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Posts posted by LI_Bills

  1. Why was he released? Cap? attitude? sucks?


    Considering KC is fairly thin at WR, this release seems odd. Besides Hill, who is a multi purpose player, the next WR on the roster is........Chris Conley? I get that the cap hit was a tough one to swallow but there is nobody else there.

    I love the move though, the more depleted the Chefs are, the better chance they suck, the better the draft pick for us.



    Scratching my head on why he was released....not adding up for me either.

    Apparently they didn't ask him to take a pay cut but did try to feel out trade offers first. Andy Reid was just at his wedding 2 weeks ago. Surprised.


    Feels like there's more to this than meets the eye.




    So I guess I'm the minority here that think he is washed up?


    No thanks


    Is it that simple? Could be.

  2. Full disclosure: big time Mets fan, big time Yankee hater. I love a summer baseball game. Early spring and late fall? Not so much.


    Ticket prices are one element, but there is no longer anything special about attending a Yankees game. This is a big part of the trouble at the gate. People will pay a steep price to be part of something special. Court side seats at the Lakers were always the biggest status symbol in sports. Seats behind home plate at Yankee Stadium weren't far behind. The Yankees and the sport of baseball no longer occupy such a prime spot in American culture. People will pay the price if they believe it's worth it. Have blue collar fans been priced out of the best seats at the new Yankee Stadium? Absolutely. This isn't different from other teams and concert events.


    Great post.


    The latest Yankees stadium was built on the heels of an all-time great team that was aging. There was an expectation of greatness that was met year-in and year-out and tickets/concessions for the new stadium/cathedral were priced at the championship level.


    And then reality caught up and more recently the team hasn't been able to live up to the arrogant mentality that anything but a World Series ring is a bad year.


    The corporate/celebrity fan lost interest, the blue collar fan was priced out.


    It'll be interesting to see how the next few years play out. The young talent level is extraordinary...can't believe they turned it around as quickly as they did. Much as it pains me I think there is something special happening...just no guarantee of a championship.

  3. Wednesday/Thursday of this week I had the pleasure of accompanying my youngest on the 5th grade overnight trip to Gettysburg.


    On the way there he was pre-occupied and I bit my tongue. On the way back when we passed Kutztown he was similarly pre-occupied but I had to let him know about a certain hall of famer.


    Back in the day Reed/Kutztown comments were obligatory. Yesterday it was obligatory for me as well.

  4. Were you fine with the overtime in hockey when it was 4-4?


    I understand that ties in football are difficult for fans to digest, but ties are not as common in the NFL as they were in the old days.


    No I didn't care for 4-4 either...but at least that happens during regulation so it didn't bother me as much as 3-3 which is pretty rare in regulation. My problem is that I actually look forward to the shootouts.


    I don't get worked up about ties in football either, like you said its not a common occurrence. It might bother me more if I was paying for season tickets.


    I'm not a fan. Just as I'm not a fan of shootouts in hockey.


    I'm not a fan of the college OT either....but I like the hockey shoot-outs.


    No doubt shoot-outs are a gimmick but I love watching them. What i can't stand is the 3-3 overtime...a gimmick trying to masquerade as real hockey.


    Either way I think ties are a much bigger issue for football due to the number of games. And I may be in the minority but I prefer sudden death.

  6. I'd have a hard time defining classy, but I think this fits the bill:


    Last year my 11 year olds baseball team was playing a travel team that was older and light years better than us and also highly arrogant including taunting our guys.


    Our pitcher was having a rough inning. He started out walking everyone and then when he started getting the ball over the plate they were crushing the ball.


    At one point there was a play at the plate, the pitcher covered and ended up falling on top of the runner. The runner got up and tried to kick him.


    A few batters later the pitcher hit a batter. When the batter got to first the pitcher called time out, walked over to first to let the kid know it was an accident and give him an "I'm sorry:" high five. Classy.

  7. That's a damn good point.


    Also, maybe his trust (or lack there of) in Whaley and his scouting staff's evaluations played a part, too.


    And if he knew Whaley was out the door right after the draft, maybe he didn't want a new GM coming in and being tied to a top 10 QB pick that he had no part in making.


    I think that's very likely and makes a lot of sense.


