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Jets Hater

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Posts posted by Jets Hater

  1. I don't have a problem with this. Seattle is the biggest loud mouth team ever! They've been trash talking every single team in the NFL for a few years now. A little taste of their own medicine will hopefully take them a notch down ! I didn't think it was possible, but I think they have taken over NE's place as the least classy team in the league. Starting a fight at the end of the SB was really bush league !

  2. Maybe I'm naïve. With Spygate, they're were facts backing it up.( although the illegal radio thing was never proven ) With the balls thing, it's only reports and speculation. Remember, it all started with Indy being pissed at NE...We'll see.


    Bottom line is I think ( I know I'm in the minority ) that they have been for 15 years a solid/great team , cheating or not and that I'm not sure that even the 90's Cowboys or 80's 49ers can compare to what NE has done.It's time for the Bills to compete and kick the crap out of 'em !


    The thing is, you can't say that with any degree of certainty. No one can. It seems obvious that the *pats, without cheating, were/are good enough to have won four titles without cheating. They have sure-fire all-time greats at QB and the head coaching positions and, at times, dominating defenses. They probably didn't need to cheat to win.


    But they did.


    And got caught.




    So, the thing is, you might be right that cheating isn't the ultimate reason why they've dominated for fifteen years but it doesn't matter. They chose to cheat, they chose to double down on slimy just to be sure they'd win, and now they're going to be remembered for it. As they should. This was their choice, and anyone who says they didn't cheat or didn't need to cheat are, by any definition, incorrect. They cheated. We will never know how many they could have won without doing so.


    No one knows for sure about the balls yet. We will all look kinda bad if the NFL comes out saying they did nothing wrong. Hopefully, it's not the case.

  4. They cheat. DOnt give them too much credit. Who knows where they would be without all the cheating, which has never stopped.


    0 super bowl wins in years they were NOT caught cheating.


    Dont EVER forget that. The NFL will want you too. They will brush this new scandal under the rug just like the old scandals. They wont admit their league and world champions cheated. But they did. Remember that and remind everyone else at every chance you get.

    I can't stand them, but they have been crazy good over the last 15 years. I don't think " cheating " is what makes them special. They are simply a very good team with an HOF coach and QB. The amount of wins is mind boggling.

  5. I'm not going to argue about whether their wins are astericked because I don't care, but one of the main points in the Spygate scandal was that they had videotaped the Rams' practice before the 2002 Super Bowl. If they did it for one game why wouldn't they do it for the other two?

    My understanding is that it was legal before 2006 when the NFL sent a memo to all teams regarding the positioning of cameras. I might be wrong however. Was the Rams thing just a rumor or was it proven? Either way, I hate them but they are simply a solid team. Can't wait 'til Brady leaves.

  6. This is such a strech. No matter how much we hate them, NE is the most successful franchise in the last 15 years and I believe the most impressive in NFL history. Win or lose today, what they did in the cap era is absolutely mind boggling. Having said that, a 5th loss in the SB would make me feel much better ! If they win, it only adds to their resume. Brady best ever, BB best ever blah, blah, blah.

    The three wins are asterisked. Hoping to see 5L today.

    Spygate happened in 2006. Those SB were legit despite what we would like to think.

  7. I disagree and believe that is 100% about the QB. How good were the Pats before Tom Brady and especially before Drew Bledsoe? They were terrible for about 10 years. How were the Colts before Peyton and Luck? Terrible. How were the Saints before Brees? Terrible. Denver without Peyton hadn't really done anything significant since Elway. Cincy was terrible between Boomer and Dalton, Steelers may be your exception as they seem to do well consistently even without an elite QB, but they are way more consistent with one in Big Ben. Ravens Flacco now, before they had one of the best D's of all time, but prior to that they were terrible for 10 years since Bernie was running the show. San Fran, terrible between Young and Kaep (with one or two good years from Garcia). The list goes on and on. Elite QBs always lead to consistent playoff appearances. What was GB doing before the Favre / Rodgers years? Yep, nothing for about 20 years.


    I agree 100% with this. ALL about the QB ! Without it, nothing else matters ( with very few exceptions like Trent Dilfer ). Once you have it, then build around him.

  8. We still play in the same division as the Patriots, so I can see why people would say we probably wont make the playoffs. Gotta knock them off before we earn respect


    I agree, Playing with NE in our division practically takes away the division.( I know it's not 100% sure but it's been like that for many years ) So we're looking at a wild card spot and that limits our chances.

  9. Most important thing we need to focus on in the next 3 years is beating Brady and the Pats with whoever our mediocre qb happens to be.


    If we don't beat them we will never win a championship.


    Rex is the only proven HC in the world that has beat up the Pats multiple times without a great qb. In fact, he almost did it twice this year with Geno.


    As far as resume goes, he wins in my book.

    Always liked guy, glad he's on board.




    Rex's record vs Belichick is 4-9. I know it's better than our Bills, but let's not make it sound like he owns NE.

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