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Posts posted by muggins

  1. Since you asked me what I thought about Denver, what are your thoughts?


    I think their coach is a self-righteous, high & mighty idiot. His attitude is: "It's my way or the highway". Denver's 3 top offensive players (Cutler, Marshall & Scheftler) are all gone now since McDaniels showed up. Last year, Denver still had a shot of making the playoffs, but McDaniels decides to bench his 2 best offensive players, for disciplinary reasons...what an idiot. I'm not saying coaches should be push overs, but with a playoff spot on the line, that was definitely the wrong decision at the wrong time. It makes no sense to start over from scratch and get rid of your best players when you're team is a playoff contender.

    I wouldn't say he is self-righteous as I don't follow him that much... but I would say he is driving the team into the ground. The only good thing about this last draft was that the Broncos screwed theirs up more than we screwed up ours :censored:

  2. You can keep making up excuses "Strawman" etc, but anyone that thinks Jauron and Company coached and mentored our players to their full potential is blind.

    I agree. That is why I don't think that big guy :lol:


    I'm not saying these guys on offense get a free pass, but considering the huge cluster f@ck at OBD last year, I'd say these guys deserve a fresh start with a new coaching staff. We saw the same formations, the same plays. Jauron & co did not play to the players strengths, which is something Gailey is changing.

    Something Gailey MIGHT change. Who knows what will happen. An over the hill middling coach who failed in college isn't exactly worth much optimism.


    So you know for a fact that Troup was a reach. I didn't know you were an NFL scout? What the hell are you doing on here then? :thumbsup:

    You should really stop using this response. You yourself said the Tebow thing was a mess, you admitted that NFL scouts / talent people make mistakes. Game, set, match.

  3. You clearly wanted to know my thoughts on Tebow numerous times, so it's obvious that you wanted him. If the Bills didn't pick Tebow at #9, how else were the Bills going to draft him at? Go call the Whaambulance already....WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

    Incorrect assumption yet again, and you're puttin' up that strawman yet again. I want to hear your opinion on the Denver draft of Tebow because your opinion is that NFL teams always scout and draft well and we shouldn't question their judgment.


    Worst QB corps in the league?
    So what you're implying is Dick Jauron and his offensive coaches were great coaches/teachers

    Nope, you're doing the whole strawman thing again. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man Please don't do that.


    , and if Jauron & co couldn't get these guys to perform at a good level no one can.That's what you're implying.



    You're the one that's dense by expecting the Bills to reach on players. Nix liked only 2 of the top OT's in the draft, but they were gone by the time the Bills drafted at #9, but you expected Nix to draft one even though the OT didn't fit in as an LT.

    Troup was a reach, that kid out of South Dakota State Tech Comm. College was a reach


    You keep whining

    Incorrect, you shouldn't try to invalidate people's opinions by calling them whines.


    that "glaring needs" weren't addressed. It's obvious that you are completely clueless. The Bills had one of the worst run defenses and are switching to a hybrid 3-4, so the Bills put the focus on the defense this year. Next year's draft, a majority of it will be spent on the offense.

    We already spent a majority of our draft on offense - CJ Spiller when we didn't need him :beer:


    But you don't want to hear that, you have unreasonable expectations that the Bills are suppose to fix all problems in one year. You don't want to hear that this year's QB's in the draft are garbage, you don't want to hear that it's going to take 2-3 years to rebuild this team. You act like the Bills have only 1 or 2 years left in Buffalo. I'd rather have a team that is built to be a long-term contender, compared to a team that only has a 2-3 year window of success (like the Sabres in 05-06).

    What do you think is the percent chance Gailey and Nix will be here in four years? I'm going with 15%.

  4. You complained about Andra Davis and were proven wrong. You complained about Dwan Edwards were proven wrong. You complained about the strength & conditioning and again you were proven wrong.

