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Posts posted by thewookie1

  1. We have 3 years to play with an unusual athlete with a sub 5 40 at 300lbs+ at 6’7”


    He could try to bulk up and be an OL, maybe be a super 6OL set guy. If he can’t bulk up he could be converted to DE and/or FB. As a 7th rounder and a free practice squad spot; I see no negative there

  2. 35 minutes ago, Sharky7337 said:

    Von miller contract

    Dawson Knox contract

    Stephen diggs contract

    Defense line draft picks that never pan out

    Defense tackle signings that are not good enough

    No reliable pass rusher 

    Wyatt Teller give away



    Just curious why he is so highly regarded when these issues have come to roost fully


    1. Von was meant to be the one who put us over the top and showed he might be able to before his injury. It was an all-in move that backfired due to an unforeseen injury; not his age or skill.  Neutral


    2. It was overpay, but he was able to get him to take a pay cut this year.  Bad


    3. Diggs extension, was a risky venture but was needed for cap space. One can't look at a contract in a vacuum; if we didn't extend him we likely can't sign guys like Leonard Floyd who were contributors to the roster.  Neutral


    4. His high draft picks haven't all panned out but he has hit on multiple lower round guys.  Bad to Neutral


    I'll finish this after I drive home

  3. Diggs was a great player but was coming close to becoming a cap nightmare and had been slowly getting more troublesome with off the field drama

    His happy go lucky response to his drop against KC this year versus he demonstrative anger he at Allen for missing him last year against Cinci always rubbed me the wrong way seeing as Allen just moved on to the next play both times. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, mushypeaches said:

    Can you imagine if the Coach had still been doing radio during the Jauron or Marrone eras?


    On the plus side, if Ralph actually was listening to WGR, he might have fired Jauron "it's hard to win in the NFL" much earlier


    Marrone might have actually tried to instigate a fistfight with the Coach


    And Rex would have just hung out with him at the Old Country Buffet

    Marrone wouldn’t of instigated a fight, he would of just started to fight; even if he was in his 80’s

  5. I’d break down that final set of plays as such.


    1st & 10 - run the ball and get to the two minute warning. Failure to accomplish much.


    2nd & 9 - the play was likely Shakir is the go route, although unlikely, if he gets open throw to him. Diggs is your underneath target if Shakir is covered. Shakir was open and thus Allen went for the TD.


    3rd & 9 - Allen likely rebels or the plan was to roll out right. In my honest opinion, I think Allen knew McD had no intention of going for it on 4th down and was purely looking for a few more yards and let his defense pull off a miracle. However Allen has been burned by this too many times and effectively decided it was 1st down or nothing. He had no intention of making a risky triple coverage pass but hoped rolling out might cause the D to break a bit and allow him to either run or pass to the chains. Kinkaid was the open man but was short of the sticks with little chance of reaching the 1st since he was surrounded and his back was to the 1st. He however had faith Bass could kick it from 44. It wasn’t like we were at a 52 yd kick distance and thus need some extra yardage regardless. When it didn’t work he tossed out of play to assure the FG seemingly. Having to at least assume he’d get to pray the D pulled it off.



    Personally I would of ran Allen on 1st down, then used 2nd down for something underneath, I wouldn’t have guys going to the end zone unless  KC goes pure man which potentially would open up run options for Allen again. Then depending on that result you’d either pick up an easier 1st or be in prime real estate for a win or tie.

  6. 3 hours ago, chongli said:




    This view tells me three things


    1. Diggs wasn't the 1st option as he could of gunned it to him as he came through the 1st hole.

    2. He was hit and impeded on is throw just enough to make it fall short on Shakir who had come open like Allen had read

    3. While Diggs, later on, was still open, that throw would of required him to put the ball over Dawkins + the DE while also not hitting the LG and the DT which would of been in his direct path. All this while not exactly being able to step up to throw and seeing 2 Chiefs in and around Diggs. (Essentially his throw would of had to been a floater which means the LB or Nickel 7 yards up field would have Diggs dead to rights potentially)

    • Agree 2
  7. Shakir is a gamer and a great #3. In a way similar to Gabe’s big game history and solid 3/4WR play. Neither are #2s however. Gabe is so inconsistent game to game and Shakir is served much better as a slot receiver since he doesn’t have the great speed a solid WR2 would need to compliment Diggs. 

    Shakir actually has a lot of Beasley qualities when it comes to his lower speed yet high end shiftiness. 

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