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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Best is their feature back. They had NOBODY else. Spiller has not been given anything remotely close to feature back carries. And in week 1 Miami dared us to throw and Edwards couldn't do it.


    For you to compare Best to Spiller this early in their careers is BRAINLESS.



    All right, genius, compare Best to OUR feature back... how does that play out?


    Or am I going too far in comparing the Bills to the powerhouse Lions?


    Do we have the permission of the apologists like yourself to compare Maybin to Orkapo or Mathews, or is that too soon for you also?

  2. I think Gailey has accepted the fact that this offense cannot make plays downfield in those types of situations and he's calling plays designed to minimize the damage. Whether or not they improve this season, though...


    Well if they have guys who can't make plays downfield, they shouldn't be in the NFL, period. Put those guys on the bench and give their backups a chance. And if those backups can't make plays, hit the waiver wire.


    The purpose of this season is quickly turning out to be finding 5 or 10 players the Bills can spend the next few years building around. It's pretty easy to see already that some of the starters don't fit into that plan.

  3. Total Yards:


    NO: 308

    MIN: 253

    DAL: 380

    WSH: 250


    BUF: 166


    Yeah, those offenses were totally close to each other.


    Yeah, three of those teams made the playoffs last year (one won the Super Bowl), so they have the history to believe that they'll work things out.


    Washington won a hard-fought divisional game after winning 4 games last season under a new coach with a couple of Super Bowls on his resume.


    The Bills offense has spent the last six or seven years ranked in the bottom third of the league.


    So, yeah, Buffalo has nothing to worry about.

  4. No lie: when he blew up Ricky Williams and sacked Henne, the impact was so ferocious I thought he was going to shatter into millions of pieces of glass shards.




    C'mon, I can do you better...taking Whitner ahead of Haloti Ngata...Aaron "The Project" Maybin over Orakpo or Oher....


    Could you imagine Oher and Wood on our line, and taken in the same year?


    Ngata in our middle?


    That's why I don't buy the whole 'blow things up to get a high draft pick' theory. If the Bills made better decisions with their draft positions they could have been a much better team. And it's not like these criticisms are based on hind sight. The Bills needs dictated that they take guys like Ngata and Oher instead of the players they chose, who were recognized as reaches when they were drafted.


    Oh, by the way, Matt Schaub went in the 3rd round (90th overall)in 2004; the year that the Bills traded back into the first round to pick Losman.


    Both Losman and Schaub were identified as options for Buffalo at QB, but Donahoe made the deal with Dallas because he liked Losman's upside better than Schaub's. Dallas picked DeMarcus Ware with Buffalo's 1st round pick in 2005.

  5. I'm sure I'll get blasted for this. However, I know we're not that good but if you think we suck and arent NFL caliber etc., why watch? Why call yourself a Bills fan and post here? I'm as sick of losing as anyone else. I've complained publicly and privately. I've come to the realization that either I deal with it and ride it out till things turn around or walk away. Today didnt go as I or anyone here wanted it too. I expected more adjustments on offense by Chan etc. But there were a few signs of change if only by Chan and decisions he made and not the players. I'm glad we lost by 5 and not three. That call to take the safety showed our coach has balls.........


    Because half the fun of being a fan is following them from suckitude to greatness.


    I won't say that this team sucks yet. Sure they sucked today, but they sucked as a pass-first team, which we can all agree that they're not right now. This game, unfortunately, was a throw-away.


    I'm reserving judgement on how good or bad the team is until we see them run the ball 30 or 40 times in a game. That's what it looks like they're built for. If they are as inept then as they were today, then I'll admit that they're in serious trouble.

  6. Elaborate? We didn't win! WOW!. Playing to the end of the second half. Mixing formations. I'm not sure that you are paying attention. We have a very poor offensive line, (go figure)but i saw a lot of different formations. We should have run at least once on the last drive on our own 1 yard line. We should have not passed three times in a row on our first drive. BUT we did, everyone expects us to run. Why not try to pass? If it work,s CHAN is a Genius. Sorry same team, different year. BUT YOU STILL HAVE A NEW COACH!


