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Posts posted by Shirl

  1. Hello there! I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Shirley, Shirl for short. My hubby Howard started making posts here a few months ago, and saw how much he joy you fellas brought him (except this fella named Cletus who makes him curse like a sailor), I thought I'd join in on the fun. I'm not much into football. I don't know the difference between a touchdown and a homerun. LOL!!! I just know Howie gets so darn mad when they loose. I hope to have fun with you guys, sharing funny pictures and stories.

  2. I remember this day! I sat there watching on my little black and white TV. My husband was outside smoking his cigar on the porch listening on the radio. Our oldest was seven at the time. He kept yelling "Mommy! Mommy! Look at the spaceman!" They grow up so fast. Wow, can't believe it was that long ago.

  3. What this world needs is good old fashioned discipline!! Back in the day, when the hubby and I would take the kids up to Crystal Beach, the kids would go on the rides, and we would go relax on the beach all day!!! Nobody would dare touch our stuff because we had a little thing called respect!!!! If my kids would have done that, I would want them to be spanked right there on the beach, then dragged by the ear to me so that I could spank him again!!!!

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