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Posts posted by Pbomb

  1. Cant really think of anyone besides dareus, maybe gilmore who might have been playing to not get hurt, who are the 6 the op is talking about.


    Shaq Lawson has to make a commitment to the game. He is as close to being a bust as he is to being productive.

    i cant believe how uncommitted shaq is, what a bust!

    He talks a big game and rarely produces. Along with his yearly rants about leadership while acting like a spoiled brat on the field, I think he fits the bill.

    when does sammy act like a spoiled brat on the field? I think u just hate every player and coach on the team no matter what
  2. They are going to have to fit a round peg in a square whole with either Preston or Ragland. Then you need an athletic guy for the weak side and who knows they might try and fit Alexander there. So basically it's going to be a mess at LB. But hey at least we have a good DL

    wouldnt alexander play strong side if resigned? And ragland or p brown dont fit the middle? Brown played there as a rookie and had his best year
  3. Let's give Cordele a shot if he busts that's great for us. We need to blow it up. We need 2 horrible seasons. I'm talking bout 1-15 type yrs

    so if cardale sucks that is good? Wouldnt it be better for the bills and the fans if he was actually good. If tanking worked every time and so well every team would do it
  4. That's not the question though. How many teams will pay him $18 million/yr to be the starter?

    exactly, i know he is the best qb we had since bledsoe but like i said he is very average and is he worth committing that kind of money to for average play. Id rather keep swinging til we find one better that is worth paying and use that money now to build a solid foundation of talent elsewhere on the team
  5. I tend to be a glass half full guy, what if in addition to throwing some more interceptions, the new qb also leads some 4th qtr comebacks? or throws for 300 yards every now and again rather than once every 30 games

    people are acting like it will be impossible to find a decent replacement, has everyone forgotten the 75% of games this year where tyrod was either below average or bad in. We found tyrod out of no where from baltimores bench but apparently even decent qbs cant be found anymore? The bills with tyrod will be stuck in mediocrity at best i for one would be willing to take some chances for even a chance to be better
  6. Everyone is complaining about losing tyrod, everyone is also complaining about being stuck in mediocrity. I think if we keep tyrod we stay in mediocrity and never win the important games. Could losing him make us worse, its quite possible, but sometimes you gotta get worse to get better. And maybe whaley has a plan and who knows we might actually be better next year without him

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