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Jets Hater

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Posts posted by Jets Hater

  1. We can all hate Brady, and we all do, but don't tell me you wouldn't LOVE to have him playing for us, whether he has 1 year, 2, 3 years, or just 4 games. We need to win now before this defense ages out or just overall loses it's sharp edge, what do we care if he only has a year or two left of high production? I certainly wouldn't mind running off a 10-2 streak from October through December, as they seem to do EVERY YEAR, reguardless of any slow start they may have in September.

    This board would melt down if Tom Brady ends up in a Bills uniform. Superbowl bound !!

  2. Spare me. Are you going to say the same thing if Hugues leaves for more money? Both guys have to look at 2015 as if it might be their last big contract. There's no reason to fault someone for maximizing their opportunities and earnings when they are in a high risk, high turnover profession.


    If one of your employer's competitors offered you a huge raise w/ a guaranteed contract would you turn it down so you could 'finish what you started'? Or would you take it and be a 'quitter'?



    If people need to sooth their hurt feelings by shouting 'quitter' in an attempt to denigrate Marrone, I suppose that's what they need to do. But it's pretty easy to cast stones when it's not your career and your wallet that's on the line.



    Perfect analogy.



    Agree 100%. Most people would have done the same whether they want to admit it or not.

  3. Another stupid article on the consistency of the Patriots' success. You can write the same article in Indianapolis pre Manning neck injury.

    It is all Brady. There defense is better this year but it has been average or below for most of the decade.

    The moment Brady retires Bill is going to go screaming into retirement too. He knows he is a lot closer to the failure in Cleveland version of Bill than the Peter King version.


    Ask yourself this question. If BB were to be named the Buffalo Bills HC next year, would you be for or against it ?

  4. And a lot of fan bases don't really care


    I think most fan base ( outside of the AFCE ) dislike NE because they've been dominating for such a long time. I do agree that they don't care about Spygate because it happened long ago ( 2006 ) and that if anything, besides winning the SB, you could argue that they have been better since.


    Having said that, I hate the cheaters ! ;-) Go Bills !

  5. We are stuck with NE in our division and they are in the midst of the most dominating run in NFL history.12 division title in what, 14 years ? That is ridiculous...Unheard of.... We need to be better, beat the crap out of them and take the division back.Getting better is the only way out of this nightmare.A real QB and a real OC would be a good start ! Frustrating !!!! We made some strides this year, but we still have ways to go .

  6. 11-5 is not impossible. I know It isn't popular here but neither is winning the division impossible. Probable? Don't know till after week 17 but I will hold to that until I hear the fat lady!


    When is the last time NE lost 3 games in December ? Im thinking early 2000's..maybe....

  7. i used to love iron maiden. they still have some songs that put a smile on my face every time i hear them. machine head did a cover of hallowed by thy name. i like it quite a bit. if you have an inkling to check it out...


    Nice cover ! Love the sound of their drummer. Thx for posting.


    Dream Theater are HUGE Maiden fans. They did Hallowed as well .



    Here's Motorhead doing the Trooper. Awesome cover !


  8. none of these thoughts or theories explain why we get horrible calls in key situations. We get class that effectively are turnovers for our team. We lose games by 1 score in these games. so its not that we "suck". the refs suck and call us more than other premium quaterbacked teams. Maybe you could explain why this fact exists if you dont agree with other peoples opinions.


    I do get that the refs give us bad calls , the point is, it happens to ALL teams, not just the Bills. You could ask fans of the other 31 teams and they could point out game after game where they think they were shafted. To believe we are targeted is ludacris. We need to improve our team and stop blaming the refs or the league. Just my humble opinion.

  9. Is the NFL rigged ? NO. I think , after years of bad football, it's a natural reaction ( defense mechanism ) for us to come up with reasons on why we suck so much while other team ( NE mainly ) are always on top and have their way with us year after year.

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