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Posts posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Actually it depends on the test conducted by the NFL. Henderson was likely prescribed CBD concentrate either in pill or oil form. CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabis element that kills pain and even suppresses appetite. If Henderson had high concentrations of THC the psychoactive ingredient which is not present in CBD products he's toast. To get a false positive test with CBD alone one would have to consume extremely high amounts of CBD that is not physically capable of consuming outside of 1000-2000mg daily of CBD oil.

  2. That's a really good article.


    One of the things that has always puzzled me is why when teams are on defense just before the two minute warning and the team on offense snaps it with say 2:15 on the clock... runs a play... it takes 4 seconds leaves say 2:11 on the clock why call timeout? Let those 11 seconds run - the 2 minute warning stops the clock. Unless that play was third down and you are going to make them punt to you before the 2 minute warning there is no argument there for calling the timeout. You are better saving that time out and using it when you get the ball back on offense because it allows you to keep more of your play book open (ie. the middle of the field which teams in 2 minute offense generally leave more open) without needing to potentially waste downs clocking the ball. It has infuriated me for years.

    I believe most coaches prefer the 11 seconds and the ball if that was 3rd down, and to use the 2 min to stop the clock and to keep their TO.


    That way they can drive the field and use the TO to bring in the kick team, or stop the the clock if they are stopped before getting out of bounds.

  3. Rex's scheme is overrated. He's always had very good defensive players everywhere he's been. That's been the biggest factor in his success. This idea that he can work alchemy and make a top defense from average players is untrue.

    In his final season in NY he stymied Brady with a depleted 3rd team secondary. The key to success? A 3 or 4 man rush that was able to collapse the pocket and make things tighter for Brady who was unable to make the easy 2 second throw and was forced to look for deeper longer developing routes.

  4. As I said, Gregg's injury opened the door for the lil Gronkster to make the 53. Couple that with an aging Felton and it was Gronk's position to lose. I'm suprised that this is being reported as some kind of a shock. Gronk can play H-back like Gregg, and must develop more upper body to knock away would be tacklers along with using better technique.


    The measurable's between Glenn & Rob aren't far off: and Glenn's combine / pro day numbers indicate he's quicker, shiftier and stronger even in the broad jump. Whereas big bro possesses faster straight line speed and greater upper body strength. Glenn has better below the waist metrics which will help him stick around the league for 3-5 seasons as an H-back, utility fullback.

  5. WNY is loaded with load mouths who love the 1st amendment. It's great to live in an area that has such a tolerance for free speech. Also it's great that 1/2 the households own guns and we remain a moderate city where Hillary Clinton won Erie & Monroe County while Sanders won virtually every other county in WNY. Is this more of a difference in small town vs big city, or the suburbanites tend to be anti-2nd amendment and pro-"moderate" policies like wars of regime change, free trade deals, Wall Street bailouts & voting based on gender and identity politics?


    Me thinks the Make 'Murica Great Again crowd led by Tom Brady and Rex Ryan would have a tough time having Kaep on their team. #YourFired

  6. There is something also called fate. Imagine if Brady unluckily was ruled a fumble in Oakland, no super bowl in 2001, they missed in 2002, then he gets hit and tears his knee up week 1 2003. All of a sudden Brady is a footnote in NFL history when Belichick gets fired in 2003 and Brady is released when the Patriots draft JP Losman.

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