    Lol, I'm not complaining at all. I think you should re-read the posts, Mike. I wasn't proven wrong about any of those things. Dwan Edwards did fail two physicals. Other teams' garbage.


    So you wanted the Bills to pick Timmy Tebow with the 9th overall pick and now you're all mad like someone pissed in your corn flakes.

    Christ you're dense. Quit putting words in my mouth. No I didn't nearly want Tim Tebow with the 9th pick. You're being really obtuse here.

    Since you like to hear what the "so called" experts say,

    Again, you're being dense. That isn't true at all, Mike.

    those "so called" experts say that Denver got scared because they thought Buffalo was trying to trade back into the first round and grab Tebow, when in fact they the Bills were trying to get NT Dan Williams. These "so called" experts also said they expected Tebow to be drafted in the 2nd to 3rd round and will take a few years for Tebow to develop. Also, the "so called" experts say this year's draft class was not good for QB's and next year's class will be a better year for QB's.

    And we haven't even made any free agent moves to shore up the worst QB corps in the league in years.


    Considering Nix took part in drafting Drew Brees, E.Manning/Rivers in SD, I'd say he knows what to look for in a QB. But none of this matters to doom and gloomers like you, you expect all the Bills problems to be solved in 1 offseason.

    Incorrect again. We have glaring needs and none were addressed, instead we chose a player who will be part-time.


    According to you, the Bills were suppose to reach for players even though they didn't fit the positions they were looking for, just to fill a hole...yeah, that makes a lot of sense (sarcasm),

    There is definitely a disconnect with reality you're presenting here. We can't afford to take the best athlete, especially since we already have two starting RBs. Who could afford to pick an athlete? NYJ or NE. Not us. It wouldn't have been a reach to take a tackle or QB that would be the future of our team.


    draft more players that don't workout and be stuck with them for the next 2-3 years only to have to replace them again.

    instead we reached on players we could have signed undrafted :beer:

    Nix is rebuilding this team the right way and it should have been done like this 10 years ago. If you don't like and are still mad that the Bills didn't draft your little Timmy, then go become a Broncos fan.

    Lol, you're so off-base it is almost unbelievable. I suggest you re-read the posts again instead of stamping your feet and yammering on about how IF YER NOT WITH US YER AGAINST US!!!!!

  5. All you've done is whine and complain and have shown nothing factual. Between Jerry, Adam & I, we've come up with stats and numerous articles proving our points.

    Incorrect. I've shown numerous stats proving people wrong. You have made statements like "Defense wins championships" which again was wrong. You have compared LT to Spiller simply because Buddy 'picked' both of them with no statistical evidence.

    All you have done is make waterbug & sleep comments and complain about the QB & LT situation. So, basically you're saying if the O-line & QB's couldn't succeed under Jauron & Co, they can't succeed under anyone? So you saying Jauron & his offensive coordinators were amongst the best in the league? really?

    Nope, I'm saying Chandler and Buddy aren't gonna be much better and to expect them to be is irrational. I'm not sure if you've read anything I've posted.


    And haha, you still haven't answered the question.

  6. I guess the Saints defense didn't need to be good to not only make it to the Superbowl, but also to stop one of the best QB's in leagues history? :wallbash:


    The best QB in league history who went up against the #1 defense last year with the #1 CB in the league and threw for 377 yards and 3 tds and 0 ints :oops: He also threw for over 300 yards against the Saints, 31/45, hardly shut down ;)


    Here's one guy that think the Bills did a great job during the draft. Seems like this guy had actual knowledge of the players he was talking about.


    I think he is the only person I've seen grade this draft high at all. Latch on to that one, buddy ;)


    So keep up the doom & gloom, you're doing a great job at it :P

    I'll probably be optimistic by season start, but so far this offseason there has been nothing to make any rational Bills fan optimistic. Except the Jags are in a worse situation than us re: moving the team.


    edit: sheeple, lol. keep justifyin'.

