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Posts posted by LI_Bills


    I saw Carlin live back in the late 80s. I'll preface by saying I think the guy was a comedic genius. But I got bored very quickly. There was a heckler situation that was so obviously staged and I walked out and spent the rest of my night outside at the bar smoking butts.


    I won't count him as one of my "least funny," comics, but I can see why some people might.


    Rickles, to me, is the best ever. Hands down, no close second.


    I'll second that.



    And on a sports note if this is true it's priceless:



  2. Born and bred Long Island, Mets/Bills/Islanders since the early 70's. Love where the Mets are at right now. Always room for improvement and plenty of legit concerns but this team is positioned pretty well for both short and long term success.


    Not loving where we're at 3 months later.


    A few weeks before the trade deadline and a few thoughts:



    With Conforto, Cespedes, Granderson and Bruce we still have a glut of corner outfielders. Conforto is a keeper, time to move on from Granderson. Would you consider dangling Cespedes and holding on to Bruce?



    Dump anyone that can bring back something decent. TJ looks like a hitter, but where can he play? Looks like Murphy part II to me. Might consider him as a complement to Dominic Smith at first next year.


    Starting pitching to keep:

    DeGrom: anyone who suggests we trade him is nuts

    Thor: pray he isn't the next Harvey

    Matz: concerned but waaaaaay to early to cut the cord


    Starting pitching to keep unless someone wants to overpay:

    Harvey: I have no confidence he'll regain form but he has no value and is cheap so try to salvage: bullpen, minors, whatever

    Wheeler: I'm encouraged. First year back, no major injury setbacks, decent, not great. If someone wants to overpay I'd consider it but next year is his make or break.

    Gsellman/Lugo: I thought they overachieved last year. Showed me enough to keep around (Lugo moreso), but again: bullpen, minors, whatever


    Relief pitching

    Hate to see Addison Reed go, but sayonara...most likely to be traded IMO. Everyone else is expendable too, but I really can't stomach Edgin.



    Blow it up.



    I have no great love for Collins, but I do give him some credit for the two playoff appearances and I'm not aware of any clubhouse problems. I'd want to know who's up next before I kick him to the curb.

  3. I'll be coming up Friday for the Broncos wth wife and kids. Current plan is spend Saturday at Niagara Falls, looked like there was enough to do for the day.


    Close to the stadium, at Chestnut Ridge park, the eternal flame. A roughly 45 minute hike. Stay on the trail there is no short cut. The wings lot is a 20 minute walk to the stadium so that means a long walk back after the game( the owners never tell you that) Very dangerous journey to the stadium. 2 lane road no sidewalks. You can find better lots closer and safer.
    I think he wanted to know about table sleeping not slamming and no to both.


    That looks cool. I was thinking of heading to Lockport Caves Friday afternoon but I may need to reconsider.


    I don't think there is a hotel/motel close enough to walk from.


    Booked a hotel in Amherst. Looked like it was central and close to the wing and pizza places mentioned in other threads. I really don't know the area, any reason not to stay there?

  4. no one has said gallagher?


    or al yankovich?

    ellen, cosby, the family appropriate humor is always good.


    i don't care much for ellen the person because she's schticky but she can be corny funny and it's enjoyable.


    I thought of Gallagher when Augie Gugny mentioned Howie Mandel. I actually saw Gallagher once. The watermelon smashing was mildly amusing but it's hard to get behind anyone who wears the multi-color suspenders.

  5. Could not agree less. I think Patton Oswald is Funny AF. Hate his political leanings, but I will be glued to anything he is featured in.


    Least funny is a tough call, i appreciate anyone that makes me chuckle. Jackie Martling might go to the top of that list because he is a modern day, poor mans version of Henny Youngman, just spewing one liners.....some are funny, most aren't



    DIE COMMIE, DIE!!!!!!!


    Jackie used to have a phone number to call for his joke of the day. This may offend some but I got a chuckle out of:


    "What do the Jewish cheerleaders say? GET THAT QUARTERBACK!!!:

  6. Determining, by mid-season, whether Tyrod is staying or going.

    Determining whether Sam Watkins is staying or going.

    Playing more disciplined football - especially on D.

    Seeing excellent game management skills from McDermott.

    Not ending the season near .500. Either win enough to get to the playoffs, or lose enough to get a top 3 pick.



    Agree with everything except the .500.


    I understand the sentiment given the past 17, but IMO this is not a bottom-feeding team. If McD guides this team to a top 3 pick I will be truly depressed about our future.

  7. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-trapped-in-atm-slips-handwritten-please-help-notes-through-receipt-slot/


    An ATM in Corpus Christi, Texas, was dispensing more than money Wednesday afternoon.

    After completing transactions, customers were shocked to find alarming handwritten notes popping out of the receipt slot.

