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Posts posted by flomoe

  1. Made it through with some damage to the house and screen enclosure but nothing major. Spent the day Monday cutting trees off of neighbors houses and screens and got power back on late yesterday.

    I think we had a small tornado or something go through. There is a fairly distinctive path of destruction through the hood here. One neighbors shed had a tree branch impaled horizontally through the roof.


    Hope Chandler is ok, sounds like Jax took it pretty hard with flooding.

  2. We're staying, but not in South FL. We're between Orlando and Daytona Beach, so we'll probably get some strong stuff, but category 2 by the time it gets to central FL.


    I'm hoping it doesn't knock out the power here until after 4:30 on Sunday, but that's the least of my concerns. I do have ST Max, though.

    I'm between Orlando and Daytona also. We're hoping for the best but I saw a zoomed-in Euro model of the track and the dead center prediction has it passing about 300 yards from my house. I hope it moves.

  3. Update from FLL tarmac:


    We are on board. About 50% occupancy. Pilot got on the horn and said he is waiting for other gates to see if anyone wants to escape to Buffalo.


    I think a lot of NYC passengers who were connecting through Buffalo found another route.


    Earlier, while waiting for the flight I didn't see anyone from Buffalo. Later, I went to the nearest bar and found all the Buffalonians. I should've known where they were.


    Hopefully this takes off soon and I'll see gig at the opener.

    Holy Crap!!! You should have known better.

  4. Teams make decisions as to how they want to spend their money. Gilmore played well for the Bills, he'll play well for the Pats. But is he worth 14 million a year? Not to the Bills, and because Brady takes so much less money than other stars the Pats had more money to spend. Same with Gillislee. Three TDs last night from 1-2 yards. He's good at that. But overall a 3 ypc night, and is it worth over 4 million a year for a backup RB to perform that duty, especially when Shady gets the bulk of the work. Maybe not.


    So last night Gilmore was OK but got burned once or twice (fairly normal for a CB), Gilisslee go TD's that most RBs would have gotten given the holes that were created, and Hogan had one catch. Odds are they'll each have better games this season, and worse games. And the Bills will move on without them.

    Finally, some common sense around here.

    No offense to the poster "common sense"

  5. Just North of Orlando, hunkering down with the family and riding this out.

    Beer fridge and secondary fridge are packed with multiple varieties, so that's a positive. Also have a bottle of Willett Bourbon and Patron Blanco to help relax.

    My biggest worry is that my satellite goes out Sunday and I miss the game.

    I just hope I can get out for next weeks trek to Charlotte!

  6. There's always a reasonable explanation for why things are handled the way they are. In this case, I'm sure the police didn't target Bennett specifically unless he fit the description of an active shooter in the downtown of a city where anything and everything happens. Couple that with the fact that it was fight night, very high profile people from around the world, not just a black football player, are there.

    The police were on heightened alert for anything and everything. Let's say that Bennett fit the description. Should the police just approach him and ask in a polite and professional manner if he was shooting a gun in a large crowd of people or should they detain that person(as they did) and make sure he wasn't the one with the gun?


    From what I saw, he got off pretty easy given the situation that was unfolding around them. Bennett already has a preconceived agenda that he needs to get out there and this worked out perfectly for him to do that.


    I've been in a situation worse than him, where I've had multiple weapons pointed at me,(from police of multiple races) dragged from a vehicle, slammed into a car and cuffed violently. I had to go to the hospital from the injuries received, only after I was detained, questioned and let go because I was completely innocent but in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong people. It was my own fault for being there and I understood that. Granted it wasn't mistaken identity but I should never have been there in the first place. I didn't sue because it was my fault too. I guess if I had an agenda, maybe I should have but I was a young white kid out with a friend, who was with other people I didn't know. I'm just thankful the police didn't react to hastily or I wouldn't be here.

    The officers apologized, so did I and that was that.

    Sometimes we should just be thankful that there are people out there protecting us(even from ourselves) and sometimes have to go about that protection in various degrees to keep us all safe.

  7. I've said for a while that Brady is still getting signals or some sort of electronic communication long past the cutoff point. Probably from the non-coach Adams (I think that's his name) who is allowed in the coaches box and a headset to communicate to anyone on the other end.

  8. Do you think it is possible that Brandon Spikes could draw some interest from the Bills? I know he wasn't known to be a great cover guy but I always liked his leadership and toughness. He didn't seem to fit in with Rex's team but he is a FA and I'm sure he could still ball better than some of the guys we have on our roster.


    This has to be one of the dumbest posts in a while. Let go. He's gone and not coming back. There's a better chance that John DiGiorgio will come back.

    You people just need to let things go.

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