  7. Defense wins championships, that's an undeniable fact.

    The Saints had the #25th ranked defense in terms of yards per game last year :worthy:


    When you have the #30 ranked run defense, you have to fix it. The plan is to have Troup play on run plays and Williams on passing downs.

    No doubt the run D had to be fixed. Part of that was injuries related to Dicky J not getting the team in shape. Does the new regime seem to be more motivated? Eh. Buddy just seems like he wants to sleep a lot.


    The Bills don't need playmakers now. Mel Kiper and Mike Mayock said we needed a QB and a LT and the Bills didn't draft either one. So if Mayock & Kiper say the Bills didn't draft the right people, then it has to be true.

    Fixed it for you.

    You can continue trying to say that I'm just parroting them, but you're still wrong and ignorant. The stats and play on the field last year tells anyone who isn't blind as a bat that we needed a new QB and LT.


    If you're really that much smarter than these media types, tell me, did you enjoy seeing Denver wasting a ton of future potential to draft Tebow to sit on the bench? I mean obviously these guys "know who they want", and we're just regular joes, we don't know anything, right? Tell me you liked that pick and what they gave up to do it.

  8. Guess you're fascinated with the waterbug statement. Nix said he wanted big physical linemen, which is why SD had a winning record over Indy, which was due to winning in the trenches. Nix & Gailey said they wanted a RB that was quick as a waterbug, but you're taking that as they wanted a whole offense full of waterbugs, good for you.


    Spiller, LT connection? Nix took part in drafting LT in 2001?

    That doesn't mean they'll be the same at all.


    Didn't address our needs at all? I guess NT and LB's were needs...at all? :worthy: Depth on the O-line was not a need...at all? :wallbash:

    What were our biggest needs this draft? QB and LT. That is an undeniable fact. We drafted a T in the 5th round who is a project and a QB in the 7th round who may never see the field in the NFL. Troup probably won't play much this year. We need players who will contribute now.


    If I didn't think the Bills were going in the right direction, I wouldn't have this much optimism for the team. Last year, only 1/3 of our defense was good, the pass defense. With changing to the 3-4 and getting bigger bodies, that will make our run defense (which ranked 30th) much better. IMO, the Bills defense will be the strong point of the team. The offense ranked 30th last season under Jauron. IMO, getting an offensive minded coach is exactly what the Bills needed. I've been through the growing pains of the 80's under Stephenson & Bullough, did anyone back then think assistant GM Bill Polian and Chiefs reject Marv Levy could turned this franchise around? I don't think so.


    You do realize that the first time we make the playoffs we'll stop hearing about "Buffalo is moving!!!", right? Buffalo can't afford another 3 years of rebuilding followed by another coach and GM. It just can't.

  9. So you have no problem with Lynch's antics? You have no worries that he won't get in trouble again?

    Not if he wants to get another contract after Buddy and Chandler have wasted his talent.


    Yes, Jackson & Lynch are 2 good RB's, but they're not elite. If Spiller turns out to be an elite RB and produces on a level similiar to LT did in SD (during the Marty years) then the pick made all the sense in the world.

    Haha, care to mention how you came to the Spiller = LT connection?


    Nix said he only liked 2 OT's in the draft and wasn't going to reach for one if those two were gone by the ninth pick.

    Perhaps Nix was looking for waterbugs at OT.


    QB's, any QB in the league would have sucked under the conditions last year. What QB did well under Jauron anywhere he coached? Please, name me one?

    There isn't a correlation there.


    The Bills haven't even played a game under the new coaching regime and you're already acting like we're gonna be anywhere from 2-14 to 4-12. If that's how you feel, then why even bother posting on here? Why support a team that doesn't live up to your expectations?

    I'd appreciate it if you would quit it with this bull. I've been a Bills fan for over 20 years and I deserve to post here just as much as you do. Probably more, since you can't go one post without telling me to go away because I don't agree with you.


