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Posts posted by flomoe

  1. 17 hours ago, DC Tom said:


    Beerball would bring the banhammer down on this Cripple Creek bozo faster than you can say "Beerball."


    Beerball wielded the banhammer like Mjolnir in the hands of Thor.  A fat, drunken, barely literate Thor.


    Sounds an awful lot like something Dennis Miller would blurt out.

    I personally had no problem with Miller, he just didn’t tell enough people they were idiots.

  2. I know I’m not going to get any sympathy here but here in the Orlando/Daytona area, it’s barrly getting past 50 this week. The wind chill currently is in the low to mid 40’s.

    That’s pretty cold for this area and for it to last all week like it’s supposed to, it’s very unusual.

    Went to the ND/LSU game yesterday and the weather was miserable. Windy, raining and temps in the mid 40’s, it felt like a lousy November game in Buffalo.

    Looks like a new weather front should be hitting Saturday night into Sunday and get temps closer to 60 just in time for the game in Jax.

  3. Tyrod was benched because he shouldn’t have been here in the first place! !@#$ Rex Ryan with 34” 36oz. Louisville Slugger!!


    seriously, if Whaley has any acumen as a GM, he would have learned from the EJ fiasco and brought somebody into the front office with knowledge of Good quarterbacks and either drafted one or traded draft picks to pry one away from somewhere.

    Instead, we were left with EJ and Whaley and Rex bringing in a QB with obvious flaws. If Tyrod was so wonderful, why didn’t anyone want him(including the Ravens) the first time he was available? Then, he’s a free agent(more or less) again and still nobody grabbed him.

  4. 9 hours ago, Elite Poster said:

    T H I S ! !


    9 hours ago, Elite Poster said:

    These are the same guys who were handed the league best running game two years straight, changed the scheme, and were left scratching their heads as to why the run game no longer worked.


    These aren't some geniuses. They have massive egos that transcend logic. See Rex Ryan...


  5. Does he know about them? Yes

    Does he approve them? Probably

    Does he dictate/generate them? Highly Doubtful


    This team hasn't won $h!t in 17 £u|<ing years. Trade everyone as long as they win somewhere Down the road.

    I don't care if a player saved 45 Seniors from a burning Nursing Home or 20 kids from a Day Care, if he can't make a tackle or catch a pass, cut/trade his a$$!



    I'm a (nearly) lifelong bourbon drinker. But I am NOT a bourbon "snob". One of the reasons I like bourbon so much is, most of it is very good. While I love to try some of the newer limited releases and "craft" products, most of the value standbys are darn good, IMO.


    I tend to keep a few bottles around the house. One big handle of an "everyday drinker" (which I was drinking FAR too much of, until very recently). And then a few higher-end (or at least higher-priced) bottles around, as well. When I get home, I'll typically pour myself one of the higher-priced bourbons. Then, if I continue to drink bourbon, I turn to the everyday bourbon.


    For example, I just got in and poured some Bomberger's Declaration 107 proof, from Michter's. This is kind of a "mystery" bourbon, but let me tell you it's awesome. To me, it's one of the best I've ever had. There is virtually no information on the bottle and not much to be found online, either. At $45/bottle (about $100 on the secondary market), it's WAY out of my price range. But it's so good, I typically have some about 2-3 times a week.


    Then I switch to the everyday stuff. Currently that is Wild Turkey 101, as it's been on sale for about $30 for a 1.75 handle. I like a higher proof product (as I love my bourbon over ice), and WT 101 is a quality bourbon, aged for about 6 years, or so.


    Like I said, I've been drinking bourbon and Tennessee whiskey all my adult live. And for the past couple years, I have spend most of my free time reading/learning about American whiskey. I do NOT consider myself an expert, but I have a pretty good handle on things. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I may not be able to answer, but I can probably point you in the right direction.


