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Jets Hater

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Posts posted by Jets Hater


    Maybe, I don't know if it counts postseason. 2nd best against Belichick is certainly not bad either though. I think you have to give Rex a little credit for taking it to the Pats, especially last year with that squad.


    I do give Rex credit, especially with his team last year. He lost both games but he was close. I want to start dominating NE from now on. 4 Super bowls for Brady and BB is 4 too many in my book ! I know I can't wait to take the division from them.12 out of 14 is ridiculous. It needs to stop .


    belichick usually average's something like 12-4 per season, so 9-4 ain't bad.



    I don't have time to find the exact stats, but I read somewhere that Rex Ryan has the best win percentage against Belichick of any coach, and the games he loses are very close games. So yes, he has a losing record against Belichick, but he puts up the biggest fight, and with crappy teams as of late to boot.

    I agree with both above, but I want wins, not moral victories and so far, Belichick has owned Rex. It's just a fact. Once again, I hope this changes this year.


    I don't have time to find the exact stats, but I read somewhere that Rex Ryan has the best win percentage against Belichick of any coach, and the games he loses are very close games. So yes, he has a losing record against Belichick, but he puts up the biggest fight, and with crappy teams as of late to boot.


    Harbauch with the Ravens has a better % . I think that if you would ask them, he would be their #1 pain in the b***. Rex is probably on the list, but not as much as we make it sound or would like too.

  3. Keep in mind that he's making this pick with Cassel as the Bills' QB. If Cassel plays close to the Pro Bowl form that he showed when he led the Pats to a 11-5 season then watch out.


    The Bills have McCoy - difference-maker. They have Watkins - a year older & wiser & a difference-maker. They have Harvin - difference-maker. They have Clay - difference-maker.


    But beyond all of that they have two really good coaches, Roman on offense and Ryan calling the shots on defense.


    Ryan knows how to Belichick. He's one of the very few who can match wits with him and he has the players on defense this year to get it done.


    Roman can take an average to slightly above average QB and make him look better than he is because he spends a lot of time and energy disguising what he's trying to do on offense and keeping things simple for his QB. He made Alex Smith look like a star QB after he was left for dead. He also made C. Kaeperneck look like a stud and I happen to think that Buddy Nix fell in love with manuel as a prospect because of what he saw how Kaeperneck played as a young QB.


    Ryan vs Marrone - It's not even close. Marrone gave us nothing special as an offensive specialist and was way too conservative as a HC. he was overmatched vs Belichick.


    Roman vs Hackett - again, not even close. Hackett was a neophyte at the NFL level. I loved his enthusiasm, but he was just feeling his way through games. He had no real insight, no real experience to draw from to help guide many of the younger players.


    Ryan/Roman have a solid, proven philosophy that works in the NFL. In short, they know what works in specific situations.


    If we get capable QB play I think 12-4 is very realistic for the reasons mentioned above.



    This is a myth. Belichick owns Rex. He has been dominant with 9 wins out of 13 games. Not sure why people keep saying this. Yes, he gives them fits here and there, but the vast majority of the time, Belichick wins.


    Edit: Having said that, Rex is a major improvement on what we had before and I'm hoping for better results from him

  4. I actually love it !


    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  5. I really have a hard time understanding the EJ believers. I'm obviously not an expert and I understand that he's been around only for 2 seasons, but nothing so far shows me that he has the overall qualities to become a good QB in the NFL. I understand that it would be the best case scenario if he pans out, but again, the body of work so far is less than impressive. I do not hate the guy and would be happily surprise if he works out, but I can't figure out where the EJ crowd get their hope from. What have you seen from him that makes you a believer ? The reaction of players last year when he was benched was very telling for me.


    Again, I will be the 1st to congratulate him if he wins the job but I personally don't see it happening. I believe we will roll out with Cassel and he'll bring us to the playoffs. That's all that matters. I would be happy with Betty White as our QB if we make it to the post season. Go Bills !


    Curious about the factual basis for your belief, if any


    Cassel is a career mediocre QB who has had 2 successful years with playoff-quality teams. If you look at game logs, he is inconsistent - one game >70% completions, another <40%. Overall he averages 58.9% completions in his 10 year career, even with two seasons >60%.