    Hey Jerry, I guess this muggins guy was expecting the Bills to fill all the holes in one season.

    Nope, and don't put words in my mouth thanks. We have a middling coach now who was a surprise hire for almost everyone because there were much better candidates. Our GM can't wake up to start the free agency season. We picked tons of guys from tiny schools and didn't address our needs at all. You can't draft the best athlete available if you can't afford to, and we definitely can't afford to.

  10. two 1,000 yard backs? Lynch had 450 yards last season, put down the crack pipe already.

    Lynch had a 1,000 yard season in both 2007 and 2008. The first Bills rookie to do that since Greg Bell!


    From Mike Oxhurtz:


    "Let's look at the Bills 2 starting RB's:

    Lynch, is one problem away from being suspended for a whole season. While Lynch is a bruising RB that keeps his feet moving upon initial contact and is a good red zone threat, he has a poor field of vision which is evident by Lynch constantly running into the back of his linemen. His biggest problem already stated, has been his run-ins with the law, one more time and he will be likely suspended anywhere from 8-16 games by Roger Goodell.

    Jackson, a feel good story here, a Division III guy that busted his butt to make it to the NFL. Jackson is very good in open field (between the 20's) and is a very good receiving option. Downsides, he's 29 and he's not a good red zone threat. In 2008 he had 3 rushing TD's, in 2009 he had 2 rushing TD's and 2 receiving TD's.


    With the comparsions of Spiller to Chris Johnson already, I think it was a great move to get Spiller now. Jackson will not be around in 5 years (due to age) and I expect Lynch to be out of here as well. I'm not saying Spiller is going to have the same production as Johnson, but if he comes close, that will be much more production than the Bills could get from Lynch & Jackson."


    I agree with this 100%

    How long do you think Spiller is going to last? RBs are notoriously quick to get run down. The suspension thing is pure speculation - nobody knows anything about how that is going to play out. If you look at the facts, it is clear why it was a bad move:


    We had two 1,000 yard backs

    We showed no confidence in them by drafting ANOTHER rb

    We showed all the confidence in the world in the worst set of QBs in the league

    We don't have a great LT


    With our first choice, we chose a player that won't play every down. That was evident throughout this draft - Buddy and Chandler didn't really care about players who would play, just players from the south from tiny schools who were 'waterbugs' or 'insert any other idiotic buzzword here'.

  11. He drafted some RB named Tomlinson in the first round. I don't know, how did LT do in SD? (sarcasm)

    The year before LT was drafted, SD had Jermaine Fazande and Terrell Fletcher. Together they rushed for about 600 yards. Definitely not two 1,000 yard backs :worthy: So in answer to my previous question,


    Did he draft a halfback in the first round when there were other glaring needs that could have been filled and they already had two starting halfbacks?


  12. I understand why Nix & Gailey are giving the 3 QB's and the O-line a chance this year. Last year, Jauron wanted a dulled down, pop-warner type offense, Schonert & Langston Walker get fired 10 days before the start of the season and the QB coach was thrown in 10 days before the start of the season as the Offensive Coordinator. That's not to say that these guys get a free pass, but they are given some leeway given the circumstances of last year. I looked back at Butler/Smith/Nix's first draft in SD and they drafted an OT in the 5th & 7th rounds as well, so it looks like Nix is following that pattern. If Nix can duplicate that success in SD here in Buffalo, then a lot of fans will be very happy.

    Did he draft a halfback in the first round when there were other glaring needs that could have been filled and they already had two starting halfbacks?

  13. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/03/16/w...rs-are-quality/




    The articles speak for themselves. There are some good analysts on Sirius radio, but just like most football announcers, they bash Buffalo because Buffalo has been bad for 10 years and didn't fill (in their minds) the 2 biggest holes in the draft (LT & QB). I like that Nix & Gailey are bringing in a ton of people to compete for jobs, that will make everyone work harder. How many times did we see Jauron play the wrong guy and it took injury for the better player to get on the field? I like the new approach.

