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Posts posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. To our Generals.


    It's sad. It's numbing. It's true.


    They play football while we play...? Not sure what, but it's not football.


    It doesn't matter who is playing or coaching for us, we just stink up the joint when we play them.


    Now it's time to root for them against the Seahawks, but I just don't seem to care as much.


    If I looked at it as comedy instead of tragedy, I might feel as if the time and money invested would be worth it.


    As it is, I'm watching millionaires not doing their job, which is as simple as throwing, catching and tackling.


    Do I mind that the Pats are better than us?


    Not at all. The pendulum will swing back.


    Do I mind that we play like a bunch of ballerinas against them?



  2. I do not know whether we will get rolled on Sunday. I hope not.


    Nevertheless, I do predict that, if given the opportunity, Bill B and the Pats will try to embarrass us.


    As I recall, after spy gate, they did that in a night game - long after the game was decided, they went for it on fourth down and kept Brady in the game long after they should have taken him out (if for no other reason than to protect him from injury).

    Exactly why I despise BB.

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