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Do The Reich Thing

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Posts posted by Do The Reich Thing

  1. Anyone out there want to argue for 2018? 2019? Come on, convince me that I'm wrong!

    I'll argue for this year... 2017! The one thing everyone is overlooking is the Bills are virtually getting three stud talents added to this defense. Shaq, Ragland and White all will go through their 1st full training camps (barring injuries). Add a playmaker in the 2nd or 3rd at wr and the Bills could battle for a wildcard spot this year. Please look at a a comparison of KCs talent to ours... it's not that different. It's all on coaching, and if Buffalo got the right one then we could be in for a great year.

  2. Watching the Bills schedule release hype video on bb.com reminded me of my favorite moment I have ever been a part of in Buffalo. The comeback against NE in 2011 to end the drought! Particularly the Drayton Florence interception after it was deflected by Dareus's helmet. Unforgettable, and I will remember that for the rest of my life. What's your favorite memory?


  3. interesting. thanks for posting.


    Shady's a vet. often injured so I'll give him a pass on this. I hope he's been working out and doing the work to prevent hammy issues.

    For what it's worth he looked to be in great shape, and when I chatted with him briefly he seemed to be excited about McDerm and the accountability that will likely be instilled.

  4. @jayskurski

    McDermott: "I am encouraged by my conversations with LeSean. ... It is voluntary. I'm encouraged by the guys who are here." #Bills


    McDermott on players wearing "playoff caliber" T-shirts. "That's really the day-to-day vision." #Bills

    Take this for what it's worth. I met LeSean at my work this past Friday. Very nice and standup guy at the start of the night, and even signed a ball for me. About an hour later he got in a big fight with his lady, sat at the bar by himself for a while, and then left. Maybe he's having some personal issues with his lady and that affected him coming today. When I talked to him he seemed to be excited about the new coach and upcoming season.


    This was in Atlanta, GA btw where his girl lives. She comes into my facility with her kid(s) a good bit.

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