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Posts posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. This is my baseless opinion..


    -Rex and Whaley will both be back in 2017 with assurances for their remaining contract terms

    -Tyrod renegotiates his contract -- still collects about $15 million next year but its essentially another tryout year

    -Brandon's role is strictly redefined to marketing, sales, branding for the sports and media properties of the Pegula empire

    -Mark Murphy comes back to WNY to oversee the operations - on the field/ice products of the Bills and Sabres--both coaching and football/hockey personnel report to him. His decision to chart the future of the on field product for both franchises. Title is President of Bills and Sabres. Enticement is Hockey team.

    - Gilmore is a priority; A. Williams retires.

    I think that most of this would be good for the franchise.


    It's been a tough season on everyone involved, from the Pegulas to we the fans.


    We need to show patience. The 2 people who are ponying up the $ are...

  2. Now picture this, the Bills beat the 2 teams they should have beat in the Jets and Dolphins and are sitting at 9-5, with the Jets and Dolphins to finish the season.

    ^^^ Well said. Division games count as 2!


    As a fan of 50 years, I could see the Bills getting to the last game with their destiny in their own hands... and coming up with a creative way to break our hearts.


    I'll go with Carpenter doinking an extra point and us losing in overtime.


    On the kick off.

  3. This sounds like whining to me.


    They have a great coach and a great QB.


    They make very few mistakes.


    They adjust their schemes to fit the available talent.


    We have a new owner committed to change, which will take time.


    We should be trying to emulate that instead of whining like a kid who didn't get what he wanted on Christmas morning.

  4. The browns have this game circled as their one winnable game. I would be shocked if we win; it is the most Billsy thing in the world to lose to the browns.

    I disagree.


    The most Billsy thing would be to win the next two, somehow the stars line up so that if they won the last game they would make the playoffs...


    Then somehow lose that game in the last few seconds..


    THAT would be the thing the Bills do best!

  5. Best player overall: LeSean McCoy.


    Best QB: Bledsoe even though it was short lived.

    Best WR: Sammy Watkins...Sorry, he is a better player than Moulds, and I love Moulds. Just basing this on talent, not injury history. Watkins is an elite talent when healthy that can do it all.

    Best RB: McCoy

    Best OL: Reuben

    Best DL: Schobel: This one is tough as you could argue Kyle, Mario, Adams, or Dareus. Just felt he did it for longer and more consistently and might have been most underrated DE of his era.

    Best DB: Winfield/Clemens...Take your pick here really.

    Best LB: Fletcher

    Best TE: Clay (sadly)

    Best ST: Moorman

    Best Legend: Kiko lmao


  6. Great points! I'm a huge baseball fan as well and have followed how the better organizations go about their business. They are aggressive and don't look over their shoulders. As you said, last years bad move, if its not working then they move on. The rub in all this is giving things a chance. Pundits always seem to misdiagnose problems. Continuity applies more to when things are going well then you don't try to fix it. Rex will have 32 games in and that is not a small sample size to see progress in the NFL. If we were trending upward like Miami is I might feel differently. Good post.

    I'm not so sure about this analogy.


    Baseball has many more games in a season. Many more opportunities to evaluate whether a certain player fits in with what you're trying to accomplish with your team.


    Also, injuries don't come as often in baseball. And when they do, They usually don't last for as great a percentage of the season as in football.


    That being said, I DO agree with the philosophy of not being too enamored with a certain talent.


    Dareus comes to mind. We should cut his sorry butt...


    IMObservation, this has been a characteristic of the Rex Ryan defenses I've seen dating back pre-Buffalo: they will stuff several plays in a row, then stay on the field with untimely penalties and eventually give up the drive-extending big play.


    Do you really want owners meddling with the team on the field? That really shouldn't be their role/responsibility.

    They chose a coach and GM entrusted with fielding a team and coaching them to win.

    IMO, if you want to attract good talent for next year, show respect for the ones you hired this year.


    We don't need off field junk to make us look like bigger losers than we look on the field.


    That's why that "leak" about Rex's job is so disconcerting....

  8. Cancer starts small and spreads - sometimes very quickly.


    Sometimes it can be dealt with slowly and relatively painlessly. Sometimes it needs to be dealt with quite aggressively.


    This team has issues on both on and off the field.

    • Our kicking game has gone south.
    • Our offense is scoring points, but lacks consistency.
    • Our defense gives up the big play way too often. On third and long, I always feel as if the defense can't seem to get themselves off the field.
    • We can't run a 2 minute drill to save our lives.
    • We challenge plays that we shouldn't and let very challengable plays go by the wayside.
    • We seem to pay players handsomely, then they play at a lower level than when they were making less money

    I could go on for a while, but the point is that I feel as if we need to treat this aggressively.


    That being said, I'm not the owner, but I have faith in them.


    I'll wait until the season is over and see what they come up with.

  9. I'm not a fan or Rex but how does Carp's inability to hit an extra point and his inability to kick an onside kick have anything to do with coaching?


    If you're going to start a topic criticizing the coaching there are LOTS of really good points that could be made, yet two out of your three have little (or nothing) to do with it.


    That being said, I'm with you on the 2 minute offense. It's been a problem all year and I have no clue how they can't get to the LoS and snap the ball with more than 10 seconds on the clock when time is a factor.

    I disagree. As head coach, he is responsible for keeping Carpenter. Also, he chose the coach that designed that idiotic onside kick.


    Rex has no idea how to manage the clock or when to pull out plays like a fake.


    His teams lack disciple which shows on things like extra point attempts.

    It has been said before. Rex is a players coach, they love him and would run thru a brick wall for him. They just don't care to play and focus on football.

    They would rather focus on the brick wall.

    Good one!

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