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Posts posted by Mojo44

  1. 5 minutes ago, Rock-A-Bye Beasley said:

    So you claim to understand why I said what I said then immediately mischaracterize it for a second time? You’re the only lazy one in this conversation. 

    looking at the stat line and seeing zero sacks then coming here and saying you’re concerned about it, is LAZY. That’s all you’ve done other than twist my words about the example I gave to show it’s possible to have a great play against a great opponent not show up on the stat sheet at all. 


    Look, I’m not trying to be snarky here. I will say it again. I absolutely get your point. But in the context of an absolute lack of significant production from this player, seeing him maybe beat a good offense of tackle on a single play doesn’t say much. What you don’t seem to understand is I disagree with you that that is a significant take. Why can’t you see that instead of keep saying that I’m not getting your point. I GET IT.  I just don’t think it’s a good point. I’m sure Aaron Maybin had some good plays like that too at Penn State.

    And for an edge rusher I think you overly devalue his sack total. He had none whatsoever! I don’t know about you, but production on the field is more important to me than how many “close calls“ he had. And I will bet you dollars to donuts this is how NFL scouts look at it. I would not touch him in the first round. Maybe in the second. Better in the third. But not in the first.


    I will add this one qualifying remark. If the Bills think he is worth taking at 30 I will keep an open mind and trust the process. But I doubt this will happen


  2. 20 minutes ago, Rock-A-Bye Beasley said:

    Sacks don’t matter as much as you think. They’re similar to Ints for CBS. 

    He had plenty of pressures, hurries and QB hits. Not to mention his run stopping was good as well. 

    I was clearly talking  about “a play” as a single example of when a DE can do everything right and not get the sack. 


    Maybe that wasn’t as clear to you as it was to everyone else. 

    I absolutely understood your take on the one play. Just based on what you said, it’s a lazy take. He had one good play. By itself it has no predictive value. I guess that happened on every single time he rushed the passer. Not likely.


    I agree that quarterback sacks by itself he’s not the only statistic you look at for edge rusher. But it deserves repeating because I think you missed my point, for all of that talent and all of the games he played he didn’t have one. Sorry, that is an area of serious concern. Disagree if you like. But I think that’s pretty clear.


  3. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    never heard of outgrowing Epilepsy, but hey if you can, no biggie then.



    It isn’t common but it does happen. This is particularly the case for seizure disorders that start in childhood or adolescence. His family history of the disorder diminishing and going away over time is a good sign. I’ve actually seen it happen several times working as a psychologist with patients with seizure disorders at the VA medical center and another settings.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Rock-A-Bye Beasley said:

    Depends what we gave up to move up. I like Oweh.


    The lack of sacks is a lazy analysis thrown around here.

    I saw a play where he immediately and violently pushed the Ohio State LT(1st round prospect for 2022) back into Fields, but the QB had a quick read and got the ball out before the sack could be collected. 

    I think he will be a good to great player. The only issue I see is that he’s an older prospect so if he starts out slow he won’t have the age excuse Edmunds is still getting. 

    Disagree strongly!  With all of his off the chart measurables and with all the action he saw he had zero, nil, zilch...not one single sack!  This is a serious legit concern. Not lazy in the least. And, on top of that, you saw “a play”?  Now that’s a lazy take!

  5. This is an interesting discussion. I just have one question regarding the topic. Who is that one player who will move the needle so far up that would be worth using up most of our draft capital for? Essentially the question becomes who is that one player who will put us in the Super Bowl? I don’t see it. Pitts is clearly special but I don’t think he is that guy. I believe we need a CB but we can wait until pick 30 and get a good one. I may be wrong but I don’t see a defensive player worth trading up for. Staying put or trading down I can see. Thoughts?

  6. 14 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    I don't think so. I mean yeah they make noise in the offseason but both are building around top QB's finally. Both teams look to be AFC contenders. Miami still has work to do developing QB so they're a little behind. Cleveland is there now. 

    Every year? It's about building. They've been building right the last 3 years. Coaching and structure is so important. You have to get that right before winning. Talent then takes you to a Super Bowl. 

    Talent actualized takes you to a Super Bowl. Clowney clearly hasn’t done that!

  7. 1 hour ago, 4merper4mer said:

    My guess is that Marquise Goodwin matches that list of measurables from the initial post.  Should we draft him again but as a corner this time?  

    If you don’t like comparing him with his brother, how about comparing him with prior athletes whose numbers were good but their tape sucked?  Got a list of NFL successes that fit that profile?  I remember when we were supposed to take that QB from Syracuse at 8.  I can’t even remember his name but the Giants took him.  This isn’t quite that bad but it’s close.

