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Posts posted by Meatplow

  1. Has Tyrod ever led a successful 2 min drill? If there is a stat on that I guarantee he is the worst in the NFL among the starting QB's. Once you are down it's over. He's not going to lead you back. If the other team scores over 21 just turn the TV off because we lose

    I really don't think the 2 min drill deficiencies have anything to do with Taylor. That dumpster fire is in Lynn's front lawn. That being said, I think Lynn has done an amazing job overall with this offense considering it was dropped in his lap after game two.

  2. "Apparently you meant keeping everyone in marketing would include Russ. However, from what we as fans are led to believe, Russ is also meddling in football decisions. Which qualifies him for a departure as well."



    Brandon is a marketing genius, which you have to be to set records for season tickets with a mediocre franchise.


    He's not going anywhere


    Sadly, you're right. I don't see him going anywhere either.

  3. Keep everything on offense and slightly rework the scheme to better facilitate balance with our run/passing attack. We can run at will with the talent we have so lets build on that strength. Now lets put some emphasis on making the passing attack more of a consistent threat. Taylor's ability to keep defenses defending him as a runner is a great asset if we're able to take advantage of that through the air. Add some WR depth and address the weak points on the line. Keep bringing Jones along carefully. I'm quietly excited with what this kid may be able to do for us in the next year or two.

  4. That would include Russ Brandon

    Apparently you meant keeping everyone in marketing would include Russ. However, from what we as fans are led to believe, Russ is also meddling in football decisions. Which qualifies him for a departure as well.

    Fire the secretaries too? I heard they made copies of the contracts so they share culpability.

    It's Christmas, lets not get too carried away.

  5. And a loss. Its a team game. Offense scores there and it doesn't matter how bad the D was.


    I'm not "blaming" the O, I'm saying they didn't do enough to win. And they didn't. They were obviously the best unit in the field today but, unfortunately, the Bills needed more and the O couldn't put the game away when it had opportunities to.


    No, two plays later they attempted a 46 yard field goal which carp missed.


    Again... 31 points and 600 yds of O and they didn't do enough? You're kidding right?

  6. Serious question. If I'm Rex Ryan, I have to know that my job is on the line here. For me, if I'm Rex and I see dancing in the pocket early when the pressure isn't there, if I see staring down his receivers, if I see wide-open receivers open and TT not even checking his 2nd, 3rd reads, I'm benching him. Give EJ a shot. At least we know EJ can throw over the middle, and he doesn't dance to the ghost music like TT does. EJ may not be as accurate downfield like TT, but I think he makes up for it with his accuracy over the middle and short to intermediate routes, where TT always seems to overthrow the ball on those type of routes..


    I want to see EJ, I've seen enough of TT this year, I want to see if EJ's light has turned on.


    With me? Let's go streaking.. :)





    Uh.... Nope.

  7. The bills defense is solely responsible for 4 of our 5 losses but I'm the troll


    Wake up and stop eating up everything Rex is saying


    His defense is awful

    This board is just a bunch of racist posters who can stand that our QB is black and want him gone and wanna keep Rex


    What a joke


    Holy !@#$! What just happened?!?! Please get the !@#$ out of here with that nonsense.

  8. Your right Cardales gonna be a ten time superbowl champ whose gonna be the first qb to break the 100000 yard mark for his career. With a first time ever 100 td to 1int ratio. Fifteen yards per attempt. 1500 yards rushing per season. 60 tds average passing a season and 20 tds rushing. Hell also be the first ever fifteen time MVP. Does that work better in your delisional world. Been enjoying those 17 consecutive superbowls the Bills just won. bet your really enjoying the 10000 yard, 100 td pace tyrod is on this year. that 150 yard td run he had against the patriots last week was probably the most exciting play in the bills 72-0 victory. great to be 8-0 this year with an average margin of victory of 95 pts. Which actually makes the 72-0 against the Pats a bit disappointing.Thought they should have put up at least 100 against them. And if you think I literally meant 1000 draft picks your not very bright.


    Did you forget to take your medication?

  9. this just isn't true IMO.


    Again, I'll say IN MY OPINION


    but Tom Brady was just a game manager when he won his first 3 with the Pats. Those teams were defensive driven. Much like Ben Rothlisberger when he won his 2. Defense, was the better unit in those teams by far. QBs that could manage the game and not make stupid mistakes.


    Eli Manning was in a similar situation, nobody has ever called him an elite QB, or even a great QB. But he's need average to good most of the time and had some season where he hasn't made stupid decision and lost games for his teams. Like when he won 2 SUperbowls against the Pats when their offenses were at an NFL greatest. Defense won those games as well.


    With that being said, a great QB will get you into those positions to be in the consideration of Super Bowl much easier than a really good defense will.


    What's crazy is he had such a good deep ball last year. This year.... Nothing


    Yeah, tell that to Andrew Luck :)

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