    Each note had a similar message, "Please help. I'm stuck in here and I don't have my phone. Please call my boss at 210-***-****."

    Some people thought the scribbled note was simply a prank and walked away, but the contractor trapped inside was hoping someone would take his plea seriously.


    That's priceless.


    One of my most trite jokes is "reading" a fortune cookie that says "Help, I'm being held hostage in a fortune cookie factory!"

  8. The simple answer of playoffs or better feels superficial since I don't think a Lombardi trophy is a realistic expectation this year.


    Also, it seems reasonable to recognize that pinning 17 years of desperation on the new staff is unfair in year one.


    At the same time, I'm skeptical that we are any better than the near .500 team we've been for far too long. I would consider erasing that skepticism to be a large measure of success.


    At this time next year I want to feel that we are a legitimate playoff caliber team going into the 2018 season. Ideally a Super Bowl contender too, but I just don't see that happening that quickly.


    We focus on the 4 straight Super Bowls, but that team was a legit contender two years before and was still competitive a year or two after. Sustained success is what I am most interested in.


    Similar to the NFL draft I doubt we'll be able to determine whether next year is a success for a few years.

  9. Uhh, I think she may have wanted your life insurance policy. Do you find random small appliances plugged in and positioned on the edge of your bathtub? Does your car's brakes fail frequently?


    In hindsight, that accidental bump from behind on the subway platform felt more like a push.

  10. Obviously you don't understand women, so I'll help you out pal. She doesn't want to go sky diving! She's 36...would probably disclocate her hip on he way down! She wants to go ski diving with ME because it would be fun and special...




    Mine wanted to swim with sharks on our honeymoon.


    I had no interest but she was determined and I wasn't about to be the wimp so I signed on.


    When push came to shove I was in the water, she stayed in the boat.

  11. Who gets in line first Bills , Mets ,Sabers ? Or any other combination?


    I'd give Sabres dibs, so you can have my place in line. I can always fall back on 4 straight and losing to the Oilers dynasty in the 5th. But it's been a sh*t show ever since and the Rangers managed to win one with the remains of the Oilers team that stopped the Isles.

  12. I never sky-dived but my wife did before we met. It was a solo jump and I don't think she had to do a tandem first, but I could be wrong.


    What struck me is she didn't just jump from the plane. Jump door was under the wing and she said she had to grab onto a pole under the wing and get a few feet away from the fuselage before dropping. Always though that sounded effed up.

  13. I've listened to Mike and the Mad Dog and then Mike alone on and off for years.


    I can only stand so much talk radio, the discussion gets manufactured when there's not much going on. Anyone remember the "controversy" when Wagner had the audacity to come into games with "Enter Sandman"? They milked that for a few days. Yawn.


    Mike usually has pretty informed and considered opinions. But he's so arrogant, treats his opinions as gospel and often berates his callers. As a result he gets called out on every mistake and misstep he makes. It's a shame, after Imus got fired he and Dog filled in on a non-sports capacity and Mike displayed a great sense of humor and was very engaging.


    Dog is the crazed/passionate sports fan we all know and love (and hate). Haven't listened to him on Sirius but behind his dementia there was substance as well.


    They remind me a lot of posters on this site. Great, well-considered opinions and sports knowledge, some arrogance and humor thrown in...and the occasional off-the-wall crusades that people get sick of. Like the two of them and all of you I try to pick out the pieces that make sense to me, enjoy that they challenge and shape my own opinions and hopefully have a laugh or two along the way.


    Looking forward to seeing the 30 for 30.

  14. As much as I like Chris Berman, I couldn't stomach him in the HR derby so it was nice he wasn't there.


    I like that the hitters are on a timer. It was brutal a few years ago when it was by number of swings and the hitters would step out and take all day. Hmmm, maybe they should consider that for real games.

  15. This grinds my gears in many ways:

    • can't stand drivers unable to keep up with the speed limit let alone a cyclist in the middle of the road. Stay right (single file) and let me pass d-bag(s)!
    • that dude is lucky to be walking. Let's say he had the right-of-way (I doubt it). Is it cool to be right and injured/crippled/dead? Cars > bikes
    • just seems like classic passive-aggressive and/or ignorant behavior. I spent the past week doing a lot of city walking, waiting for the walk sign. Never took for granted that a car blowing a red light could put me in a world of hurt.
    • I've seen too many cyclists pretend to observe the laws of the road...and then blow through the stop sign or red light when they get to it
    • a week ago I'm driving on a local road with a double yellow and a kid on a bike in the opposite lane is popping wheelies. I slow down as I approach, he swerves slightly into my lane so I give him a friendly tap of the horn to let him know I'm there...and get a world of attitude when I pass him. I laughed in his face as I drove by shaking my head.
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