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Posts posted by Meatplow

  1. I'm still trying to figure out why we're even arguing about who the starting QB should be for this team... I actually watched the game, several times... I'm not quite sure why I'm such a masochist these days when it comes to the Bills, but that's beside the point. EJ is not the reason we lost by a long shot. However, I also don't believe he will be the reason we win a game either. Can he make plays? Yes. Is he athletic? Yes Is he a leader? My opinion, not so much. The latter being arguably one of the most important jobs a QB performs out on the field every game, Taylor appears to have the clear advantage here. There is a calming confidence that he brings to the team, even when they're stinking it up with dumbass penalties every 3rd play from scrimmage. It doesn't stop there either... Defenses have to game plan against Taylor for both his ability to hit the long ball, as well as being one of the most dangerous threats with his legs in the NFL currently. I know he's often compared to Mike Vick, I've even done it myself, but his center of gravity and compact build almost make me think of Barry Sanders when he tucks it and runs. He seems to be able to sense the hits coming and either move enough to break the tackle completely, or just enough to avoid taking any serious punishment. The awkward tackle in the Titans game where he injured his knee was just that, awkward.

    EJ is what every team would like to have as a backup QB. He's a great team player, humble, hard working and he can bring some constancy and play-making ability to the position when called upon. That being said, Taylor is much more multi-faceted, has the experience of sitting behind a very good QB for four years, and at times, has shown true signs (for the first time in 15+ years), of possibly being the answer at a position that has been a wreck since Jim Kelly retired.

  2. I don't know why some of you are impressed with TT. He's fast. He can run. But im not impressed with his ability to get it out on time, or his accuracy.

    Oh I dunno, maybe because he throws one of the best long balls we've seen from any of our QBs in years and is more dangerous with his legs than Mike Vick was in his prime.

  3. I really wish the EJ **** would stop. Regardless of what Rex tells the media in public, there was a reason why EJ was the #3 behind Cassel before he was magically traded off to Dallas. Maybe now after this last game and possibly / probably another in London, Whaley will finally resign to the fact that made a mistake and move the !@#$ on.

  4. Looks like another year of pretending vs. contending with this group.


    Offensively, I don't understand how Roman can go from the play designs of a week ago to seemingly having little clue this afternoon. I'm sure the tape review will show how much we missed Sammy and Shady in the passing game and I can cut him some slack for that, but that two minute offense to end the first half was beyond comprehension. NOBODY on the field or sideline had any idea of what they wanted to do and that worries me greatly moving forward. What were they doing on the sideline while the defense was on the field before getting the ball back? No excuse for that display of two minute offense. None.


    Defensively, we once again lost our composure at critical times and it worries me that Rex seemed unperturbed with it in his presser. I can only hope he supported them publicly but will rip them all a new one in the film room. Brady did indeed provide a blue print and good QBs like Manning can execute the kind of offense that neutralizes our pass rush and forces our LBs to cover.


    I won't say anything about the atrocious tackling all day, other than when your team scores a momentum changing TD to get within six, your defense needs to come up big with a stop if it wants to call itself a good defense. Bradham's miss will keep him in my doghouse for a long time. Embarrassing to say the least.


    We are NOT a great defense and somebody on that unit needs to stand up and scream that at the top of his lungs in that lockerroom. I think they've been reading their clippings and enjoy being coddled by Ryan. Well Rex, this defense has HUGE problems when facing anything other than a poor team with average QBing. Good teams with average QBs can beat us when we play like today. Good teams with good QBs will embarrass us if we can't fix these problems.


    Bottom line is, I don't think the Giants beat us as much as we beat ourselves. 99% of the time, that's a coaching issue and our staff schit the bed big time today. Amateur hour indeed.


    GO BILLS!!!


  5. Nice-looking deep balls that any college rookie could make, but that's it... Abandons his progressions, and locks in on one receiver... Roman is NOT innocent, but I Can't justify that kind of performance at home, coming off a div. win...