    I know there are some on the board that think we whiffed on the "can't miss" QB who was picked after Trubisky this year. Could be, time will tell.


    Organizationally we are set up for McD and Beane to succeed....now they need to make it happen.


    Go Bills!

  8. He may, in fact, see the "big picture" much more than people think. He is a rookie HC with a defensive background and obviously no GM experience who was put in charge of a draft. Was this wise of the Pegulas? Probably not, but it is what it is. But no matter what, he certainly isn't the right person to be drafting a QB at #10 overall. Perhaps he realized his shortcomings (a trait his predecessor could have used BTW), traded down and selected a player at a position he was comfortable selecting. Some say selecting a DB in that draft in the first round wasn't smart either, but he is essentially a DC not a GM and that is what it is as well. Selecting a player at a position he was knowledgeable in, and at the same time securing an additional first round pick for the GM to use in the next draft may well demonstrate that he sees the long term big picture very well.


    String a few of the decisions that have been made since January together and a pattern emerges. Renegotiate Tyrod effectively giving him another year to prove/disprove his worth, don't pick up Sammy's 5th year option which effectively puts him in the same position as Tyrod, picking up an extras first rounder and replacing the GM and scouting staff allows Beane and McD to evaluate what they have and what they need.


    Each of those moves has been debated in other threads and while you can agree or disagree with any or all of them, taken collectively what I see is transition planning.

  9. Went to see Snatched (Amy Schumer, who humors my wife) with my mom and son today. We could have bought them fancy stuff, but experiences beat "stuff", even if it's a silly and somewhat raunchy movie with 3 generations present. It was followed by a nice dinner at home, with a lot of leftovers for mom and son. I'd call today a BIG win in the memory category. (And mom got a new music system a week early, so.....)


    Glad you had a great day. You can't put a price on the moments together

  10. I am with Tom. NE, GB, Pitt are all "boring" by the same standard


    Throw the Giants into that mix. Of course each of them found a QB.

    I'm OK with boring


    Boring, exciting..makes no difference to me as long as we win.


    I'm not being negative, I think this is the natural course for franchises trying to find their way. The Rex bluster...I was totally cool with building a bully - except it just never happened...is replaced by a more measured mentality. I prefer the new mindset and I'm hopeful it produces the results we all want.

  11. Rob & Laura Petrie. Great parents.


    Honorable mention for TV Dad, Ward Cleaver.


    OK, so maybe all I remember is Rob falling over the chair...can't remember their kids.


    The obvious from my childhood would be Mike and Carol....but eff them and their last name!


    I'll throw out Bill (Bixby) Corbett from Courtship of Eddies Father as best dad....widower....or was he?


    If you try to put together the pieces, it appears that Beane for GM was always McD's plan and likely discussed with the Pegulas at the time of the hire. McD wanted to use the 7-8 months of scouting to his advantage as it was valuable information and Whaley et al may have been perfectly good scouts. Once the draft was done, the rest of the plan was put in action with Whaley being fired and the new scouting season beginning with a new GM and scouts. Maybe I am reading the tea leaves but this seems plausible.


    If the above were true, I still think the Dawkins pick could be checked out for tampering.




    But I'm skeptical that McD had a master plan beyond becoming a HC. I'd be more inclined to guess that once he got his foot in the door things changed.


    Am I wrong to assume we could've shown Whaley the door along with Rex but retained the scouting staff until the draft?

  13. Isn't it possible/ likely, that they had this particular combo in mind for some time, but they had to get the coach first to allow him time to get started before the draft? They may have wanted Beane with him all along but had to wait to pull the trigger until after the draft?


    Could be, I try to stay away from speculation (it's difficult!) and comment on what is. They appear to be tied at the hip now. I think that's a good thing given my concern about the reporting structure.

  14. Coming late to the party so sorry if this has already been covered.


    So same structure with GM and HC reporting separately to the owners?


    Given the reporting structure and the fact that McD was already hired, I'd probably be more concerned bringing in someone McD was not familiar with than bringing in Beane. I also like that they are on the same contract schedule, tying their fates to each other.


    With that said, I'm in the camp that thinks it's odd they hired a rookie HC before they hired the GM.

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