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Posts posted by flomoe

  1. The bigger problem, other than Booger and Tess, is that ESPN is producing an unwatchable broadcast. It doesn’t matter who is on the broadcast, it’s still another liberal abomination production from ESPN.  Sports is not their main focus anymore, and it’s a shame. Their main focus now is making sure they have checked every “minority” box, talked about every boo hoo story and eliminate the basic foundation of what they’re broadcasting......the game of football and everything that it entails.


    ESPN is about entertainment, not sports. They need to cover the liberal agenda and not the basics of the game.

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  2. He should take Snyder with him. It really doesn’t matter who the GM or Coach are as long as Snyder keeps destroying that franchise.......similar to the Jones’ running the show in Dallas.

    Al Davis basically did the same thing in Oakland and only won anything before collective bargaining and free agency.

    Bad owners(seeRalph)(god bless him for keeping the franchise in Buffalo) will destroy teams if they aren’t fully committed to building and keeping successful teams. Detroit is the ultimate example of a franchise that could care less about success but cares more about profit. Buffalo would have been in that same sentence without Polians’ influence.

    Good football people that can overrule the “genius” of the owner are the smartest people in the game!

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    I bet Rams/49ers will be the night game. :(


    It'll probably be:

    BUF @ NE - early

    OAK @ LAC - mid-day because a West Coast game wouldn't be the early one

    LAR @ SF - late

    This would make the most sense, but this being in the hands of the NFL, they will probably put Texans/Bucs in the early spot. I could also see them screwing it up and squeezing the Broncos in because of the Stadium issue for the Chargers.

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  4. Yes Steve might stammer a bit but he is extremely knowledgeable, he’s just not polished as some of the national media folk.

    The issue is really with Murphy and his smarmy, better than everyone else attitude that you hear from him. He might be an okay play by play guy but he is really a “Richard Head” on the OBL show.

    Its obvious that Murphy is jealous of Steve and he is always making comments about Steve’s days off to work for CBS. Get rid of the smart my one and add Joe B or Chris B with Tasker and the show would get considerably better.

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  5. He’s holding out for a Travis Kelce type contract.


    seriously though, maybe he’s finishing exams, his agent couldn’t get into town, waiting till his parents arrive.....could be a number of little things.

    The surprising thing is the swiftness that the Regime from the owners on down to the players are committed to getting to work. Something we have never seen before.

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  6. Live in Orlando so there’s technically no local team but the Jags and Bucs are televised as local and the Fish get a lot of local TV airtime. I can’t stand either of the two AFC teams and I’m indifferent on the Bucs. I’ll keep up with them a little because I have friends that are fans but I’m a Bills fan and I don’t root for anyone else except whoever is playing the Pats, Jets, Dolfins and Cowboys.

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