    Tyrod's leadership is lazy... Throws are not decisive... No urgency getting back to the LOS in between plays...


    He's Michael Vick v2,0... Only Tyrod won't grab yardage with his feet... Poor use of his skill set by Roman... wasted chance to distinguish himself by Tyrod... Seems he's just a backup after all...

    Typical Bills fan fail... 4 games in, none of which have been terrible by the QB all things considered, and who's first to get chucked under the bus but Tyrod. With today's game plan, god himself wouldn't have made much of a difference.


    Thank you.

    The name calling has begun in earnest here, very quickly.


    Which is to be expected, of course.


    Sacramento Kings fans were labeled crazy too, in 2000.

    The only difference is, NFL refs are part time employees and work for a much wealthier league.


    "bu bu bu bu, that was basketball, scenarios like that could NEVER happen in the NFL!!!"

    And please, staffers, come with something other than smiley faces and name calling.

    Refute any of my points.

    Surely it should be easy to shoot down a premise so far fetched, no?

    To say that the thought of the "officiating" having an ulterior motive has never crossed my mind would be a ball-faced lie.



    Of course it will be classic.

    All one has to do is sit on a park bench for 20 minutes and observe the people that walk by them.


    The masses, are generally, for lack of a better term, dumb as a box of rocks.


    If you could watch that game today, and think for even a minute, that it was fairly called and an equitable contest, than you would probably respond to a thread like this by


    a) calling me a woman (check)

    b) name calling in some other derogatory fashion (check)

    c) or becoming frightened and think that i was going to hurt you? (check?)

    d) dismiss it (check check check)

    To any of you that have the ability to think critically, logically, and impartially, I ask you: why would the majority (or ANY) responses on a supposed "Buffalo Bills message board" defend the point of view that today was a fairly called game?

    Did it feel that way at the stadium? (no)

    Did it feel that way when you were watching at home? (no)

    Do the posters who have taken longer than a single, dismissive sentence to address the topic at hand feel that way? (no)


    And why, pray tell, does the NFL deserve the benefit of the doubt?

    Are the league champions cheaters? (yes)

    Have they been busted, not by the league, but by their fellow competitors, for cheating on more than one occassion? (yes)

    Is the only team that has been able to "beat" them in the championship round, or in the division, from the New York metropolitan area? (yes)

    Have cheating scandals occurred in the 21st century to other professional sports leagues in America? (yes)


    But please, form the queue to keep the names coming.

    I'm a big boy, I can handle it, I promise.


    And this.

    I have not had a sip of alcohol in years my friend.

    It numbs the soul, poisons the body, calcifies the pineal gland, ruins lives, and destroys families.

    Keep those accusations with the insinuations that I own weapons of violence.

    I don't do drugs, either, so I'll stop you right there.

    Very well articulated. Quickly becoming one of my favorite posters. Keep it coming Mr. Gold!

  7. The refs weren't great out there, but when have they ever been great. How may personal fouls have been called on Hughes the past two years? When is this guy going to finally just STFU and play football. How many back to back personal fouls have been called on the Bills on the SAME PLAY this year. It's no surprise the refs have rabbit ears, so STFU and play football.


    This wasn't the first bogus chop block called on the Bills this year, so you know that the refs are calling it too close. So avoid doing anything that looks even remotely like a chop block, especially on a pass play during which there was NO pressure on Taylor.


    No doubt the refs are WAY too active this season. But it shouldn't be a surprise. PLAY SMART. This is a dumb football team right now. Each week the refs are teaching them a lesson that they refuse to learn.

    Agree with everything you said. I have learned something from the refs in the first 4 games of this season too.... I learned that the officials are making this game unwatchable.

  8. Really, really unlucky day. The INT, the fumble, the missed FG, the Bradham whiff, the penalty on the Giant's FG. Football gods were not on our side today. Sure a lot is on us and the playcalling, but some real funky stuff happened today.


    We're a better team than this.

    Luck didn't have a damn thing to do with today.

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