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Posts posted by GottaRun


    You mean the SB where he broke a crap load of records ?...Brady could toyed with our secondary if he was 48....we are in serious trouble back there.....facing Matt Ryan, D. Carr, P. Rivers, Brees and Brady 2X.....all those guys are most likely going to carve our secondary apart.....

    Yep, that one. The eyesight starts going, reflexes, timing. He's the GOAT but he's also 40. Him having a steady drop-off is in the realm of possibility.

  2. Still feeling an optimistic 10 - 6 (give it to me it's pre-season). Sweep the Jets and the Dolphins, Brady will be almost a year older when we play him than he was at the Superbowl. A year at 40 is not like a normal year, he may be faltering by December 1-1 with the Pats.


    Tyrod is being coached to stay in the pocket for the pre-season but we all know he'll be off like a jackrabbit when the season starts. Shady is Shady, he'll be fine. The D looks to be fine this year. Clay and Boldin will set some kind of NFL record for 7 yard receptions.

  3. Either 10 - 6 or 4 - 12.

    Before Watkins was traded any Bills playoff hopes came down to sweeping the Jets and the Dolphins + playing solid football and catching some breaks. I don't think anything has really changed now Sammy is gone. If the Jets + Dolphins are going to be as bad as I think they are then this team should still be capable of sweeping them.

  4. My wife took me to see him in 2011 at the CNE in Toronto. I didn't really know his music or him. The first thought I had was **** there are a lot of people here to see him. As the show rolled on I was surprised by just how many songs I knew and loved but didn't realize it had been him singing them.


    I believe this was a sort of warm up show. It was very close after the Alzheimer's announcement but Glen was knocking out most of what he played with what seemed like little trouble. When he slipped up the crowd was forgiving and full of love.


    I'm glad I had a chance to see him and understand just what a legend he was.

  5. I didn't understand it at first because I thought to myself that you need to learn from those experiences, but all it is saying is to not dwell on it. Don't brag or act like it's still important. It'll only hold you back.

    Yep. When I first read this I was stuck in about 2 years of almost unemployment.


    I had been a computer programmer for 16 years, then a post-production manager at a TV production company for 7 years. I was stuck on thinking I was still those 2 things, but I wasn't that at all. My programming languages were outdated and I had no more interest in TV. But I kept saying I was those things. Had to drop it all. Move one. This article was the one that made me realize I wasn't that anymore and no one cared about what I was anyway.

  6. It's a great self help article in that way. No touchy feely stuff in this one. I don't have any plans on the wealth part. But this has put me on to working with someone who is following this type of idea. They are around year 4, now an expert in the field, and they moved me into almost full time as a result.


    I wasn't in this for the money, but as a soon to be 50 year old, this approach has me on to a new career doing something interesting that I didn't think I'd be doing at this point in life. A friend read it at my prompting last year and has switched up their outlook on life as well.

    Straightforward and honest. I liked it.

    Q: what if my friends think I'm crazy?

    A: what friends?

  7. I first read this 4 years ago. Life was crap and I was stuck. This is the one that got me back on track. Every year I have posted it somewhere different. This year it's Two Bills Drive's turn.

    A bit of self help for skeptics. Working for me, in its own weird way. Might work for you, worth a shot.

    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Reinventing Yourself


  8. I deleted the email, but the Bills sent an email today saying there will be a practice at New Era on June 15th*

    Great chance for people to bring their kids to the stadium and check things out. I like the idea of bringing a practice (maybe a few of them) back to Buffalo.


    *If someone else could post the email that would be great


  9. Individuals go on sale for season ticket holders tomorrow- at least for me. I am a 10 year holder and can buy at 9 AM tomorrow, May 2nd. Is this the first opportunity or are some of you with greater seniority able to buy earlier? What about folks with less? Do you have the same window? Just curious.


    14 years - same time as you


    That is 7 seasons. How many years was Whaley GM?


    I mean, personally, I'm in favor of letting McWrestler bring in his man. Out with the divided roles and evaded responsibility. Let McWrestler have plenty of rope and succeed or fall having been given all that he wants.


    But c'mon folks, if the man has 4 years as GM, give him 4 years, and his record has to sum to 64 games (16 x 4) this isn't Hidden Figures Rocket Science. And even there, you pretty much have to give the guy his first year as belonging to his predecessor.


    I like giving him the reigns too. There's an idea that he hasn't proven himself enough to rule the land - but are guys who are proven available to teams like Buffalo? I don't know enough to know, but my gut tells me proven winners aren't coming here. We need to take a flyer on someone.


    Random thought here - I wonder what a guy like Tim Lieweke could do with an NFL franchise like the Bills? Tim seems to right bad clubs then leave them just before they shine.

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