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Posts posted by TheWei44

  1. Food for thought:  Pricing in a competitive market with 100 pizza joints will be competitive.  Pricing in a (legal) monopoly will not be competitive.  So the question is not "Are TM's prices too high"? but rather "Are TM's prices higher than they should be in a monopoly or similar setting?"  Another issue is whether the monopolist has engaged in conduct that has harmed the competitive process.

  2. 2 hours ago, Sweats said:





    Miami is clearly at the top, are they?........the Miami media hype machine blows their offensive stats out of proportion every year and every year, good teams steamroll them.

    What has changed with the Fins in terms of O weapons from this year from the past 3? They have good, fast WR's, however, they still have Tua.

    No idea how Miami is "clearly" at the top of the list.



    This highlights whether we're taking WR/TEs/RBs only or those+QB.  Totally fine to focus on the former, but the latter is obviously critical too and a different question.  Since we have a "top 2/3" QB, we don't necessarily need the absolutely most elite set of WR/TE/RBs.  And we have a very good offensive line too.

    • Like (+1) 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Doc said:


    Samuel doesn't have alligator arms.  So he's got that going for him.  Which is nice...



    The 53-man roster or would PS work?



    My son is starting a caddie job for the first time - None of us in the family really play golf - But I love that movie and was fun to see that my son needed to be dropped off at the caddyshack for training!  You scratched my anchor!

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Logic said:


    I think one of Dorsey's weaknesses was that his offense was reactive instead of attacking. Instead of saying "this is what we're gonna do, and we're gonna put you in a bind", I think his offense was predicated on the idea of "we always have an answer for what you show defensively". It was focused on always having the "right" answer to whatever the defense presented. They'd start really slow until they saw what the opposing defense was gonna be doing, then they'd build the "right" gameplan based on that. At least that's how it seemed to me.

    At some point during Dorsey's second season, one or more of the players (I wanna say Josh, but I can't remember for sure) said something like "we need to get back to dictating to defenses and not worry so much about what they're doing, but instead say 'here's what WE'RE doing' and make them stop us". Something like that. And that makes a lot of sense.

    My hope is that Brady installs a heavily matchup-based offense that attacks defenses, rather than waiting for them to attack first. That he moves his diverse group of skill players all around the formation and gives defensive coordinators headaches. That the Bills offense gets back to thinking a bit less, and instead just having fun out there and attacking.

    One thing to watch this season with Brady is how he runs things when we are not in "do or die" mode (i.e., in a position where we're willing to let Josh run loose if necessary b/c our backs are against the wall re making the playoffs).  As with many things, it'll be about finding the right balance with Josh (don't reign him in too much but don't let him take a lot of hits running the ball).  I'd like to see a diverse, creative, unpredictable attack tailored to the opponent . . . But I guess that pretty much goes without saying!  Go Bills.

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  5. As much as I liked how Brady did, those bubble screens to Diggs behind the LOS made no sense to me.  Diggs has never been a "yards after catch" guy for the most part, and he's not built nor is he comfortable being essentially a running back in my view.  He is not always averse to contact but there are plenty of plays where he avoids it.  I'm guessing one or more drops on those screens was hearing the footsteps of the defenders.  I am all for trying new things, but I was never a fan of those bubble screens to Diggs.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. The more interesting question, perhaps, is what did Tampa/Brady/defense do to beat the Chiefs with Mahomes in the Super Bowl?!  Maybe a blueprint for us?  I'm mostly kidding, but it's one stark example of Chiefs with Mahomes failing/having a bad game in the playoffs!

  7. 13 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I see people say stuff like this all the time. If going into Sunday you would know that the Bills would have the ball deep in Chiefs territory and with the win in the hands of their Super Star at HOME, I’m betting both you and I would take that circumstance all day, every day! 

    Completely agree!  But that's also besides the point.  There's a tendency to focus on one or two plays and say if such and such had happened or didn't happen, then the outcome of the game would have been different.  Except for the literal last play of the game, when the result may determine the game, all other individual plays are just part of the mosaic of the game, if you will.  It's a little pet peeve of mine when someone says (not you specifically) essentially that if the 21nd play of the game had turned out differently, then we would have won (where that play might have been a pick six or just a pick or a missed FG).  But the rest of the game from that point forward would have been different too so you can't assume everything else would have stayed the same . . . 

  8. 6 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I must’ve been watching a different game against the Chiefs. The Bills did NOT lose because of their injuries on defense. They lost because when it came down to their final offensive drive, they had the ball…at home….in Chiefs territory and failed to get the First Down that would’ve iced the victory. They played the entire season to put themselves in that very position, and they failed. 

    All the plays in a game by both teams determines the winner.  Sure, some plays matter more than others, but wins and losses generally cannot be distilled to the result of one or two plays.  For example, when Mahomes threw a TD pass to a wide-open Kelsey in the endzone, was that the reason we lost?  Of course not.  But it didn't help either and the ease with which the Chiefs moved the ball was a big reason we lost the game.  We lost because the sum of their plays was a little bit better than the sum of our plays. 