    Taylor has thrown 35 passes in the NFL for 54% completion. You might think being kept as a backup to Flacco for 4 years says something, but then again, how long did we keep Hamdan?


    I'm not saying EJ is great, just wondering how someone looks at the roster and concludes EJ is 3rd.





    Has the meaning of mediocre changed in the last 40 years ? When I was in school, it meant "absolutely awful "," THE worst ", " can not think of anything less worthy " etc...I don't think Cassel's career has been mediocre. Below average, yes, mediocre no.

  7. I stopped reading after Nice try.


    So you do agree with me. That's all that matters.


    Manning is the best qb of all time even when people say "in your dreams". In our dreams he's the best qb of all time.


    That's what makes him so cool. He's the best qb of all time in real time real life and in our dreams.


    Wow. He's good. I wish I was 1/1000 of Manning. I'd be in the hall of fame as a qb.

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not If you are, I have to admit, those lines are pretty funny. If you are not, it's even funnier.

  8. Manning > Cassel at any age in life.


    Manning greatest qb of all time including prehistoric and futuristic lifetimes.

    Manning has bloodline from the Aztecs from Apocalypto. His great great great great great great granddad was the one that would throw the javelins on the runners and kill them of course. That may be how the football was invented. From human skin to pig skin. Thats why he talks funny.

    Wow Jets Hater. You had a nice change of mind.



    Nice try. It's not even close. If his teams were so " weak " how in the world was he getting to the playoffs in the 1st place ? Manning's record speaks for itself. He flat out sucks in the post seasons. He crumbles like no others under pressure. Once again, great in the regular season, but a no show in the playoffs. The 1 SB in 2006, he had a fantastic defense. The rest, it's choke jobs after choke jobs.

  9. Manning, best qb of all time. Kid level, High School, College, and Nfl.


    Manning is not the best QB ever. His playoffs record is simply awful. 9 one and done is really bad. Especially with the talent he had/has on offense in both Indy and Denver. Great in the regular season, disappears in the playoffs. He is known as a ' choker " when it comes to the post season and his record shows it to be true.


    I'm hoping Cassel play similar to his pro bowl time in KC. If he does that, he'll get the starting job and we should be in good shape .

  10. Fair or unfair it will be said & more importantly it's mostly true about coaches in every sport. Not many retire on their terms.

    I see your screen name and think "that must be a fan of another AFCE team." Nothing about the HC comes to mind.


    Not sure what you are trying to say here. As I said earlier, Rex is an improvement on what we had before. I just don't see him as the Messiah like some posters do. I am hopeful however and looking forward to see some positive results.

  11. I know I'm probably in the minority but I actually like Gronk. He's a goof of course, but he plays hard and is absolutely dominant. If I was his age and have the $ he has, I'd probably party hard like he does. I'm at the age where I'm waiting for my kids to make me a grand father so that time has passed for me. If he was a Bill, we would already have a statue for the guy, especially being from the area.

  12. I think Cassel could be very effective...he has performed fairly well on good teams before but none of those teams had the level of talent this one does...I'm predicting a Rich Gannon like comeback where a middling QB takes off once surrounded with offensive weapons...both actually have very similar statistics pre Gannon with the Raiders


    He went 11-5 with NE in 2008. I think that team had incredible talent. They were 16-0 the year before . Moss, healthy Welker etc,,,Hopefully, Cassell can go back to that version instead of the Vikings'.

  13. I can't stand the patriots because they've been beating the crap out of us ( and most of the NFL ) for 15 years and have won 4 freaking Superbowls. Having said that, I think that " Deflategate " was stupid and was driven by mainly Indy and that former Jets employee ( cannot remember his name ) who now works for the league. They were hoping to setup NE and it blew in their face. To make matters worst, NE went on the win the big one. So now the league is going to look like idiots trying to explain that this was an overblown story.


    On the bright side, I love seeing Goddell look uncomfortable and this will be the case I'm sure. Cannot wait to see it.

  14. Rex is THE best qualified head coach in the league to beat Brady. pettine is up there too, but you forget Rex has been in the AFC championship game twice with a qb rated in the 70 range.


    Rex is 4-9 against New England. Not sure I would say he's the best vs Brady. He gives him fits for sure, but Brady ends up winning most of the time. I think if we would ask Brady, he might say Harbaugh ( Baltimore ) is more of a pain in the butt.

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