    At some point Buffalo idealists (and hell, I'm an idealist, but maybe I'm just disillusioned with the whole Chan Gailey signing when we could have gotten someone so much better) are going to realize that every single other person besides them can't be wrong. I really would love to see some Buffalo idealists tell me what they think of Denver's Tebow move. Hell, none of us are NFL scouts, so we can't be right at all can we?


    It isn't even "in their minds" regarding the two biggest holes. We still don't have a QB that could start anywhere else in the league, we still don't have a LT and they haven't made any effort to get one besides the thrown bone in the 5th round. We do however have three starting halfbacks!

  14. Sanchez threw for 182 yards and 1 TD in the Wild Card game, wow, he really lit up the Bengals. It was more like the Jets have a great defense.

    He performed admirably for a rookie in a "COLD WEATHER SITUATION" where "HE'S A CALIFORNIA BOY HURR HURR..."


    So Dwan Edwards and Andra Davis are chumps? What FA did we pick up from the Chiefs?

    Dwan Edwards failed two physicals. I forgot we didn't sign Wade Smith :worthy: Andra Davis didn't get resigned by the Browns, I'm sure he'll do fine here riding the bench.


    Since you're a Jets & Dolphins fan, why don't you back to their sites and stay on there since you're in love with both teams.

    You need to take a step back and look at what you're saying here. You're being totally flippant. I'm sorry your view is not realistic, but you're not providing any real statistics or smart arguments - you're just flying off the handle into superfan-zubaz mode. I realize most media outlets are shunned here since "they just don't understand the Bills... If they were so smart, they'd be NFL scouts! HURR HURR" but I'd suggest listening to NFL Radio on Sirius sometime, you'll become a better fan and step up past that blind "IF YOU AIN'T WITH US YER AGAINST US!" level.

  15. And how many picks did Sanchez throw in the bad NJ weather last year when the Jets played the Bills? Pennington has no arm strength from all the injuries and surgeries. If Pennington throws the ball more than 15 yards down field, it will be easily intercepted. Chad Henne looked real good when the Bills beat the Phins 31-14 last year, didn't he?

    He had 5 in October, which is surely not 'bad weather'. In the playoffs vs Cinci in 'actual' bad weather he led his team to victory with great numbers (and then took his team deep in the playoffs).


    Chad Henne was a first year starter last year. You can look at single game stats all day but their QB situations are much better than ours, they had better drafts, they picked up actual free agents (not the Raiders' and Chiefs' trash).

  16. Dolphins got Brandon Marshall, that's a good upgrade. But does anyone think Pennington or Henne are great QB's?

    Jets, they added a over-the-hill RB and a WR that will be suspended for how many games. Plus, they have a California QB that can't play in bad weather.

    Pennington or Henne are just fine at winning games. Both teams had a better draft than us as well. The Cali QB thing isn't proven by the stats... Sanchez is 10 times the QB that Trent / Brian / Levi / Fitzy put together are.

  17. I don't see us "only getting better". Last year was a terrible season and we have a new HC and a new defensive set and the same crappy quarterbacks. We got lucky a few times last year but Miami and NYJ have only improved. We're in an arms race and we're freakin' Mexico.


    Hell, I wouldn't even say we've improved at HC. A middling NFL coach who failed in college and wants to run the waterbug offense...

  18. When we drafted a halfback in the first round and that is arguably our only solid position and we didn't draft our two biggest needs (QB, LT) and signed a bunch of players from tiny schools it is hard to see any direction. I don't blame Faulk or the other guy for saying that.

  19. I may not like the pick, but each one of these videos I watch sways me a little more. We'll probably ruin the guy's career, but dang (as Chandler and Buddy would say) this kid looks like his legs are gonna fall off every time he has the ball, he is running so fast and hard.

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