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  9. Realize this is probably not a serious idea, but it'd be like asking the former CEO of Coca Cola (who was in charge when the stock went up 100X) if he'd be interested in being the CFO or COO of Pepsico.  Why would anyone ever make a move like that?  Or asking a former US president to be a VP.  Has never happened and would basically never happen.

  10. Having an odd number of regular season games (17) and an odd number of playoff teams per conference is just strange (even putting aside all the other good reasons to have e.g. 16 games per season and 6 playoff teams with 2 getting byes).  What other major sports league plays an odd number of games?!  I guess the other three main leagues play so many more games, and so it's much easier to have an even number.  But still, I find 17 games per season just really strange.  It had always been an even number!

  11. I have a 13 yr old son too, and we live in Cincinnati but he's a Bills "superfan" - Wears a Bills sweatshirt to school every day in the winter.  I have a signed OJ + others football (long story!), a local friend here who went to St Joes and then played hockey at Miami (OH!) generously pulled some strings to get my son a signed Damar jersey - Great stuff!


    But I can relate to what you're describing above with your son and family.  I have felt guilty myself for my role in passing down the Bills tradition!  My son was very, very upset last night, and it was hard to witness as a dad.  But some of the bonding moments we've shared have been great too.


    My son hasn't wanted to change his fanhood, but if he did, I'd be 100% accepting of it.  It's a personal choice and not a life or death choice or one that needs parental involvement.  So I'd like to think I'd let him part ways with the Bills and let him root for whichever team he wants to root for (kids don't have a lot of opportunities to make their own choices, so this might be a good opportunity to do so).  Just my 2 cents.  Good luck and Go Bills!

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  12. 33 minutes ago, stevewin said:

    This - the amt of key defensive injuries were ridiculous and not something that any amt of roster depth could cover - and it will be lost to history forever.  Instead we'll just have bills vs chiefs playoff record, and the stupid Mahomes vs Josh head-head playoff record narrative which is intended to imply Mahomes is better but has nothing to do with how well Josh played 



    Totally agree with all of this.  I'd add bad special teams play as another reason we lost but that was less of a factor than the injuries on D.  I expected a close game and was bracing myself for this sort of outcome.  Very bummed but I guess it's true that only one team and its fans will be happy in the end.  Go Bills and there's always next year!

    • Like (+1) 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Sierra Foothills said:



    In fairness to Dorsey, if you listen to all of McDermott's comments about Josh Allen through the entirety of last offseason, it's clear that Dorsey was doing what McDermott wanted... to have Josh run less. That's on McDermott.


    Joe Brady has done 2 things that Dorsey couldn't that have had a huge difference:


    1) He has convinced McDermott that Josh needs to run more.


    2) He has gotten Josh back to the level of discipline that he had under Brian Daboll where he's not trying to throw a grand slam home run on every play. Daboll was pretty good at this whereas Dorsey failed to reign in Josh.


    Repeating myself yet again but in 2020 Josh completed 69.2% of his passes and threw only 10 INTs. His INT % was 1.7%, the lowest of his career. This year Josh is at 3.1%, the highest since he was a rookie however he's been playing with more discipline lately in the passing game.


    Josh will have to be nearly flawless for us to reach the summit.




    BTW @JimBob2232, congratulations on getting the Indy job!




    The one thing I'll say re your 1) above is that we were in "playoff mode" with our backs against the wall.  That's when we generally loosen the reins on Josh and let him run.  So not sure we can credit that change to the coaching change per se.  Even if Dorsey stayed on, my guess is that we'd need to allow Josh to run more since we were in survival mode.

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  14. A Bills blowout would be nice, but I'm expecting a tight game played by teams that are practically divisional rivals these days.  The crowd will make a big difference, and I like how Josh has been handling cover zero, etc. type situations lately.  Both Josh and Patty are masters at improvisation but with different styles (Josh will run through people and has a size advantage and Patty is maybe a tad more elusive but he can't break through tackles like Josh can).  I expect a slugfest.  Probably the wrong game to give up quaaludes!

  15. 23 minutes ago, co_springs_billsfan said:

    Didn't someone recently say something about a bills player and some yet to be revealed legal issue?  Perhaps this is related.  First thing I thought of, but obviously there also might be no legal issue for anyone and that's just a rumor

    I had the same thought but probably just coincidental (given our need to make roster moves)

  16. My hunch is game will not get moved from Monday to Tuesday (although wouldn't be shocked if it gets moved) but that the stadium and parking lots will be nowhere close to typical game-ready condition. Field itself will be fine but everything else will be partially ready.  Just don't think they'll have enough time (looks to me like lake effect bands will be an issue on and off through tomorrow morning).  

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