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Posts posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. ...about the bills. Here were the top 4 stories:



    Patriots First Read:


    Drop what youre doing and watch Rodney Harrison: A Football Life right now


    Footage of Patriots locker room celebration after beating the Texans 27-0


    Patriots are outliers when they face playoff teams


    WATCH: Rich Hill analyzes Brissett, Gronkowski, more from Patriots 27-0 win


    It seems as if we aren't on their radar.


    I know that Belicheck is not thinking this way, but maybe the players are.


    They may be looking at this game as a gimme..

  2. This is nothing new for Rex Ryan! Things went his way for this game and now the Bills are unstoppable as is his ego!


    It would be nice if he would just keep things low-keyed like he did before the Cards game. Now he is gonna fire up the Patriots players and fans.

    Neither the team nor the fans respect us. They expect a blowout and a 19-0 season.


    We need to stay focused and play the next game 1 down at a time.

  3. That 7:00am bottle of gin might have had something to do with it too.

    This sounds very promising.


    What are you envisioning specifically?


    Another fall from the stands? A streaker?

    I'm not sure.


    It's kind of like watching Chevy Chase's pratfalls in the early SNL's. You know it's coming, but you don't know the how.



  4. A fan will make Youtube by doing something ridiculous.


    The refs will screw us royally.


    There will be one play that could swing the momentum of the game and either we won't be able to execute or the refs will call it back.


    Carpenter will miss. No one will remember.


    Monday will come all too soon...

  5. QB and coaches are the most vital part of the franchise but it's a trickle down effect. The GM selects the QB and coach and the owner selects the GM.


    I can understand it being difficult to find a franchise QB, but with the carousel of coaches that have come and gone in the past two decades, you'd think the Bills would've somehow lucked into one good head coach by now.

    We did. His name was Schwartz.

  6. Slants yes. Especially against a blitz. I'm not sure the quick passes are Tyrod's strong suit. I think he'd rather use his athleticism to either run or buy some time and go deep. I honestly can't remember him ever taking a quick 1 or 3 step drop and hitting a slant route.

    Time to start.


    This is the big leagues. If you want the big money, do what the big boys do. What would Belicheck and Brady do?


    The quick slants.

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