    Why not try to pass? Hmmm, let's see...The QB is mediocre, the WR corps are thin, the TEs are subpar, the guards are better than the tackles, and oh yeah, the team is loaded at RB (if you have two 1st round RBs on your roster, you better use them).


    Chan would be more than a genius to make this gameplan work, he'd be a magician, because there's no way in hell the Bills are built right now to support a 2:1 pass/run ratio.


    This gameplan was as bad as Jauron believing that he had the personnel to run the no-huddle last season.


    But it's the first game, and who knows, maybe Jackson and Lynch are more injured than the team is letting on. Hopefully over the next few games Gailey will increase the number of runs in the gameplan.

  7. I have no clue what you are talking about.


    The game plan or offensive philosophy is to strike w/quick, short but accurate throws, run the ball, and build off of that success to bigger plays and throws down field.


    Now, if the line can't stop Betty White on a pre-Snickers pass rush, how can anyone be expected to pass anything?


    Oh yeah, the line also can't seem to move a 90-year old woman in a wheelchair up to the driveway of her retirement home; how can we expect it to open up holes for Spiller, Marshawn, and Fred?


    Why do you think they kept bouncing outside?


    So you're saying that the gameplan is to set up the run with the pass, and not the other way around?


    If that is really the philosophy, considering how this team is built, the Bills are doomed to finish 2-14 this year.

  8. The idea was to spread them out with the shotgun, but they did eventually switch to the power I towards the third quarter and the drive stalled out like the others. Edwards is simply incapable, making us prone to blitzing.


    No doubt, but as Edwards' coach, Gailey should have realized this and protected the team with a better gameplan.

  9. How can you possibly blame Gailey? From the start the dolphins had eight guys in the box, challenging Edwards to throw the ball and he could not do it. So if you can't run or pass how can you blame the coach. Blame Ralph and his cheapness. :wallbash:


    If putting 8 guys in the box immediately renders the Bills offense ineffective, this team is going to go 0-16.


    The Bills should have lined up in the power-eye, pounded the Dolphins inside, and then run play-action passes.

  10. The Packers drafted a falling QB near the end of the first round, and then were able to let him sit and learn behind a future HOF'er. By the time Rodgers made his first start he had something like three years in the system. You guys, not having a solid QB to start with, don't have the luxury so either you would pick up a free agent QB, or draft a rookie and start him early. Further more Rodgers took over a team that was playoff caliber with a stable front office, two things that I think even the most die hard Bills fan would agree you don't have.




    So how did the Steelers manage with Roethlisberger and the Falcons with Ryan? As crazy as it sounds, rookie QBs who start their first year can be effective.


    It's all about picking the right guy. The Bills had a shot at Matt Schaub, but they targeted Losman, who spent a year behind Bledsoe, which didn't help. And because they had Losman, they let Rodgers fall by them the next year.


    It's all about the evaluation process. If you have scouts and a GM who know what they're doing, it's a hell of a lot easier to draft a QB, or RB, or LB.


    And it's not just the Bills. Hell, Miami had two shots at Brees, in the draft and when he was a free agent, and they passed on him twice, choosing to sign Culpepper as a FA.


    Hopefully when the Bills decided to pick up their next QB, Nix and Co. know what they're doing. Because if the Bills whiff on their next choice, the Bills could be looking at 15-20 years of missing the playoffs.

  11. The two total anti-jauron moves I liked were trying to kick the fg at the end of the first half with one second left and taking the safety deliberately. The safety was a ballsy move that didnt work however at least he said f%*k it took a stand and said I'm going to go for it whereas dicky wouldve rather have lost by 3 than 5 even if the safety might have given them a better chance at recovering the kick and winning the game....


    The TD pass was also on 4th down. I don't have any problem with those decisions. I didn't totally agree with the safety, but I can't argue with it.


