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Posts posted by Shirl

  1. On 1/8/2019 at 7:52 PM, Cripple Creek said:

    Nice to see you ma'am. So it looks like you ditched Howard for some chick named Marrion.  I sincerely hope that the two of you are very happy. You deserve it after living with that putz Howard for so long.

    LOL! @Howard is our last name. But Marion tries to keep that a secret.

  2. Sorry for not making posts in a while. Marrion and I have been sooo busy lately! Marion didnt watch much of the bills this season. Hes been boycotting the nfl becasue they disrespected him and his fellow postal vets. he finaly watched the last game.. he had a boil removed from his bottom so he couldnt sweep the sidewalk like he usual does on sundays.. says he wants to fight that kiki punk.. or something.. i wasnt paying much attention.. anyway.. were taking the rv to florida this year to visit my sister agnes..


     i hope @BringBackFergy and @CountryCletus are still doing well.. 





  3. Marion, you big goof! I told you its not on Sunday ticket. It's on the Yahoo channel. We have a TV in the camper. We have to go to mass in the morning, then to a flea market. Last time I was there this real nice Mexican lady had a cute statue of a cactus dressed like an old west bank robber, saying "STICK em up!" But she didn't take checks, and she said she should be there next week unless ice comes by. I don't see that happening with the weather here!!!! But its a dry heat. I'm trying to setvthe VCR so Marion can watch, but don't know what station the yahoo channel is. Maybe its on one of the other high channel? Maybe I need to use th 100+ button on to clicker! HELP US!!!!

  4. I will say this, any troll who equates working for the effing P.O.to serving their country?

    Is a moron, an insult to anyone that served. And it ticks me off. How much longer does this

    Troll get to keep these multiple accounts of BS?


    People Who have imaginary friends and troll like this have some serious mental issues.

    Nothing cute or funny Here at all.

    Best Player,


    I've been telling Marion for years that he's not a veteran. But he insists that he served his county. He tried joining the real service out of high school, but they wouldn't let him in because of his condition. I figured, what the heck. He's not hurting anybody. So he goes down to the VFW and wears his little homemade Purple Heart from when a dog bit his bum back in '72. Kinda cute really.

  5. Did shirl ever cheat on you? Did you have dna taken to see if roger is yours?

    I've never cheated on Marion. However, he's accused me multiple times. But that's because his lazy butt does nothing around the house, so I have to invite Cletus over to Mow our Lawn, clean out our attic and stuff. Although the eye candy of a strong country boy around the house doesn't hurt. ;-)

  6. My grandson Connor just started playing at the league over in Caz Park. They're so cute at that age!!! Running around and they have no idea what the heck they're doing!!! LMBO!!!They don't keep score at that age of course. But they're having fun, and that's all that counts. Pictures to come.

  7. I hope the bad mead never starts posting.


    We need pics of you and Howard from your wedding and pics of you and him this past Christmas.

    When was the first time you and Howard did it?

    Was he your first?

    Where did you do it the first time?

    At 90 are you still doing it?

    Do you still sw.......?

    Did you ever cheat on Howard?

    How many kids do you have besides roger?


    You can put your honest answers under my quote and no one will see your answers. I will never tell anyone what you say.

    Nice try Mead!!! LOL! LMBO!!! You can trick Marion into that one, but I'm much more tech savvy. I use the Facebook.

  8. Well Marion has been busy. Been at city hall every day this week. He got a $25 fine for having too many trash bags out. He claims that the Tops bag that he uses for his sunflower seeds doesn't count as a full bag. He's spent about $50 between gas and parking to fight it, but he tells me it's not the point, it's the principle

  9. Howard was a mailman till he retired. He also had a part time job as ticket taker down at Pilot Field until his knees gave out last year.


    I worked 15 hours a week at at Hills, until they closed down. Didn't need the money, Now I volunteer once a week at Tosh in the senior center.


    Of course we're not on all the time making posts, we have lives you know!!! Every Tuesday we go to Frank and Gladys's house for Euchre. We also have Bingo at St. Agatha's and at the Knights.


    Marion ( Howard is our last name by the way. He was made fun of in grammar school, got him in a lot of fights. so started going by his last name to fit in) goes to the VFW post a lot. Tells people he got in for his time in the service, but it's really because Al McKenny who he graduated from Timon with is the bartender there.


    So shame on you. You're that Gugly character Marion warned me about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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