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Posts posted by Dr.Sack

  1. If everyone knew Mario was going to be cut for his 17 mil or so when he was a probowler. We should all be almost TOO confident Tyrod won't be here next year at 27 mil

    Another question do we keep a 29 year old running back who no longer can out run Defender's to the edge? More over do we even want an edge rusher?

  2. This was all part of Russ Brandon's marketing plan.

    Step 1: Overhype Offense

    Step 2: Announce we are worried Tyrod will walk

    Step 3: declare Tyrod is the workout champ and he has greatly improved in the areas he was lacking

    Step 4: declare we are trying to tie up Tyrod long-term

    Step 5: get fans to clamor to retain Tyrod and then spend more more money to lock up lock-down CB like Gilmore

    Step 6: with the fan base on pins & needles Bills leak they are having high level negotiations and hope to wrap up the deal soon

    Step 7: with Tyrod having an "elite" camp announce we've extended him for 5 years 92 millions

    Step 8: details emerge that Bills have a out-clause after Year 1

    Step 9: Fans get rowdy for regular season domination and buy up a ton of Tyrod jerseys and are convinced Jim Kelly 2.0 is here

    Step 10: Game 1 & 2 go poorly and Bills lead NFL in drives going 3 and out

    Step 11: Fire Offensive Coordinator

    Step 12: promise fan base Tyrod will be MUCH better

  3. Regression analysis aside, Tyrod hasn't improved his strengths. We are likely seeing his ceiling as a passer. Without developing the areas of his game that you've identified as weaknesses Tyrod has been figured out by NFL defensive coordinators. If Tyrod and the Bills don't find a way to expand the offense to maximize his talents we are looking at QB who will be cut after 2016.

  4. I appreciate the optimism but we have no chance. Cards 37 Bills 10.


    I like this breakdown. Bills typically give us false hope early in the game only to get crushed in the second half.

    Yeah, the Bills have the fire power to surprise people early but like a punch drunk boxer eventually fall.


    The Bills without Dareus the dline is getting run down and gashed on early down runs.

  5. I don't think that either would be great but the answer has to be Tyrod. He's been the more accurate passer throughout his career.

    Tyrod's lack of touch and accuracy in the midrange game and screen game definitively would hinder him in that offense. EJ has the arm, but his inability to recognize defenses would likely be his downfall. It's not that EJ is inaccurate in that so many of his throws are late and thrown without anticipation. So much of the Payriots offense is about timing and reading coverage.

  6. So we face Brisset in the first pats game?

    More than likely. Expect 7 offensive linemen and a lot of Blunt. The Patriots are probably going to benefit from God and it will be a monsoon which will further benefit their strategy. Meanwhile the Bills will try to force the ball to their playmaker "Sammy Watkins" and fall behind thanks to not adjusting their strategy to the conditions.

  7. im not worried about it. But to suggest that a successful business owner wouldn't at least do some due diligence before buying out a second 4mill dollar deal makes no sense.

    If the reports are true the Pegula's have been analyzing this since the tail end of last season, over the offseason, and up till now. To think they've been tuned out and away from the pulse of the team is a bit off. They've done their due diligence, would you not agree?

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