    The thing I have a problem with is playing out of the shotgun the entire first half.

  12. Of course Gailey deserves more than one game to prove himself, but he did whiff on the gameplan for this one.


    The Dolphins were geared to stop the run, so he should have built the pass game off of play-action instead of coming out in the shotgun.


    So the Bills start the season 0-1 in the division and at home.

  13. I'll make it easy for you to understand. The team didn't look great today but they didn't look pathetic. I expect they will get a lot better as the year progresses. So to answer the question; They are struggling now but will be a lot better as the year progresses. This is not a doom and gloom game.


    I would say that the offense was completely pathetic today. If Gailey doesn't change his gameplanning, this is definitely a doom and gloom game.

  14. Edwards wasn't good, but he wasn't as bad as the Offensive Line was, and anyone who can't see that doesn't know crap about football. Just look at the first offensive series, a ball hits Jacksons hands and he drops it, then nobody touches the DE and he buries Edwards. Same old crap on the offensive line, the worst in the NFL by far. This team may never know if it will be able to win with Edwards, because until they get a line, he isn't going to survive a season. Look at the day that Spiller and the rest of the backs had, it was terrible, was that Edwards' fault, heck no, it was all the O-Line's fault. They were terrible. The only thing that rivaled the O-line for pathetic play was the last of a pass rush on the defensive side. Edwards hasn't been very good, but some people on this board are clueless when it comes to football, it is a team game not the QB and everyone else is along for the ride. Get a clue.


    At the same time, Edwards completely missed an OLB blitz read, couldn't get the ball past the DL on screens, and hit two DBs in the hands who dropped sure pick-sixes. He also checked-down on an early 3rd and long play when he had more than enough time to find a deeper receiver.


    And at the end of the game, Edwards had more than enough time to throw the ball downfield, and he didn't.


    Say what you want about the o-line and coaching, but Edwards has proven that he lacks the awareness, instincts, and intangibles to be an NFL QB.

  15. Despite the closeness of the score, I'm not really happy with the game at all.


    The score was close, but Henne sucked out loud and the Phins WRs were dropping passes all day. The secondary did play well, and maybe they caused those mistakes, but I get the feeling that if the Bills were playing a better team, the score would have been worse.


    Also, the Dolphins DBs dropped two pick-sixes, which would have put the game further out of reach.


    Even with that though, the score was close, but yet again the Bills did nothing to take control of the game. They completely blew the opportunity to win a winnable game. This has been the script for the Bills the last 10 years, especially in the division.


    And finally, there was the gameplan. The Bills had two strong runners on the roster, but decided to draft a stud running back, and yet only managed 17 rushes? The Bills could have a dynamic inside/outside rushing game, and yet our coach channeled his inner Mularkey and built a gameplan around Trent Edwards in the shotgun.


    My guess is that the Bills would be a better team with a run-first mentality. I'm not sure, though, if the coach is willing to gameplan around that strategy.


    The fact that we have to wait another week to see if Gailey is willing to run 30-40 times a game is disappointing.

  16. If you think Edwards has the ability to be the franchise QB, then no, you don't replace him.


    If you don't believe that he is the franchise QB, then you start the audition process, and you start with guys on your bench. Can Brohm or Fitzpatrick lead a comeback in a winnable game?


    By the end of the season the Bills coaching staff should have a complete understanding of the abilities of the guys on the roster. Either one of these guys is next franchise QB, or they go shopping in FA or in the draft.


    No more of this, 'he'd be good if he had a real coach, or offensive line, or receivers, or whatever.'


    If this is a rebuilding year, then we should see guys being cycled throughout the lineup the entire season.

  17. OK I'm going to be optimistic. We won 6 games last year (5 if you debate Indy whatever) and we are rebuilding. Our defense played well given their makeover, and our backfield has talent and OLine is improving. Let's rebuild and stomach some frustration in the interest of growth. Screw the media and all those that jump on the hate train.


    You do understand that some of the criticism is legitimate, right?

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