    BTW, my favorite bourbon blog is:






    Making good whiskey is an extremely expensive and time consuming process. That's why small distilleries have to charge so much for young, underaged, whiskey. IMO, bourbon becomes palatable after about four years. Using smaller barrels does not speed up the aging process--only the exchange of whiskey and wood, which is only one part of aging.


    I'd be shocked if one could make homemade bourbon better than Evan Williams Black for $20/1.75L (though you could easily make a higher proof product). But I've had homemade whiskey that wasn't too bad, and it's always a pleasure to drink something "homemade", particularly if it's your own. But "better? Please.

    I'm a Scotch drinker that's started drinking Bourbon a lot more the last couple of years. One reason is cost, much easier to find a very good Bourbon less than a meh Scotch. Two is quality, which falls into the cost thing. It's hard to find a quality Scotch inexpensive while there's a ton of quality Bourbons at very reasonable prices.

    Dean, do you have a top 5 Bourbons that fall into each of the price ranges? High End-$75+, MidRange-$45+ and Everyday Stuff $20+


    I like Makers but not the 46, Angels Envy, Jeffersons, Woodford Reserve, Duke and Willett. I also have an unopened Basil Hayden's sitting here. I don't mind Jim Beam Black but I'm really curious that you mentioned Wild Turkey. I've always pictured that as a "shot" whiskey. Is it really more Or just your go to? Thanks

  7. Which one the driver who was hit or the one who hit them? Defensive driving is survival driving. Now Im not saying Id not have rammed into him either but Im always aware of how dumb people are and that at any moment some idiot is going to pull a stunt like that. I guess thats from 35 years of driving CA freeways.

    The moron is the one with the blinker on trying to stop and make a left turn on the highway while slowing down to what I would guess is +\- 35. The "semi" (a guess based on the height of the camera) did the right thing and just plowed into the moron. There is no way that "semi" is going to be able to stop in time (my guess doing about 70) to avoid hurting that moron without swerving, jack knifing and wrecking and injuring a lot more than one car and person. The trucker did the right thing. I'm sure the trucker will be found at fault at least 50% on this one but has a chance to save his ass a bit with video evidence.

  8. RIP

    Another American Hero has passed on.


    I found The Pacific to be disappointing; too disjointed and not enough time to combine three stories into one.


    They should have stuck with Eugene Sledge's "With the Old Breed" and just done a series on that.


    Also, the third HBO WW2 series is coming soon, maybe next year?


    "The Mighty Eighth" is the working title I believe, based on Don Miller's work "Masters of the Air."


    All about the 8th Air Force's daylight bombing campaign over Europe in WWII.


    This one is produced by Hanks and Spielberg as well.

    This should be quite an interesting series. Just hearing the perspective from former airmen that knew they had better odds of being killed or captured than living has to be incredibly emotional to tell and to watch.

  9. Just the fact you are willing to come on this board and seek feedback (positive or negative) speaks volumes. While I had no intention of getting the subscription before, mostly because there is already so much Bills info out there, I plan on it now. I respect your drive and passion and appreciate the effort you are putting into delivering a great product.


    Me too! I'm signing up.

    I've been out of Buffalo for 20 years and stopped reading The News many many years ago because it was the same old Negative Nancies following the same script week after week. It appears that you are trying to change the "Process" there and I'm curious how things are being written. I'm willing to give it a shot. Thank you for time and effort to reach out to the fans(readers)!

  10. It's great if you listen to the witness accounts of what transpired(sorry, can't attach them here),

    But they say that she was fighting with the police while saying "I'm trying to walk here". She's just another liberal trying to make it look like she was being abused all the while she was the abuser.

    What a douche!

  11. If the Bills had brought in McCoy, people would be clammoring for Dennison right now instead.


    The coordinator is not under center, the QB that really isn't a QB is and there in lies the problem. Bill Walsh could be coaching Tyrod and the results would be the same. He is not a competent NFL QB. He might be an ok placeholder for a week or two but he is not going to lead this team to many wins.

    McCoy knew that Tyrod is a coordinator killer and chose to find employment elsewhere, plain and simple.

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