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Posts posted by drnykterstein

  1. He already covered that. The government doesn't have an expectation of privacy, since the government isn't a person, therefore the government cannot reasonably expect to keep government information secret.:wacko:


    "If it's found that Assange hasn't violated the law, then the law should be changed." -- Mitch McConnell


    I bet this is your minset also DCT? The law be damned, we've got witches to burn at the stake.

  2. You can do what you like, but it seems to me a little annoying to have to log in and out of different names just to agree with yourself.


    Seriously...you can fool some of the people some of the time...

    Yes, the "you are the same person" statement that you folks use also belongs on any flow chart defining your standardized responses. I think I've been accused of being the same person as just about every dem/progressive/liberal who's ever posted here.

  3. I find that many on this board either can't or won't Read. I find endless strawmaning, an abundant of nitpicking on grammar and spelling and that ad hominem attacks are the norm.

    Yep. That is my exact analysis. The people around here are simpletons and react to everything in a very algorithmic way. I tried to make a flow chart of it once, but didn't finish it. You missed out name-calling, or when you can corner them - denial. I have no memory of anyone on this board (except myself) saying "You were right on this point, I was wrong". To me being able to admit when you are wrong and accept it is one of the greatest signs of intelligence.

  4. !@#$, youre right.


    CONNER...may I have access to your PC for a few hours? I need to copy some Lady Gaga CDs. Im a big fan, ya know.


    I'm glad you are making progress in becoming slightly educated. Since you have displayed a morsel of understanding, I'll reward you with a real response.


    Really, you probably don't even have to get into my house, there is probably a slew of financial and other corporations that have all my of personal information. Go get a job at one of them and steal it. They collect that every time I sign up for anything it seems. There are laws that protect me: http://www.privacy.ca.gov/privacy_laws.htm


    Now we come to some fun questions. Is the government a person? Is the government itself protected by privacy laws.


    Now you won't see me defending Bradley Manning. The man was entrusted with security, and breached that trust and was caught. He should indeed be punished. Wikileaks is another story, they did not have any security clearance, wikileaks did not agree to keep anything secret. Wikileaks has never said "You can trust me America, I'll agree to your security clearance levels". If you don't agree to these things, you should not be given access to security information. However, freedom of the press dictates that if you do come into this information, you should be able to disperse it. Wikileaks did exactly that. Free speech. Being able to say what you want, and disperse the information you want.


    I realize you tards are always complaining about stupid stuff like "NPR silenced Juan Williams - What about FREE SPEECH?!?!?!"

    Now we come to a real actual clear cut case of an actual government actually trying to censor someone, and you dolts stand on the side of censorship.

  5. a Russ Feingold, yeah, that guy stands up for progressive values, he's tough, and ummm.... well, he can't even get reelected in his blue purplish state of Wisconsin, ummm.... someone like a

    I know. One of the very few honest politicians we had, and (of course) he does not get re-elected. This says a lot about our country. Feingold had a lot of integrity. He absolutely refused to air negative ads about his opponent in the election. He held his head high, and did what he knew was right. In this country doing what is right makes you into a failure. (that ignorant retards like Magox then proceed to mock)



    ...lybob, personally I have no such hopes that the dems will every grow a pair. Honestly often these days I find myself questioning if they (and Obama) are even on our side.


    "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency" -- Barack Obama on day one of his presidency.

  6. Generally most Libertarians have been skeptical of most government secret classifications.

    This is true of CATO, the ACLU, and the Libertarian Party have all against State Secrets and state secret legislation as contrary to transparency.


    The way I see it, Libertarians want freedoms and good open and honest fiscal policy, but don't hate Republicans (so they mostly vote R). Progressives want freedoms and good open and honest fiscal policy, but are completely repulsed by the Republican party (so they mostly vote D).

  7. Man Lybob, you are one swell and honorable guy who loves his country. :beer:

    Hermann Goering agrees!


    "Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
  8. He who leaked the past few large batches is already under arrest. PFC Bradley Manning, an intel analyst. He brought CDs in to his office, and pretended to listen to music as he was copying documents to the blank CD.


    Keep that in mind - how shamelessly easy it was for some yahoo to circumvent the security on highly classified documents by pretending to listen to Lady Gaga - the next time someone from TSA is grabbing your crotch.

    Ben Franklin would hate you.

  9. Particularly permission to publish the memos.


    That's what the US government ought to do: copyright their paperwork. Wikileaks publishes them, get them for copyright violations.

    I think you forget what free speech is really about? Free speech gives you the right to be verbally subversive against a government if you want.


    I like these commentaries.




    It's plausible to think the media isn't doing it's job.





    And Chef Jim, and DC TOM - "Particularly permission to publish the memos."

    Obviously Wikileaks is into leaking stuff. So obviously they released their correspondence. There is no hint of them making any requests of permission or anything else. This is a prime example of you people making crap up in order to keep on believing whatever it is you want to believe.



  10. Please tell us WHY she is a moron, besides making a few verbal gaffes.


    Becuase if verbal gaffes are the "standard" by which to judge, the guy who ACTUALLY WON the VP spot is a really really BIG moron.

    Verbal gaffes can be overlooked. Ethics violations, retarded statements about Russia, and a complete lack of intelligence displayed on any topic that she's commented on cannot be overlooked. Retard statements like "death panels" cannot be classified as verbal gaffes, she said them and then repeated them.


    I like things such as: She attacks Rahm Immanual and Family Guy for using the word "retard" and then goes on Fox and defends Rush Limbugh for using the same word.


    So anyways, no Palin is not so dumb that she sits there drooling all day and can't feed herself. Yes, she is so dumb that she gets lost in intelligent discussion and then pretends she knows what she's doing.



    Also, her book, not a gaffe..



    Funny part is...


    "New reports on Sarah Palin's 'Going Rogue' bus tour. They say she's been traveling on private planes to various stops and then just hops in the bus at the local town. So, let's see what you got. You have Sarah Palin, who's no longer governor, who's promoting a book she didn't actually write by going on a bus tour which is not really a bus. Her big complaint? Politicians who aren't real." --Jay Leno

  11. Dude should have just called it "WikiHateAmericaAndEverythingItStandsFor". Since he only seems to leak American documents.



    Of course, if he leaked Russian or Chinese info, he'd be dead by now.

    Wikileaks is an Equal opportunity leaker. They've leaked info on many different countries in the past. It just so happens that this latest two big leaks were USA information (leaked by a US soldier).


    Also, I'd like to point out that they did offer to work with the US to redact some of the more dangerous information. The US decided to say no to that offer.

  12. Couldn't agree more. Now that the offense seems to be getting it (and I'm only looking at games since the bye, save for a couple of sub-par performances), it's time to upgrade the defense. I'm sure the league will catch on to Fitz and expose his weaknesses, but that's why we have an offensive-minded coach to adjust.


    I still think the Bills will have a top-5 pick, so it's time to start looking at the best player available for the DL or LB positions.

    I could not disagree more. Fiedler was a caretaker who never won a game by himself. To me it seems as if the Fitz-Johnson connection is just about the only reason we have won any games.

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