Kennedy... fact is other than charity and non-profit work, I don't know much about her. She has always appeared to be reasonable, able to articulate what she supported intelligently and stayed out of the fray and work behind the scenes to support whatever cause she was involved in.

    This really shows how little people know about her.


    Caroline Kennedy no whiz with words


    Caroline Kennedy, you know, might need, you know, a speech coach, um, if she, you know, wants, um, to be a senator.


    Um, you know?


    Kennedy, who gave a flurry of media interviews on Friday and Saturday, revealed some cringing verbal tics that showed her inexperience as a speaker, experts told the Daily News.


    In a 30-minute session with The News on Saturday, Kennedy punctuated her answers with "you know" more than 200 times. "Um" was fairly constant, too.


    Transcripts of her interviews with other media outlets showed the same problem. She said "you know" at least 130 times to The New York Times and more than 80 times on New York 1.


    How does one attend the best schools in the country while growing up and still manage to speak like that? People say engineers can't articulate their ideas but even we covered that in some of our courses (and at a state school! SUNY Buffalo). Every time, "Umm," or "You know" was uttered during a presentation, we'd lose a point from our final score regardless of the brilliance of the content.

  10. I love the Bills and that is exactly why I'm not going to support them in the upcoming season. I've been a diehard fan for 35 years and enough is enough. I post infrequently now and get flamed for the little I do but I post this because it's the perfect opportunity to make a difference. I don't really give a sh-- what any of you think but I can put up with your rude remarks, put downs and slanders if it can get the needed results to make this once proud franchise respectable again.


    Wilson has and always will do whatever he wants to and we'll swallow it. If you currently support this team then nothing will change. We'll be a middle of the road team at best and never even threaten success but if you stop Wilson's revenue then it will certainly not only catch his attention but also force him to relent to the fans' expectations or move this team. Are you ready for the consequences if that were to happen? I am because I'd rather lose this franchise to another city than to watch it wallow and drown because of a stubborn old man. I love this team so much that I'd be willing for it to relocate because you know that the needed changes and improvements would be made because of the appeal and marketability for the new fanbase.


    Flood the media, clubhouse and whatever means that allows your voice to be heard. Stop spending money for game tickets, team merchandise and any other form of revenue that would land up in Wilson's pocket. It nothing personal, it's just a disagreement with his thinking and you and I have that right. We have the right to disagree with what has and is happening to this franchise. It's not just Wilson's team, it's our team too. What I'm proposing is a hard thing to phantom and to execute. It's like turning your back on a dearly loved family member who you believe is not doing the right thing. A family member who is not taking care of themselves properly or hurting the ones who love them and try to support them but to no avail. It's called tough love. The problem with not standing up to Wilson and going along with his indifference is that there isn't a rehab facility or program for an NFL football team but there will still be heartbroken supporters mourning the lost of a dysfunctional loved one.


    I'm with you...but I doubt there will be enough people that are willing to take the stand. This is the same reason why the lame ass two party system is continuing to ruin our country.

  11. I'm financially distancing myself from the Bills. No more merchandise, no more special trips to Buffalo for games and no more trips to the local bars in NH that carry NFL Ticket. I'll just keep tabs on them via the internet and the games that are broadcasted on tv (what is Jauron,0-6 against Belichick?) It's hard to avoid following the Bills when you live in WNY but after you've moved away, it's just not worth the effort to chase after a team that doesn't give a sh--.

  12. I would hope there would be some sort of solution that would let GM hang in there while making a transition to new technology. That would keep many of the existing jobs and create new ones as the migration takes place. But it's going to be slow, and painful.

    That's assuming that whatever transition GM makes turns out to be successful. With their track record, would you be willing to bet on them with your own money?


    It would be kind of funny is Dubai stepped in and bought the big three though.

    I suppose, but those guys only want good investments.

  13. I think he'll be back actually as he looked like he was able to put weight on it as they were taking him out. It really didn't look quite as bad as they were making it out to be. The hit on Losman last year looked alot worse.


    I almost took him in my fantasy draft at the 4th pick, but went with an RB instead.

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