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Posts posted by drnykterstein

  1. So basically gays who hate everything that war stands for, now have the right to fight in what they hate? :unsure:

    You win "The Most loaded crap statement of the day" award!


    Can people stop talking about this now?


    I'm sure our country has another completely insignificant issue to obsess over while our citizenry becomes ever dumber and less productive and our country moves closer to being a second rate economic power.

    Allow gay marriage, and it will go away as an issue.

  2. Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/46303.html#ixzz186lgDPI4


    I know first ladies are largely insignificant figures who tend to latch on to a token cause for PR concers, but for Christ sake, can we all simmer down on the hyperbole please? Is everything a !@#$ing crisis? Maybe we need to declare war on obesity.


    Next comes the fast food tax to suck revenue out of poor people, but you can bet your ass the equally fattening gourmet food at the types of resstaurants where Michelle sits her fat pusssy down to stuff her pig face won't be effected.

    Irony wins again.

  3. You mean like you did for me? How could you possibly know I'm heartless? Because I don't crow about donating meaningless sums of money to strangers on the internet?


    Difference is...I can back it up. I know people like you, who think proving they care is enough to make them special and make a difference. It doesn't, and you're not. You're a narcissistic parasite, as evidenced by the fact that you donate a pittance and feel the need to brag about it.


    I take this to mean "I donate to things, that you don't know about".

    ... ya, I have the same problem.


    I know you are heartless because of the positions you take on issues where heart and compassion are required. It has nothing to do with your pocket book, and everything to do with your actual stances. You are the !@#$ who likes to (defend the) torture innocent teenagers who were arrested in Yeman and brought to Guantanamo. !@#$ that they didn't do anything wrong, America needs to waterboard people.

  4. Fifty bucks, conner. Fifty bucks.


    You're not helping, you're just buying a conscience. You only care about helping yourself feel better about yourself. You don't make a damn bit of difference in that kid's life, or anyone else's. You don't care about anyone else, you only care about yourself.

    Well this is the biggest pile of **** I've ever seen. You are just lying to me about me, which I think is hilarious. Telling me lies about myself. I love that. Are you going to tell me I have three legs also.


    Anyways, if you are trying to get me to lose so much respect for you that I would cease to even acknowledge you exist, you are doing a very good job of this.


    And I realize you think what you have said is "insight". I promise you this is not even close to a true thought on your part.

  5. So the atomic bomb made this country great? How progressive of you.


    Now to be fair conner, I want you to compile a list of things that have made this country great that did NOT involve the government so we can compare.

    Assembly line, personal computer, IBM, Google, ... Baconaise.


    The internet was a government military project. Goodness, making a proper list of either of these is a big task.



    ... Rkfast, your giant wit is only matched by the size of your penis.

  6. I'm saying it's not government's job, you idiot. In as much as we live in a "great nation", it was made great by people helping each other, not by people waiting for the government to do something.

    Hahahahahahaha. Nope, NASA, WWI, WWII, the A-Bomb, Declaration of Independence, electricity .. none of these things involved the government.


    And even so, that doesn't make health care a right. It's still a market commodity.

    I agree, but it's one we can afford to give to those in need.

  7. the progressive mantra of "America: the worst country that god ever gave to man because when we heard 'home of the free' we thought that 'free' referred to everything."

    That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If progressives think American is the worst country in the world, then conservatives eat babies and drink their blood.



    Exactly as it should be. Health care is a market commodity, not a right.

    !@#$ that. America is one of the greatest countries in the world. We are strong and powerful and a great nation. If this country has the capacity to help its poor and helpless (as it most certainly does), then we should do such a thing. Healthcare is not a right, but when you live in such a great country as ours, we can indeed afford to help the less fortunate.


    Or are you saying we are not a great nation, and should not help out our poor?

  8. Have I missed something? When did Warren Buffet call out corps, the rich, wall street, banks and himself for being bad for America? Buffet may be able to make money but he sucks at picking good leaders and at politics in general the man is clueless. Another useful idiot.

    You did miss something then. He's been on a tirade of sorts lately. I'll link later when I have time, or you can just do your own research (gasp!).

  9. Thanks for proving my point.


    I had actually asked for some examples of oppressed minorities requesting equal rights and getting derided for it, which you failed to provide, and instead gave me a bunch of one liners taken out of context, most of which even out of context are not in themselves inherrently racist without the liberal race baiting interpretation of what they "really mean".


    So I guess I have my answer. You, like Conner, are just a liberal douche with nothing to back up your opinion. But thanks for playing, you're welcome to try again any time.

    So, do tell.. is ignorance as bliss as they say?

  10. Jeez, you really are Connerific after all. You should come around here more often, you guys entertain me.


    What I was asking is for you to cite an example of these poor opressed minorities being trashed by Limbaugh for requesting equal rights. You made the statement, I'm just asking you to back it up.

    I'm not sure it would help you to cite one of the 1000's of example of this gugny, it seems obvious this guy has no interest in knowing anything. You response would only provoke one of a dozen copouts this guy has in his arsenal. Least of all would R-House ever ever consider saying "You are right, these facts show I was wrong".

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