    Please read my subsequent post to the one you quoted. With respect, which you said here has no logic. Is measurable’s are quite good and his tape was also very good. If a scout gives him a second round grade they’re not going to knock that down because his brother didn’t pan out even if he had similar measurable‘s. There is simply no predictive value in that kind of illogic.  Frankly, I have no clue why you mention Goodwin Or Nassib which is even more irrelevant to the topic. Let me just state again as basically as I can: an NFL scout will not put the kibosh on a player because of what some other player did or didn’t do.


    A player is a evaluated  on his own merits and nothing more

  8. 2 minutes ago, gonzo1105 said:

    I’m just saying it’s human nature regardless of profession. Obviously someone is going to take a chance pretty high on him for his athletic traits. The question is how high. A team at the beginning of the 2nd round might say man if he hits he’s one of the best DBs in the game and it’s worth a gamble. 

    Another team might say hey to what we know maybe we’ll take another guy here with a higher floor. I think Beane has shown he’ll take high tools guys and hope their developed. I just don’t see the Bills in his range unless they trade down to the mid 2nd round or so

    OK, short and sweet here. It may be basic human nature but it’s not part of what an NFL scout does. It’s not a scout skill set. Any scout with a modicum of competence will not put the kibosh on a prospect because of what some other guy did or didn’t do. Don’t confuse the opinions and leanings of the man on the street with an NFL scout who has a job to do. So I actually do disagree quite strongly with the believe that an NFL team would not draft this person based on how they assess his overall skill level because of what his brother did.

  9. 5 minutes ago, gonzo1105 said:

    Whether you agree with it or not, a lot of scouts and fans will have that question due to his brother flaming out

    OK, check this scenario out. Scouts go to his pro day and he checks high and every single box. Based on your evaluation he’s got a second round grade. This includes not only his athletic ability but his intelligence and his motivation to continue to improve. And then you think to yourself, wait a minute, his brother was a good athlete and didn’t pan out. So we better not draft him.  On the face of it this scenario is ridiculous as far as any scouts coming to that conclusion. Fans, on the other hand, so what?

  10. 3 minutes ago, H2o said:

    Actually, it is relevant. They are both great athletes who were raw at the position coming out of college. That doesn't always translate to success, the fact you are a great athlete. I'd hate the pick in the 1st and be skeptical in the 2nd. If they use a 3rd or later then I'd be alright with that depending on who else was on the board at the time. 

    No, it is irrelevant because their individual players with different skill sets and different mentalities. Here’s one example of many in the history of sports. Tommy Aaron was a decent major league ball player. His brother was Hank. And remember, the bills second round pick is essentially a high third round pick. So I guess we agree to disagree on how good this guy can be. I like him a lot. And, full disclosure here, it’s been many years since I made an effort to be knowledgeable about college players coming out of the draft. But, as a Syracuse fan living in the area, I got to see him quite a bit. His growth has been remarkable since he has been playing. 

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  11. 5 minutes ago, H2o said:

    Meh. He's a great athlete, but so was his brother. I wouldn't use a first on him. 2nd? Ehhhhh, idk. 3rd? Sure. 

    He won’t last until the third round. And anything about his brother is completely irrelevant to this topic. I’d love it if he was there for the Bills in the second. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, billsfan_34 said:

    I get that also, unfortunately that will never happen. I work in insurance now btw lol

    Sad to say, at least for the foreseeable future this won’t happen. By the way, not to be snarky or anything, but I am a doctor and I have treated patients in my community for 40 years. So like you I understand how the system works. But I’m in Central new York and for all I know hi Mark treats their folks pretty well. And, the name is growing on me.😁

  13. 2 minutes ago, jkeerie said:

    I've seen mocks with a Tackle going to Cinci.  I do think taking Pitts there would be the smart move for Cinci and I hope they nab him before the Dolphins.

    I think this would be a good move for Cincinnati. There are a lot of good tackles in the draft but there is only one Pitts. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    Speed back. Good out of backfield. Gets hurt a lot. Havent seen the money yet. 

    but which one do we get the Good Breida from San Fran


    or the Crap one from MIA?

    This is a good question. Either way, I think he’s going to be a lot more of a situational player than some here think. It would be nice if he could play special teams, particularly the gunner on the punt team. But I doubt this is the case

  15. I’m all in on this. Superior speed and shiftiness for a bargain. But if Harris fell to us at 30 and Beane took him, I’d be OK with that. I think he is a special runner compared to anyone else in the draft. I think he can change an offense. Etienne clones, on the other hand can be found in the lower rounds.

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  16. 1 minute ago, RyanC883 said:


    I think Brant didn't rank players like Cisco with injury issues.  

    That could be the case. He missed a lot of last season because of the quintessential “lower body injury”. Before that he seem to be pretty durable. And as far as I know he is 100% right now.

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